Computer Quiz for SBI and IBPS Exams

March 21, 2017    

1.Which of the following is the name of the part of a computer that one can touch and feel?
1) Programs
2) Software
3) Hardware
4) Output
5) None of these

2. Computers gather data, which means they allow users to ___ data.
1) present
 2) store
3) output
4) input
 5) None of these

3. CPU stands for
1) CD-run on memory
2) central processing unit
3) call powers up
4) create programs user
5) None of these

4. A disk on which you store information is
1) plate
2) data disk
3) paper disk
4) TV disk
5) None of these

5.Which of the following allows you to print?
1) ribbon
2) monitor
3) go now
4) Control-P
5) None of these

6.Which of the following means ‘easy to use’?
1) user-friendly
2) select
3) helpful
4) ever-ready
5) None of these

7.When your computer stops working suddenly, it is referred to as a
1) crash
2) die
3) death
4) penalty
5) None of these

8. The smallest item of useful information that a computer can handle is called
1) bite
2) byte
3) bit
4) bait
5) None of these

9. Devices that let the computer communicate with you are called
1) input devices
2) output devices
3) type devices
4) print devices
5) None of these

10. Devices that allow you to put information into the computer are called
1) input devices
2) output devices
3) type devices
4) print devices
5) None of these

1. 3
2. 4
3. 2
4. 2
5. 4
6. 1
7. 1
8. 3
9. 2
10. 1

Computer Quiz for SBI and IBPS Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 21, 2017 1.Which of the following is the name of the part of a computer that one can touch and feel? 1) Programs 2) Software 3) Hardware 4) Outpu...

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