DMRC SC/TO Result Out4.55Yateendra sahuMarch 23, 2017Dear Readers, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has released the result of written test for the post of SC(Station Controller)/Train Operator...
Combined Graduate Level Examination 2016: Notification Dear Readers,
Staff Selection Commission will hold the Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2016
(Tier-I) on SUNDAY the 8th & 22nd May, 2016 and if necessary,on subsequent Saturdays/Sundays, in different batches, fo…Read More
Indian Polity Quiz for SSC CGL & Railways Exam
1. The salary of the Speaker of Lok Sabha is fixed by the :
(a) Constitution
(b) Parliament
(c) Lok Sabha
(d) Finance Ministry
2.When the customs, conventions and traditions determine the principles of the government 1r country, it is said to h…Read More
English Quiz for SSC CGL 2016 and Railway
Dear Readers,
We are providing you SSC CGl 2016 English Quiz , Which based on exam pattern of SSC English and Railway .
Directions (Q. 1-5): in the following question sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). …Read More
SSC Adda Armoury, 8 feb 2016
Good Evening Readers,
We at SA are constantly working on making studies fun and easily accessible for you all. So to add further to our various initiative, we bring to you a SSC ADDA ARMOURY , which will comprise of all the daily happenings…Read More
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