English Quiz

September 22, 2015    

Directions (Q. 1-5): In the following questions, a sentence has been given with some of its parts in bold. To make the sentence grammatically correct, you have to replace the bold part with the correct alternative given below. If the sentence is correct as it is, give 5) as you answer (ie No correction required).

1. Human life and human dignity have been disregarded through history and continue to be disregarded today.
1) through history and continues
2) throughout history and continue
3) throughout the history and continues
4) althrough the history and continued
5) No correction required

2. The history of mankind is efforts marked by respect to ensure the dignity of human beings.
1) marked by respect to ensure
2) respect marked by efforts to ensure
3) marked by efforts to ensure
4) respect to ensure efforts
5) No correction required

3. What broke him was the hopelessness that breaks so many farmers in this hard scrabble region called Vidarbha.
1) What broken him was
2) What should broke him was
3) What was broken were
4) What had broke him was
5) No correction required

4. The Parrikar regime get a ban imposed on bovine slaughter, forcing Goans to go without affordable beef for months.
1) Parrikar regiment get
2) The Parrikar regiment have got
3) The Parrikar got
4) The Parrikar regime got
5) No correction required

5. Football stars in India does not enjoy same status and adulation reserved for their counterparts in cricket.
1) do not enjoy the same
2) does enjoy some of the
3) enjoys the similar
4) do not enjoys the same
5) No correction required

1. 2
2. 3
3. 5
4. 4
5. 1

English Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 22, 2015 Directions (Q. 1-5): In the following questions, a sentence has been given with some of its parts in bold. To make the sentence grammaticall...

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