English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Odd One Out In Sentence Of Paragraph)

March 12, 2017    

English Practice Questions with Explanation (Based on New Pattern)
English Practice Questions with Explanation (Odd One Out In Sentence Of ParagraphSet-29:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Questions with explanation based on new pattern, candidates those who are preparing for upcoming examination can make use of it.

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Directions (Q 1 - 10): Five statements are given below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. Among these, four statements are in logical order and form coherent paragraph. From the given options, choose the option the does not fit into the theme of the paragraph.
1). A.At one time in the history of education, one had to be wealthy to attend school.
B.At other times, women were kept from attending school, despite their standing in finances.
C.Financial aid was widely available to aid those less fortunate.
D.Today, this is not the case because school attendance is obligatory.
E.The law requires students who are between six and 16 years of age to attend school.
a) A  b) B  c) C  d) D  e) All fits to paragraph
2). A.A lot of energy is wasted because of poor infrastructure and lack of understanding of efficiency metrics.
B.The Environment Ministry’s proposal to prescribe energy-efficient temperature limits for air-conditioning units in public facilities is promising.
C.It is possible, for instance, to adopt the Paris idea and ask all major buildings to incorporate solar panel roofing or suitable green cover.
D.Equally, the Centre should conduct audit of public buildings to determine whether they are suitably designed, as climate control relies as much on passive influences such as insulation, green roofing and the nature of materials used in construction.
E.The continued success of the Montreal Protocol in its goal to eliminate HCFCs (Hydro chlorofluorocarbons) by 2030 will depend on reducing the acquisition costs of cleaner technologies.
a) E  b) B  c) A  d) C  e) All fits to paragraph
3). A.The first test would be of the strength of bilateral U.S.-Japan ties on the watch of U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
B.The launch seems timed to test the strategic fortitude and tactical capabilities of new relationships in the broader power balance that reins in Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions.
C.North Korea’s provocative action of launching four missiles into the Sea of Japan a few hundred kilometres from the Japanese coastline has triggered fears of renewed tension between nuclear-armed powers.
D.The commendable effort of the Six Party Talks to invest diplomatic currency in bringing Pyongyang back to the negotiating table got derailed early on in President Barack Obama’s first term.
E.North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un had already given these two leaders a wake-up call when his regime fired a medium-range missile last month.
a) A  b) E  c) C  d) D  e) B
4). A.A frequently cited example of obliteration is the loss of ecology in Goa due to rampant, illegal mining.
B.Given the weak effort at forging a consensus, there is little purpose in the Centre returning to the drawing board with another draft notification to identify ecologically sensitive areas.
C.Quite unscientifically, the issue is being framed as one of development-versus-conservation.
D.The idea that whatever is left of these fragile mountainous forests should be protected from unsustainable exploitation in the interests of present and future generations, while presenting sustainable ways of living to the communities that inhabit these landscapes, is being lost sight of.
E.The hesitation shown by the Central government in deciding upon full legal protection for one of its most prized natural assets, the Western Ghats in their totality is a major disappointment.
a) D   b) A  c) E  d)  B  e) None of these
5). A.Unlike earlier discoveries of exoplanets, all seven planets could possibly have liquid water — a key to life as we know it on Earth — with three planets having the greatest chance.
B.This is by far the largest collection of Earth-like planets in the habitable ‘Goldilocks’ zone of a star — neither too close nor too far from a star, which raises the possibility of liquid water being present on the surface.
C.Only Earth has liquid water in the solar system.
D.The quest to find life outside the solar system got a big boost with the discovery of seven Earth-size extra-solar planets, or exoplanets, orbiting a dwarf star about 40 light years away.
E.Since the TRAPPIST-1 system is close by and the star is cool enough, it would be easier to decipher the various critical features of the planets.
a) E   b) C   c) B  d)  A  e) None of these
6). A. Therefore it is not very easy for someone to lose body fat and it can be very frustrating as well.
B. While dieting or losing weight, there are often times when we are tempted to eat things which we are not supposed to eat.
C.Following a high-protein diet over a long period of time can cause considerable health problems.
D.However, many studies nowadays support the idea that while dieting one should allow him to eat once a week whatever he desires.
E. It has been proved that this not only makes the dieter happy but also helps the person to continue his diet.
a) E   b) B   c) A  d) C  e) All fits to paragraph
7). A.Trouble started on Tuesday when members of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, the student organisation linked to the BJP, stormed Ramjas College to disrupt a seminar titled “Cultures of Protest” organised by its English department and the literary society.
B.They focused attention on the participation of Umar Khalid, a student leader from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) who had been controversially booked for sedition last year in a particularly fraught ideological stand-off between the establishment and the left-leaning JNU.
C.Universities are arenas for intellectual evolution, they are meant to be spaces where discussion and debate push boundaries, where students learn not only the art of provocation but also the argumentative skills to defend and oppose such provocation.
D.A very uneasy calm was restored to the Delhi University’s North campus by Thursday, with anxiety still gripping colleges and hostels after two days of violence.
E.They forced the cancellation of not just his session at Ramjas College but also what remained of the two-day event.
a) B   b) D   c) E  d)  A  e) None of these
8). A.In the case of cardiac stents, this argument does not hold water since stakeholder consultations held by the NPPA in January revealed that there are ‘huge unethical markups’ in the supply chain.
B.Rising costs have led to impoverishment of families and litigation demanding regulation.
C.It was estimated five years ago by the Planning Commission’s expert group on universal health coverage that rising spending on public procurement of medicines to 0.5% of GDP (from 0.1%) would provide all essential medicines to everyone.
D.Health-care providers often demand market-determined pricing of medical technologies on the ground that newer ones will not be available under a regulated regime.
E.It would serve the cause of medical innovation if costing is transparent, and a system of risk pooling is introduced to help patients get expensive treatment without high out-of-pocket spending.
a) D   b) A   c) B  d)  C  e) None of these
9). A.Several studies show long-term evidence of a steady deterioration in air quality in many countries, and South Asia, dominated by India, is today among the worst places to live.
B.The government has no one to blame but itself, since it has not been able to supply affordable seeder machinery in sufficient numbers to eliminate the need to remove the straw.
C.Last year, helpless farmers in the northern States who wanted to quickly switch from rice to wheat burnt the waste in the fields, in some cases defying local prohibitory orders.
D.Although the central role played by burning of crop residues in causing pollution is well-known, and the Indian Agricultural Research Institute proposed steps to convert the waste into useful products such as enriched fodder, biogas, bio-fuel, compost and so on, little progress has been made.
E. India’s clean-up priorities need to shift gear urgently, covering both farm and city.
a) B   b) E   c) D  d)  A  e) None of these
10). A.If the newly elected leader of the AIADMK Legislature Party, Edappadi Palaniswami, is able to show the support of at least 117 MLAs, he will have to be sworn in as Chief Minister.
B.Governor Ch. Vidyasagar Rao had held off inviting Ms. Sasikala to form the government despite her demonstrating the support of a majority of the members of the legislature precisely because he anticipated such a situation.
C.Now, however, the options before him are a lot clearer.
D.Politically, this could not have come at a worse time for Ms. Sasikala, who was making a determined bid for power, staking claim to form the government after displacing one-time loyalist O. Panneerselvam.
E . Corruption in high places is a malaise that is easy to diagnose but difficult to cure.
a) E   b) B   c) A  d) C  e) All fits to paragraph
1). Answer: c)
Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about history of education, women’s situation regarding education apart from finance and also about the law and attendance of school. But option c) does not fit since it explains about the financial aid and fortunate.
2). Answer: e)
Option e) is the answer since all the sentence are fit to the theme of the paragraph and explains about method to prescribe energy – efficient temperature,  wastage of energy,  poor infrastructure, idea of Paris in solar panel concept, climate control and elimination of HCFC by Montreal protocol.
3). Answer: d)
Option d) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining about the effort of six – party and investment of diplomatic currency; while others are explaining about triggering of four missiles by North Korea into the sea of Japan, strengthening of bilateral US – Japan ties by missile test, balancing power by the bilateral relation which reins ambition of Pyongyang and also about the wakeup call by Kim Jong - Un.
4). Answer: b)
Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explain about the hesitation of the central govt. in protecting the Western Ghats, the importance of mountains for future generation, the issue with respect to development and conversation and also giving notification to identify ecologically sensitive areas. But option b) talks about loss of ecology in Goa due to some factors.
5). Answer: a)
Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others explain about the Earth like planets - exoplanets and the possibility of water in those exoplanets. But option a) is logically incorrect because it talks about TRAPPIST-1 and its features.
6). Answer: d)
Option d) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it explains about health problems due to the high protein diet for longer period; while others are explaining about diet, our temptation of eat, way to manage the temptation and also about happiness of the person.
7). Answer:e)
Option e) (i.e. statement C) is not belong to the paragraph since others are explaining about the violence that happened in Delhi University’s North campus due to the students who are linked to BJP. But statement C is explaining about the purpose of Universities where learning is the main motive.
8). Answer: c)
Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about the medical technologies with respect to health care providers, cardiac stents, stakeholder consultations, cause of medical innovation and also about Planning Commission’s expert group over public procurement of medicines. But option c) does not fit since it explains about the cost which is rising appropriately.
9). Answer: b)
Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explain about the steady deterioration in air quality, insufficient supply of affordable seeder machinery, burning of the waste in the fields by farmers of northern states and also the Indian Agricultural Research Institute proposed steps to convert the waste into useful products. But option b) talks about India’s clean – up priorities and need to shift.
10). Answer: a)
Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others explain about the AIADMK party, worst situation of Sasikala, the thing that should be done in order to make Edappadi Palaniswami as CM. But option a) is logically incorrect because it talks about the corruption and its state.
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English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Odd One Out In Sentence Of Paragraph) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 12, 2017 English Practice Questions with Explanation ( Odd One Out In Sentence Of Paragraph )  Set-29 : Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practi...

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