Indian Polity Quiz for SSC CGL & Railways Exam

February 9, 2016    

1. The salary of the Speaker of Lok Sabha is fixed by the :
(a) Constitution
(b) Parliament
(c) Lok Sabha
(d) Finance Ministry

2.When the customs, conventions and traditions determine the principles of the government 1r country, it is said to have an evolved Constitution. Such a Constitution is not the result of conscious and deliberate efforts of the people. It is generally the result of historical events. Such a Constitution is known as :
(a) enacted Constitution
(b) written Constitution
(c) unwritten Constitution
(d) rigid Constitution

3.Which one of the following duties of the Chief Minister in relation to the Governor has been wrongly listed?
(a) he communicates to him all the decisions of the Council of Ministers
(b) he supplies him information on such matters relating to the administration of the State as the Governor may call for
(c) he assists the Governor in making appointments in the State Government
(d) he advises him to recommend to the President that the government of the State cannot be carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution

4.The salary of the Chief Justice and other judges of the Supreme Court :
(a) cannot be reduced under any circumstances
(b) can be reduced by Parliament by a two-thirds majority
(c) can be reduced during the national emergency
(d) can be reduced during the financial emergency

5.The Fundamental Rights :
(a) formed a part of the original constitution
(b) were added by the Fourth Amendment
(c) were added by the Parliament in 1952
(d) were added under the Fourty-Second Amendment

6.Judicial Review means :
(a) the right of the judiciary to advice the President on constitutional matters
(h) the power of the judiciary to pronounce upon the constitutionality of laws passed by the Legislature and orders issued by the Executive
(c) the right of the Parliament to ask the judiciary to review its own judgement in view of the popular resentment
(d) none of the above

7.Which part of the India Constitution declares the ideal of welfare state?
(a) fundamental rights 
(b) Preamble
(c) Directive Principles 
(d) fundamental duties

8.The Central Government can legislate on a subject in the State List :
(a) if the Parliament passes a resolution declaring that it is essential to do so in national interest
(b) if the President issues an ordinance to this effect on the plea of national interest
(c) the Supreme Court grants necessary authority to the Parliament
(d) the Rajya Sabha passes a resolution by two-thirds majority declaring that particular subject in the State list to be of national importance

9.In Parliament, the chief spokesman of the government on matters of general policy is the :
(a) Speaker
(b) Prime Minister
(c) Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
(d) Home Minister

10.Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a Directive principle?
(a) provision of adequate means of livelihood for all the citizens
(b) provision of employment facilities to all able bodied persons
(c) protection of workers, especially children
(d) securing of equal pay for equal work to both men and women

Answers will be provided soon 

Indian Polity Quiz for SSC CGL & Railways Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 9, 2016 1. The salary of the Speaker of Lok Sabha is fixed by the : (a) Constitution (b) Parliament (c) Lok Sabha (d) Finance Ministry 2.Wh...

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