Coding-Decoding Questions for SSC CGL Exam

March 15, 2017    

Dear Readers,

Here we are providing a Reasoning quiz accordance with the syllabus of SSC CGL Tier-I, This post comprises 15 Questions of Coding-Decoding Questions which really helps you getting more marks in final exam.

Q1. In a certain code, GOAL is written as JRDO. How is PLAN written in that code? 
(a) SPDQ
(b) SODQ
(c) SOCP 
(d) SODP

Q2. In a certain code, RELIEF is written as QFKKDI. How is WELCOME written in that code?  

Q3. If in a certain language, CRASH is code as YMVNC, which word would be coded as TRAIN?  

Q4. It BANKING is coded as LMJROMP, then how will KING be coded?  
(a) ROMQ
(b) MJRO
(c) ROML
(d) ROMP

Q5. In in a certain code, RAT = 39 and CHAT = 32, then how will you code TWITTER?  
(a) 111
(b) 112
(c) 114
(d) 115

Q6. If COBRA can be written as 3152181, how can GORILLA be written?  
(a) 71516912121
(b) 71418912121
(c) 71518912121
(d) 71518712121

Q7.  If MOBILITY is coded as 46293927, then EXAMINATION is coded as  
(a) 45038401854
(b) 56149512965
(c) 57159413955
(d) 67250623076

Q8. In a certain code, BRAIN is written as *%÷#× and TIER is written as $#+%. How is TRAIN written in that code?  
(a) $ %×#*
(b) $%÷#×
(c) $ %+×+ 
(d) ÷+×%$ 

Q9. If ‘car’ is called ‘pink’, ‘bike’ is called ‘blue’, ‘cycle’ is called ‘black’ and ‘aeroplane’ is called ‘yellow’, what would fly in sky?  
(a) pink 
(b) black 
(c) yellow 
(d) blue 

Q10. If ‘table’ is  ‘book’, ‘book’ is ‘pen’, ‘pen’ is ‘eraser’,  ‘eraser’ is ‘sharpener’, ‘sharpener’ is ‘pencil’ and ‘pencil’ is ‘school’, then what is used by student to sharp pencil?
(a) sharpener  
(b) pencil 
(c) pen
(d) eraser 

Q11. If ‘ski rps tri’ stands for ‘nice Sunday morning’, ‘teh sti rps’ stands for ‘every Tuesday morning’ and ‘ski ptr qlm’ stands for ‘nice market place’, which word stands for ‘Sunday’?  
(a) ski 
(b) rps 
(c) tri 
(d) qlm 

Q12. In a certain code language, ‘123’ means ‘bright little boy’, ‘145’ means ‘tall big boy’ and ‘637’ means ‘beautiful little flower’. Which digit in that language means ‘bright’?  
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

Q13. In a certain code, ‘786’ means ‘study very hard’, ‘958’ means ‘hard work pays’ and ‘645’ means ‘study and work’. Which of the following is the code ‘very’?  
(a) 8
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) Cannot be determined 

Q14. If each of the letters in the English alphabet is assigned odd numerical value beginning A = 1, B = 3 and so on, what will be the total value of the letters of the word HIGH? 
(a) 70
(b) 60
(c) 80
(d) 90

Q15. If B is coded as 8, F is coded as 6, Q is coded as 4, D is coded as 7, T is coded as 2, M is coded as 3 and K is coded as 5, then what is the coded from of QKTBFM?  
(a) 425783
(b) 452683
(c) 452783
(d) None of these 

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Coding-Decoding Questions for SSC CGL Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 15, 2017 Dear Readers, Here we are providing a Reasoning quiz accordance with the syllabus of SSC CGL Tier-I, This post comprises 15 Questions of ...

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