English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Error Spotting)

February 21, 2017    

English Practice Questions with Explanation (Based on New Pattern)
English Practice Questions with Explanation (Error SpottingSet-18:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Questions with explanation based on new pattern, candidates those who are preparing for upcoming examination can make use of it.
Directions (Q 1-10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one or more sentence. Then choose the sentence(s) without error as your answer. If there is error in all the sentences, then your answer is e). (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)
1). A.It is important for a person to pursue his or her studies and certificates in professional courses before enters into a full-time business.
B. "Imposition of minimum import prices for steel, for example, will be mildly positive for the sector,” according to the note.
C. The Council noted that uncertainty in the global economy and high volatility in the financial markets is prominent risks confronting the emerging market economies.
D. Necessity being the mother of invention, he resourcefully modifies the Rover to go on long drives even though it have originally designed for short ones.
a)   Only B  
b)   Only A 
c)   Both B & C  
d)   Both C & D 
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
2). A. Nobody in the world know that he is alive, still, he persistently tries to beam messages back to Earth using the spacecraft’s rotating camera.
B. The amount of water it contain and the nature of its core will provide clues about where the planet formed early in the system’s life span.
C. By contrast, expensive telecom auctions in 2016 will contribute to a further increase in leverage in the telecom sector, which is yet to digested last year’s auction outcome.
D. A photograph of a policeman, wrapping a blanket above a victim of violence and offering her a cup of coffee, spoke volumes about the innate goodness that suffering often brings.
a)   Only D  
b)   Only A   
c)   Both A & C  
d)   Both C & B   
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
3). A. The Indian radio which was previously controlled by the British rulers is free now from the narrow vested interests.
B. A lot of travel delay is caused due to the inefficiency and lack of good management on behalf of the railways.
C. I don’t usually prefer putting up at hotels, but last winter we spent a few weeks at a wonderful hotel by the sea.
D. The speed of reforms has gone down considerably in many states because the choice of either of the extreme options inevitably generates discontent among the people.
a)   Only A    
b)   Only B    
c)   Both A & B    
d)   Both C & D    
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
4). A. A potential buyer of the building was lost as she was asked to pay a considerable higher interest rate than she could afford.
B. These days music albums generally comprise of seven or eight different songs that have hardly anything common among them.
C. I have finally decided to take part in the two – mile race that is going to be conducted tomorrow morning.
D. As the coach was doubting the captain’s leadership ability, he decided to keep a close vigil on the team’s overall performance.
a)   Only D 
b)   Only C   
c)   Both B & C  
d)   Both A & D    
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
5). A. The young college graduates got carried off by the appeal to their patriotism and decided to enlist themselves in the navy.
B. The police tactfully handled the farmers’ agitation for higher prices which has created law and order problem in the district.
C. Though the year witnessed a rise in crimes against women, the police claimed that their changed images has given confidence to women to come forward and lodge complaints.
D. The ministry considered several proposals for the development of small and medium enterprises during Budget discussions.
a)   Only B  
b)   Only A 
c)   Both B & D  
d)   Both C & A   
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
6). A. As news of police violence spread, Patel community members, returning to villages and towns from the rally, set fire government property.
B. It is time we design intelligent question papers that respect competence rather that just memory.
C. A lots of real estate companies may come up with tempting offers and discounts but buyers should always keep their eyes open and must check whether all approvals are in place or not.
D. Having a visionary and motivating leader, she thinks out of the box and has her own style of doing things, one of which is treating and respecting her employees as assets.
a)   Only D  
b)   Only A   
c)   Both A & C 
d)   Both C & B   
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
7). A. Considering that a large part of the population in India does not have access to banking services, payments banks are expected to reach far-flung areas extending the umbrella of financial inclusion to everyone.
B. With India’s urban population expected to grow exponentially over the next couple of decades urban housing will be a central issue to the government.
C. The Bengaluru Police are proposing to use electronic tags on habitual offenders to monitor their movements, after an analysis revealed that they were involved in more than forty percent crimes reported in the city.
D. Before investing, you should look after the overall business dynamics of the company along with efficient management and good corporate governance.
a)   Only A  
b)   Only B   
c)   Both B & D  
d)   Both A & C    
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
8). A. The Supreme Court verdict is not only a lesson for Novartis but also for many other drug companies which see India as a market for making profits.
B. Though Tata Steel had acquired around 2,800 acre of land in mid 1990s for setting up a mega steel plant,  the company later shelves the project and decided to set up an industrial park there.
C. Research scholars city will have to be carefully while writing their PhD thesis and dissertations as authorities tired of plagiarism have decided to use software that can trace any plagiarized work.
D. Canada is a good investment destination as it is investor-friendly and has a stable economic and political climate.
a)   Only C  
b)   Only D   
c)   Both B & D  
d)   Both C & A   
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
9). A. In the circumstances, the broad philosophy that Dr. Manmohan Singh outlined was that large scale fiscal adjustment was needed but the poor should being protected from the burden of adjustment.
B. One of the biggest handicaps that journal editors face when confronted with evidence of scientific misconduct to Indian researchers is non-cooperation by institutions in thoroughly investigating such matters.
C. The woman said it was the man who fell in love with her at first sight and was adamant on marrying her although she was much older than him.
D. In the sphere of direct taxes, the personal income tax and the wealth tax rate has been left untouched which is no small mercy.
a)   Only C  
b)   Only B   
c)   Both B & D  
d)   Both A & C    
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
10). A. A look at migration data suggests that the number of deaths do not necessarily indicate the crisis that is being described.
B. The decision has immediately drawn a sharp response from the Congress and the SP, who along with other Opposition parties have been stalling the Bill’s passage in the Rajya Sabha.
C. To expect the organization to pay for the transport of the personal belongings of the employee is not fair.
D. Ahead of Modi’s visit of Bangladesh, External Affairs Minister said agreements on the contentious issue of sharing of river waters including that of Teesta would not be on the agenda.
a)   Only A  
b)   Only B   
c)   Both B & C  
d)   Both A & C    
e)   None of the sentence is correct.
1). Answer: a)
In A, ‘enter’ should be replaced by “entering”; In C, replace ‘is’ by “are”; In D, ‘have originally designed’ should be replaced by “has originally been designed”.
2). Answer: e)
In A, ‘know’ should be replaced by “knows”; In B, ‘contain’ should be replaced by “contains”; In C, ‘digested’ should be replaced by “digest”; In D, Replace ‘above’ with “around”.
3). Answer: d)
In A, ‘free now’ should be replaced by “now free”; In B, ‘behalf’ should be replaced by “part”;
4). Answer: b)
In A, “considerably” should come in place of ‘considerable’; In B, ‘comprise of’ should be replaced by “comprise”;
In D, ‘was doubting’ should be replaced by “doubted”.
5). Answer: c)
In A, ‘carried off’ should be replaced by “carried away”; In C, “had” should come in place of ‘has’.
6). Answer: e)
In A, “governance property on fire” should come in place of ‘fire government property’; In B, ‘replace ‘design’ with “designed”; In C, replace ‘lots’ with “lot”; In D, Replace ‘Having’ with “Being”.
7). Answer: d)
In B, replace ‘to’ with “for”; In D, replace ‘after’ with “at”.
8). Answer:b)
In A, “a lesson not only” should come in place of ‘not only a lesson’; In B, use “shelved” in place of ‘shelves’; In C, “Careful” should replace ‘carefully’.
9). Answer: a)
In A, replace ‘being’ with “be”; In B, replace ‘to’ with “by”; In D, replace ‘has’ with “have”.
10). Answer: c)
In A, replace ‘do’ with “does”; In D, insert “the” before “Teesta”.
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English Practice Questions with Explanation Based on New Pattern (Error Spotting) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 21, 2017 English Practice Questions with Explanation ( Error Spotting )  Set-18 : Dear Readers, Here we have given the Practice English Questions w...

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