Directions (1-3): Read the information given below and answer the questions.
The age and height of six children in a class are as follows
(i) Amit is taller and older than Tanu but shorter and younger than Shruti.
(ii) Bharat is taller than Chander who is not as tall as Tanu.
(iii) The oldest is the shortest.
(iv) The youngest would be fourth if the children stood in a line according to their height one started counting from the tallest.
(v) Bharat is younger than Ritu but older than Chander who is older than Shruti.
Q1. Who among them is the tallest?
(a) Tanu
(b) Chander
(c) Shruti
(d) Data inadequate
(e) None of them
Q2. Who is older than Tanu but younger than Shruti?
(a) Ritu
(b) Bharat
(c) Amit
(d) Data inadequate
(e) None of them
Q3. Which of the following statements is definitely true?
(a) Bharat is the most old person
(b) Tanu has the maximum height
(c) Amit is older than Bharat
(d) Ritu is the shortest
(e) None of these
Directions (4-6): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below.
(i) A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are eight students each having a different height.
(ii) D is shorter than A but taller than G.
(iii) E is taller than H but shorter than C.
(iv) B is shorter than D but taller than F.
(v) C is shorter than G.
(v) G is not as tall as F.
Q4. Which of the following is definitely true?
(a) G is shorter than F
(b) C is shorter than F
(c) F is taller than C
(d) B is taller than E
(e) All are true
Q5. If another student J who is taller than E shorter than G is added to the group, which of the following will be definitely true?
(a) C and J are of same height
(b) J is shorter than D
(c) J is shorter than H
(d) J is taller than A
(e) None of the above
Q6. Which of the following will definitely be the third from the top when the eight students are arranged in descending order of height?
(d) B or G
(e) Cannot be determined
Directions (7-8): Study the following information to answer the given questions.
Point P is 9 m towards the East of point Q. Point R is 5 m towards the South of Point P. Point S is 3 m towards the West of point R. Point T is 5 m towards the North of point S. Point V is 7 m towards the South of point S
Q7. If a person walks in a straight line for 8 m towards West form point R, which of the following points would he cross the first?
(e) Cannot be determined
Q8. Which of the following points are in a straight line?
(a) P, R, V
(b) S, T, Q
(c) P, T, V
(d) V, T, R
(e) S, V, T
Q9. In a row at a bus stop, A is 9th from the right and B is 7th from the left. They both interchange their positions. If there are 20 people in the row, what will be the new position of B form the left?
(a) 11th
(b) 12th
(c) 13th
(d) 10th
(e) None of these
Q10.A person walks 5km towards south from point A. And take the right turn and walk 8km and reach point B. From B he takes right turn and walk 7km and reach point C. From C he takes right turn and walk 10 km and reach point D. From D he takes again right turn and walk 2km and reach point E.
If there is a point X which is 2km north from point A. Then X is in which direction with respect to E?
(a) North-west
(b) South-west
(c) North-east
(d) South-east
(e) None of these
Directions (11-13): These questions are based on the information given below.
Eight personsA, B, C, D, E , F, G, and H are standing in such way that C is 20 m apart from B towards West. B is 30 m South with respect to A. A is 40 m towards West with respect to E. D is 50 m towards South with respect to E. F is 15 m apart from G towards North. H is 20 m towards East with respect to G. F is 40 m towards West with respect to D.
Q11.In which direction B standing with respect to F?
(a) North-West
(b) North
(c) North-East
(d) Cannot be determined
Q12. If one more person I is standing towards South-West with respect to D, then in which direction is H, standing with respect to I?
(a) South-West
(b) North-East
(c) North-West
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) South-east
Q13. What is the direction of C with respect to H?
(a) North-West
(b) North
(c) West
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) North-east
Directions (14-15): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow.
Point H is 6 m towards the East of point G. Point R is 8 m North of Point G. Point Q is exactly midway between point R and point G. Point K is 10 m to the South of point Q. Point L is 3 m towards the East of point Q. Point S is exactly midway between point G and point H.
Q14. If a person walks 4 m towards the South from point L, takes a right turn and walks for another 3 m, which of the following points would he reach?
(e) Cannot be determined
Q15. If a person walks 8 m towards North from point S, which of the following points would he cross and how far will he be form point R?
(a) G, 4 m
(b) H, 3 m
(c) L, 3 m
(d) G, 8 m
(e) None of these
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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/02/reasoning-quiz-for-sbi-po-new-pattern.html
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