English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Appropriate Sentence for Paragraph)

February 28, 2017    

English Practice Questions with Explanation (Based on New Pattern)
English Practice Questions with Explanation (Appropriate Sentence for ParagraphSet-24:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Questions with explanation based on new pattern, candidates those who are preparing for upcoming examination can make use of it.
Direction (Q. 1 - 10): In each of the following questions, a short passage is given with one of the lines in the passage is missing and represented by a blank. Select the best out of the five answer choices given to make the passage complete and coherent.
1). The destruction of two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in August 1945, by the use of atomic bombs shocked and horrified mankind beyond measure. Man had discovered a new energy of tremendous power but it was extremely tragic to use it for the destruction of human beings. ___________________________. The World War ended, but experiments with atomic energy continued. Most of them were confined to the production of better and more powerful atomic weapons such as hydrogen bombs, cobalt bombs, transcontinental ballistic missiles, etc.
a)   A very large section of the people of the world stood against the mad race for nuclear armament.
b)   They demanded an immediate and complete ban on all kinds of nuclear tests and experiments for the purpose of war.
c)   The soundness of this view point has appealed to reasonable people and all lovers of peace.
d)   He also advocated the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, betterment of the poor, and enhancement of the total wealth of the world.
e)   The conscience of all right thinking persons was awakened and the problem of the proper use of the new energy became a subject for serious consideration.
2). What is immediately needed today is the establishment of a World Government or an International Federation of Mankind. It is the utmost necessity of the world today, and all those persons who wish to see all human beings happy and prosperous naturally feel it keenly. ____________. Travelers, businessmen, seekers of knowledge and teachers of righteousness know very well that great impediments and obstructions are faced by them when they pass from one country to another, exchange goods, get information, and make an effort to spread their good gospel among their fellow-men.
a)    But today when philosophical light has exploded the darkness that was created by religious differences, and when scientific knowledge has falsified the theory of social superiority, it is the governments of various countries that keep people of one country apart from those of another.
b)    Of course, at times, we all feel that many of our problems of our political, social and cultural life would come to an end if there were one Government all over the world.
c)    But all these evils would cease to exist if there were one Government all over the world.
d)    In the past religious sects divided one set of people against another, colour of the skin or construction of the body set one against the other.
e)    They create artificial barriers, unnatural distinctions, unhealthy isolation, unnecessary fears and dangers in the minds of the common men who by their nature want to live in friendship with their fellow-men.
3). ___________________. But India's record GDP growth of 8.49% per year in the five-year period 2004-09 is a case of improved productivity and growth in customarily poor states trickling up and aggregating into rapid growth at the national level. Nobody should call this a success of trickle-down economics. Trickle-down assumes that fast growth can be had simply by changing a few policies that benefit the rich, after which some benefits trickle down to the poor.
a)   The growth bonanza itself was sparked by state-level political and policy changes that accelerated local growth, which then trickled up to the national level.
b)   Miracle growth and record revenues enabled the Central government to finance social welfare schemes, farm loan waivers and enormous oil subsidies.
c)   Once a country grows fast, government revenues will boom, and can be used to accelerate spending in social sectors and welfare.
d)   In the past, the richest states often grew the fastest and the poor ones the slowest.
e)   When productivity improvement is widespread is there enough productivity improvement from all regions and people to add up to fast growth.
4). Born out of the forces of globalisation, India's IT sector is undertaking some globalisation of its own. In search of new sources of rapid growth, the country's outsourcing giants are aggressively expanding beyond their usual stomping grounds into the developing world; setting up programming centres, chasing new clients and hiring local talent. _________________. This shift is being driven by a global economy in which the US is no longer the undisputed engine of growth.
a)   Through geographic diversification, Indian companies hope to regain some momentum after the recession.
b)   If successful, the future of India's outsourcing sector could prove as bright as its past.
c)   Cultural conflicts arise at times while training new recruits.
d)   To adapt, Indian companies which are relatively unknown in these emerging nations are establishing major local operations around the world, in the process hiring thousands of locals.
e)   In addition, IT firms also have to work extra hard to woo business from emerging-market companies still unaccustomed to the concept of outsourcing.
5). Women all over the world in general and Indian women in particular have been facing different problems. A recent report titled 'Women and children in India' and a nearly simultaneous report on ‘Indian women their Health and Economic productivity' highlight the international importance bring given to the problems of the Indian women. ________________. The former is because the reports restrict themselves to old statistics.
a)   It is very unfortunate that these reports have become superficial and do not delve sufficiently deep into the real problems.
a)   b) We are told, for example, that the ratio of women to men remains below its natural level and that it is related to other parameters,   such as the level of literacy and the availability of primary health care.
b)   Unfortunately, both the reports fail to either convey a fresh understanding of the issues or to suggest innovative and workable approaches for women’s development.
c)   The failure to suggest a fresh approach is less understandable given that a variety of approaches to women’s development has been tried out all over the world.
d)   Is the report saying then, that Indians do not love their children, as a matter a cultural practice? Both the reports are likely to be highly influential on opinion leaders and policy makers.
6). Water conflicts in India now reach every level; divide every segment of our society, political parties, states, regions and sub-regions within states, districts, castes and groups and individual farmers. Water conflicts within and between many developing countries are also taking a serious turn. Fortunately, the “water wars”, forecast by so many, have not yet materialized. War has taken place, but over oil, not water. ______________. In India, water conflicts are likely to worsen before they being to be resolved. Till then they pose a significant threat to economic growth, security and health of the ecosystem and the victims are likely to be the poorest of the poor as well as the very sources of water - rivers, wetlands and aquifers.
a)    Issues related to forests have also generated a body of comprehensive literature on forest resources and rights.
b)    Several political and legal interventions addressing the issue of equity and societal justice have been attempted.
c)    Though conflicts over them have not necessarily been effectively or adequately resolved, they have received much more.
d)    Water is radically altering and affecting political boundaries all over the world, between as well as within countries.
e)    Most countries have gone through land reforms of one type or another.
7). Organized retail has fuelled new growth categories-like liquid hand wash, breakfast cereals and pet foods in the consumer goods industry, accounting for almost 50% of their sales, said data from market search firm Nielsen. The figures showed some of these new categories got more than 40% of their business from modern retail outlets. The data also suggests how products in these categories reach the neighborhood kirana stores after they have established themselves in modern trade. ______________.
a)   But a point to note here is that modern retailers themselves push their own private brands in these very categories and can emerge as a big threat for the consumers goods and foods companies.
b)   A new brand can overnight compete with established companies by tying up with few retailers in these categories - President of Future Group added.
c)   What modern retail offers to companies experimenting with new categories is the chance to educate customers which was not the case with a general trade store.
d)   Modern retail is an important part of our business - said managing director, Kellogg India.
e)   While grocers continue to be an important channel, for the new and evolving categories we saw an increased presence of high-end products in modern trade.
8). Urbanisation is a positive phenomenon provided the cities are able to the harness its potential. A recently public published UN - Habitat global report on human settlements shows that not many cities in developing countries such as India have managed to do this. Indian cities struggle to manage the swelling numbers. ________________. The challenge they face is twofold efforts to distribute growth across urban centres have been inadequate and the urban planning practices are outdated.
a)    They tend to have inadequate infrastructure poor mobility and a lack of affordable housing.
b)    Even the formal city is composed of many parts such as the historical core; the colonial enclave and new areas of post-independence growth.
c)    This has fragmented cities further and skewed development in favour of new areas.
d)    Alongside the formal city exists a large and an equally important informal city inhabited by the poor.
e)    Not withstanding these differences, the master plan tends to paint the city with a single brush, favouring the new formal areas and ignoring the informal.
9). Many people love the cute koala bear. _____________. But it is rare to see this creature alive and moving, because it's gradually becoming extinct. The koala, like the kangaroo, is actually a marsupial. It contains a small pouch for its young, like the kangaroo. For this reason, the koala is not related to true bears. In appearance, it is a combination of a monkey and a kangaroo. Koalas are native to Australia and they are now chiefly found in New South Wales and Queensland. They are highly protected animals, because their number has greatly diminished in the last ten years.
a)   The eucalyptus tree is disappearing from their natural habitats, fighting a battle against extinction on their own.
b)   Baby koalas are in danger around certain kinds of lizards and eagles, although they are protected today by natural habitats set up for them.
c)   This animal has been made into stuffed toys all over the world.
d)   They are nocturnal, which means that they move around chiefly at night.
e)   The koala's worst enemy, besides hunters, is fire. When a tree is inflamed, often they cannot run fast enough to save themselves.
10). Manufacturers of consumer packaged goods (CPG) face two key challenges this year. The first is continued slow or negative growth in people’s disposable incomes. The second is changing consumer attitudes toward products and brands, as the great fragmentation of consumer markets takes another turn. _________________________. In many markets, consumer wages have been static for five years. Even where economies are starting to perform better, the squeeze on after-tax wages, especially for the middle class, younger people, and families, is depressing consumer spending.
a)   Each channel — from the Web, mobile, and social sites to radio, TV, and print — has its own requirements, audience appeal, and economics, needing specialized attention.
b)   In response, companies must dramatically shift the route they take to reach consumers in terms of both product distribution and communications.
c)   Consumers’ media usage has also fragmented with the rise of digital content and the proliferation of online devices.
d)   Collectively, these shifts challenge the way CPG companies manage their brand and business portfolios, and call for a rethinking of their go-to-market approach, with an emphasis on analytics.
e)   But at the same time, media campaigns need to be closely coordinated for effective consumer messaging.
1). Answer: e)
Option e) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about the destruction of two Japanese cities, atom bombs, atom energy and its way of use in the environment. So, option e) will give a coherent passage since it explains about proper usage of atomic energy; while others are describing about various factors like nuclear armament, nuclear tests and the use of nuclear energy.
2). Answer: b)
Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the importance of world government when compared to International federation of mankind. So, option b) is opt for the blank since it explains how we can solve our problems in political, social and cultural life with help of the world government.
3). Answer: d)
Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the GDP growth, trickledown economics and benefits with respect to poor and rich. So, option d) is explaining about the states of rich and poor people.
4). Answer: a)
Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the born out into globalisation of IT sector and its rapid growth and also about chasing new clients and agents. So, option a) is explaining about regain after the recession; while others are explaining about Cultural conflicts, emerging-market companies, future of India's outsourcing sector and establishment of major local operations.
5). Answer: c)
Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the problems which are faced by Indian women and reports which express the health of Indian women and state of children in India. So, option c) is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent since it describes about the failure of the reports which failed in understanding the issue.
6). Answer: d)
Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the water conflict in India and its effect in developing countries and also its significant threat to economic growth, security and health of the ecosystem. So, option d) is explaining about the political boundaries which are affected by water within the country.
7). Answer: e)
Option e) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about the growth in the new categories of Organized retail and also increase in the percentage of their business from modern retail outlets. So, option e) will give a coherent passage since it explains about modern trade which increases by evolving high-end products; while others are describing about modern retailers.
8). Answer: a)
Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the urbanization and global report by UN – Habitat on human settlements and also challenge in its efforts to distribute growth across urban countries. So, option a) is explaining about inadequate infrastructure and its poor mobility; while others are explaining about new areas of post-independence growth and master plan tends to paint the city.
9). Answer: c)
Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the Koala bear and its difference with Kangaroo and also about its native place and its situation of extinct. So, option c) is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent since it describes about the koala bear which also made into stuffed toys in the world; while others are explaining about natural habitats, Baby koalas, koala's worst enemy and its move at night.
10). Answer: b)
Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the challenges faced by Manufacturers of consumer packaged goods and also about consumer wages and their economic status. So, option b) is opt for the blank since it explains how the company should change in order to reach consumers in terms of both product distribution and communications.
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English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Appropriate Sentence for Paragraph) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 28, 2017 English Practice Questions with Explanation ( Appropriate Sentence for Paragraph )  Set-24 : Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice...

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