The Hindu's Top 10 Editorials of 2016 with Meanings (Vocabulary)

January 1, 2017    

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Friends, based on the readers' interest, THE HINDU News Paper has released Top 10 Editorials of the year 2016. Here I am presenting those editorials links with word to word meanings. Just click on the editorial title to read the complete editorial. Happy Reading :)
  • Surgical strike - a military attack, especially by air, that is designed to destroy something specific and to avoid wider damage
  • Uncharted - an uncharted place or situation is completely new and therefore has never been described before
  • Terrain - an area of land, usually one that has a particular physical feature
  • Abandoning - to leave a place, thing, or person, usually for ever
  • Self-proclaimed - used for saying what a particular person, organization etc describes themselves as, even though other people might not agree
  • Strategic - carefully planned in order to achieve a particular goal, especially in war, business, or politics
  • Restraint - the limit or control of the expression of strong emotion or opinion
  • Provocation - something that causes you to react in an angry or violent way
  • Backed - supported
  • Early hours - the period of time between midnight and the very early morning
  • Claimed - to say that something is true, even though there is no definite proof
  • Injury - physical damage done to a person or a part of their body
  • Para-commando - a soldier trained to jump out of planes wearing a parachute
  • Evidently - used for showing that a statement is based on known facts
  • Pre-emptive - if something is pre-emptive, it is done before other people can act, especially to prevent them from doing something else
  • Convey - to communicate ideas or feelings indirectly
  • Poised - about to do or achieve something after preparing for it
  • Wreak - to cause very great harm or damage
  • Shelling - attacks by soldiers who are firing shells
  • Counterpart - someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another person or thing, but in a different country, time, situation, or organization
  • Escalate - to make something become greater or more serious
  • Conflict - angry disagreement between people or groups
  • Briefings - a meeting or document in which people receive information or instructions
  • Envoy - an official who represents their country in another country, with a rank below an ambassador
  • Hostility - opposition to something
  • Pulled out - to stop being involved in an activity, event, or situation
  • Articulate - able to express your thoughts, arguments, and ideas clearly and effectively
  • Dissuade - to make someone not to do something
  • Scholar - a ​person who ​studies a ​subject in ​great ​detail, ​especially at a ​university
  • Testimony - evidence or proof of something
  • Feudal - a society that is ​organized ​according to ​rank (in which people of lower level of ​society ​receive ​land to ​live and ​work for those ​higher than them in ​rank)
  • Roil - to upset (someone or something) very much
  • Harbour - keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one's mind / especially secretly
  • Delusion - belief in something that is not ​true
  • Meritocracies - a ​social ​system / organization in which ​people have ​power because of ​their ​abilities, not because of ​their ​money or ​social ​position
  • Blatant - done openly without shame
  • Punitive - intended as a ​punishment
  • Affiliate - officially attached to an organization
  • Culminated - reached a climax or point of highest development
  • Cut short - to ​stop doing something before it is ​finished
  • Abetment - to encourage / force to do something
  • Violation - doing something that is not allowed by a law or rule
  • Atrocity - an ​extremely ​cruel, ​violent, or ​shocking ​act
  • Circumstances - events that ​change ​your ​life, over which you have no ​control
  • Sparked - a first ​small ​event or ​problem that ​causes a much ​worse ​situation t
  • Extremist - someone who has ​beliefs that most ​people ​think are ​unreasonable and ​unacceptable
  • Onerous - a task involving a great effort, trouble, or difficulty
  • Futile - having no ​effect or ​achieving nothing
  • Discrimination - treating a ​person or ​particular ​group of ​people ​differently, ​especially in a ​worse way from the way in which you ​treat other ​people (because of ​their ​skin ​colour, ​sex etc)
  • Damning - a report which includes a lot of ​criticism or ​shows ​clearly that someone is ​wrong
  • Indictment - a ​sign that a ​policy, ​system, ​society, etc. is ​bad or ​wrong
  • Ghetto - very ​poor ​area, where ​people of a ​particular ​race or ​religion ​live ​closely together and ​apart from other ​people
  • Virulent - extremely poisonous or injurious
  • Hostile - unfriendly
  • Prejudice - an ​unfair and ​unreasonable ​opinion or ​feeling
  • Exclusion -  the ​act of not ​allowing someone to take ​part in an ​activity or to ​enter a ​place
  • Rot - unacceptable behavior
  • Stalking - the crime of illegally following and watching someone over a period of time
  • Brutal - cruel, violent, and completely without feelings
  • Hacking - killing somebody with knife
  • In broad daylight - if a crime is committed in broad daylight, it happens during the day, when it could have been seen and prevented
  • Shone a harsh light on something - to show / say directly that something is very bad
  • Reinforced - to make something stronger
  • Nabbing - catching someone who did something wrong
  • Engage - involve
  • Tragic - very sad (often involving death and suffering)
  • Countless - so many to be counted
  • To address - to give attention to / to deal with a problem
  • Continuum - a continuous sequence
  • Extreme - very great
  • Cracking down - to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more serious way
  • Harassment - behaviour that annoys or upsets someone
  • Essential - necessary or needed
  • Definitively - surely (without any doubt)
  • Hindsight - the ability to understand a situation only after it has happened
  • Mildly - not seriously
  • Playful way - funny and not serious
  • Preventable - able to be stopped from happening
  • Mourned - to feel or express great sadness, especially because of someone's death
  • Corrosive - harmful and causing bad feelings
  • Potentially - possibly
  • Nudged-out - to force someone come out of something
  • Amendment - a minor change to improve something
  • Dignity - the importance and value that a person has, that makes other people respect them
  • Imprisonment - to put someone in jail
  • Offence - an illegal act / crime
  • Subsequent - happening after something else
  • Conviction - a formal diclaration by the court that someone is guilty of a criminal offence
  • Foster - to encourage the development or growth of feelings
  • Disinterest - lack of interest
  • Empowered - to give someone freedom / authority to do something
 Editorial 4 : "ISRO makes India proud again"
  • Milestone - an event or achievement that marks an important stage in a process
  • Equipped - having the necessary tools / equipment, etc
  • Indigenous - developed in a place or country without the help of other
  • Cryogenic - low temperature
  • Departure - an occasion when someone leaves a place
  • Workhorse - a very useful piece of equipment that you use a lot
  • Consecutive - following one after another in order
  • Elite - the best in a group
  • Mastered - acquire complete knowledge or skill in something (a subject, technique, or art)
  • Structural - related to the structure of something
  • Thermal - relating to heat
  • Integrity - the quality of being whole and complete
  • Combustion - the chemical process in which substances mix with oxygen in the air to produce heat and light
  • Likewise - in the same way
  • Igniting - to make something start to burn
  • Sustaining - to provide the conditions in which something can happen or exist
  • Prolonged - continuing for a long time
  • Daunting - very difficult
  • Payload - the equipment or people in a space vehicle
  • Soil - a country
  • Unlike - different from someone or something else
  • Propellant - a substance used for making something move forwards, for example fuel for sending a rocket into space
  • Impulse - something that is the driving force behind something else
  • Thrust - to put something somewhere with a quick hard push
  • Lack of something - a situation in which you do not have something
  • Take place - to happen
  • Rely on something - to depend on something
  • Tremendously - extremely /very much
Editorial 5 : "The curious death of Ramkumar"
  • Curious - strange and unusual
  • Alleged - claimed to be true, even though this has not been proved
  • Suspect - a person believed to have committed a crime or done something wrong
  • Given rise to - cause to happen
  • Claim - to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not believe it
  • Lone - single / only
  • Assailant - someone who violently attacks another person
  • Stalked -  to hunt a person or animal by following them without being seen
  • Unusual - not normal, common, or ordinary
  • Tendency - if someone has a tendency to do or like something, they will probably do it or like it
  • Slash - to cut in a violent way
  • Warder - someone whose job is to guard prisoners in a prison
  • Counselling - advice and help that you give someone with their problems
  • Ought to have (done something) - used when you realize that someone did not do the right thing in the past
  • Overtones - something that is suggested, but is not clearly stated
  • Dispensary - a place in a hospital where you can get medicines and drugs
  • Lapse - a temporary failure
  • Incarceration - to keep someone in a closed place and prevent them from leaving it
  • Overcrowded - containing too many people or things
  • Understaffed - not having enough workers to do a job quickly or effectively
  • Electrocution - to kill or injure someone with electricity
  • Determined - wanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you
  • Inescapable - impossible to avoid or ignore
  • Resistant - not harmed or affected by something
  • Auditing - to examine something carefully, especially to decide on its effectiveness
  • Reassurance - the act of making someone feel less worried about something
  • Purported - said by some people to be real or true, but not proved to be real or true 
  • Lacunae - an empty space where something is missing
  • Speculation - the activity of guessing possible answers to a question without having enough information to be certain:
  • Culprit - someone who is responsible for doing something bad or illegal
  • Judicial - involving a law court
  • Probe - an attempt to find out the truth about an issue, problem, or accident
  • Credibly - capable of being believed; believable
  • Extra-judicially - done without the permission of or without using the official legal system
 Editorial 6 : "Responding to Uri"
  • Gathering - the process or activity of collecting information
  • Evidence - one or more reasons for believing that something is true or not true
  • Stormed - to use force to enter a place and take control of it
  • Army base - a centre from which military activities are coordinated
  • Explicitly - fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated 
  • Establishment - organization
  • Persistent - lasting for a long time or difficult to get rid of
  • Reportedly - according to what many people say
  • Probability -  a measure of how likely something is to happen
  • Line of Control - the military control line between the Indian and Pakistani controlled parts of the former princely state of Kashmir and Jammu
  • Grenade -  a small bomb that someone throws or fires from a gun
  • Markings - a pattern of marks painted on the surface of something
  • Statecraft - the skill of governing a country
  • Unleashed - to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled
  • Attain - to succeed in achieving something
  • Objective - something that you plan to achieve
  • Provocation - something that causes you to react in an angry or violent way
  • Manoeuvrability - ability to be moved easily in situations that need care or skill
  • Restrained - controlled and not emotional
  • Firm - strong / hard
  • Reckless - not thinking about the possible bad effects of your actions
  • Condemning - to criticize something or someone strongly
  • Cowardly - lacking courage
  • Unpunished - not punished for having done something wrong or illegal
  • Heavy-lifting - difficult work that needs a lot of effort
  • Diplomatically - acting in a way that does not cause offence
  • Emerged - to become known
  • Comprehensive - complete
  • Domestic Militancy - violent acts committed by citizens or permanent residents of a place against their own people or property
  • Cross-border - between different countries, or involving people from different countries
  • Inconsistent - not always behaving in the same way or producing the same results
  • Adversary - an enemy or opponent
  • Exploit - to use a situation so that you get benefit from it, even if it is wrong or unfair to do this
  • Poke fun at - to make unkind jokes about someone or something
  • Robust - strong
  • Doctrine - a set of principles or beliefs, especially religious or political ones
  • Sophisticated - knowing and understanding a lot about a complicated subject
  • Rhetoric - speech or writing intended to be effective and influence people
  • Blame game - a situation in which one party blames others for something bad or unfortunate rather than attempting to seek a solution
  • Infiltration - the process of secretly joining an organization or go into a place in order to find out information about it or damage it
  • Went up in flames - to burn or be destroyed by fire
  • Gradual - slowly (step by step)
  • Decline - to become less or worse
  • Violence -  actions or words that are intended to hurt people
  • Strife - fighting or disagreement between people or groups
  • Bias - to influence someone’s opinions, decisions etc so that they behave or think in an unfair way
  • Myopia - lack of intelligence, understanding or careful thought
  • Assuring -  to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true, especially in order to remove doubt about it
Editorial 7 : "The emperor’s new nationalism"
  • Nationalism - patriotic feeling
  • Agenda - a ​list of ​aims or ​possible ​future ​achievements
  • Discerned - recognize or find out
  • First flush - at the ​start of something
  • Pick fights - to start a fight or argument with someone on purpose
  • Unfolded - became ​clear to other ​people
  • Condemnable - deserving strong disapproval
  • Gravity - seriousness
  • Parody - to ​copy the ​style of someone or something in a ​humorous way
  • Unmoved - not affected by emotion or excitement
  • Obstinate - a ​problem / situation, that is ​difficult to ​deal with
  • Condemnation - the expression of very strong disapproval
  • Outrage - an extremely strong reaction of anger
  • Seditious - the crime of saying, writing, or doing something that encourages people to disobey their government
  • Convicted - to ​decide ​officially in a ​law ​court that someone is ​guilty of a ​crime
  • Equivalence - the condition of being equivalent (equality)
  • virtually - nearly / almost
  • Essential - necessary or ​needed
  • Citizenry - the citizens of a place
  • Enforce -  to make ​people ​obey a ​law
  • Utterance - the action of saying or expressing something aloud
  • Anxiety - a feeling of worry
  • Touchstone - an ​established ​standard or ​principle by which something is ​judged
  • Dispensation - exemption from a rule (special ​permission)
  • Excess - an amount of something that is more than necessary
  • Insinuated - suggest or hint something bad in an indirect and unpleasant way
  • Curious - strange / unusual
  • Overlay - to cover something
  • Agitations - the ​situations in which ​people ​protest or ​argue in ​public, in ​order to ​achieve a ​particular ​type of ​change
  • Menace - something that is ​likely to ​cause ​harm
  • Instances - examples
  • Thin-skinned - sensitive to criticism (easily ​hurt by ​criticism)
  • Fend off somebody - to ​push or ​send away an ​attacker or other ​unwanted ​person
  • Speak up - to express one's opinions frankly and publicly
Editorial 8 : "A method in the shock therapy"
  • Curb - to control or limit something that is not wanted
  • Unaccounted - missing / unpaid
  • Legal tender - the money that can be officially used in a country
  • Invoked - to use a law in order to achieve something
  • Provocative - intended to start arguments between people
  • Imagery - the use of words or pictures in books, films, paintings, etc. to describe ideas or situations
  • Stashing - storing or hiding something, especially a large amount
  • Ill-gained - to get something in an illegal way
  • Illicit - illegal or disapproved of by society
  • Fuelling - to increase something
  • Inflation - an economic process in which prices increase so that money becomes less valuable
  • Seldom - not often (almost never)
  • Disproportionate - too large or too small in comparison to something else, or not deserving its importance or influence
  • Counterfeit - counterfeit bank notes, products, tickets etc are illegal copies made in order to cheak people
  • Purge - to remove a bad or unpleasant condition or feeling from someone or something
  • Amassed - to get a large amount of something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a long period
  • Hardship - (something that causes) difficult or unpleasant conditions of life
  • Scramble - to compete with other people for something there is very little of
  • Expenditure -  the total amount of money that a government or person spends
  • Outweigh - to be greater or more important than something else
  • Stash  - to store or hide something, especially a large amount
  • Dramatic - very sudden or noticeable, or full of action and excitement
  • Amnesty - a fixed period of time during which people are not punished for committing a particular crime
  • Yield - to produce something useful
  • Disruptive - causing trouble and therefore stopping something from continuing as usual
  • Perhaps - used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true
  • Saddled - burdened
  • Reform -  to make an improvement
  • Prospect - the possibility that something will happen
  • Regime - a system of rules that control something
  • Spawning - to cause something new, or many new things, to grow or start suddenly
Editorial 9: "Return of the Cauvery crisis"
  • Cauvery - Kaveri river of South India
  • Monsoon - rainy season
  • Falling short - to fail to reach an amount or standard that was expected or hoped for, causing disappointment
  • Deficient - not good enough
  • Rushing - moving quickly
  • Citing - to mention something as a reason why something has happened 
  • Crisis - a time of great suffering
  • Erupting - to start suddenly with a lot of violence or noise
  • Sporadic - happening sometimes; not regular or continuous
  • Litigation - the process of taking a case to a court of law so that a judgment can be made
  • Ad hoc - done only when needed for a specific purpose, without planning or preparation
  • Adjudication - to act as judge in a competition or argument, or to make a formal decision about something
  • Mutual - belonging to two or more people
  • Shortfall - a lack of something that you need or want
  • Distress - 1 a feeling that you have when you are very unhappy, worried, or upset
  • Ensure - to make sure that something happens or is done
  • Award - a judgment given by a court of law
  • Tribunal - a special law court organized to judge a particular case
  • Deficiency - a state of not having, or not having enough, of something that is needed
  • Pro rata - calculated according to the individual situation
  • Aspect - a particular part, feature, or quality of something
  • Regulatory - controlling
  • Authority - a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of activity
  • Oversee - to watch or organize an activity to make sure that it is being done correctly
  • Comprising - consisting
  • Representative - someone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people
  • Approach - to meet someone in order to do something such as make a request or business agreement
  • Adequate - enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose
  • Counterpart -     a person, who has the same purpose as another one in a different place or organization
  • Contend - to compete in order to win something
  • Betraying - if someone betrays something such as a promise, they do not do what they promised
  • Desire - a strong feeling of wanting to have or to do something
  • Empathy -  the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person's situation
  • Dilly-dally - to waste time
  • Notifying - to tell someone officially about something
  • Devise - to invent a plan, system, object, etc., using your intelligence
  • Sustainable - capable of continuing for a long time at the same level
  • Depleting - reducing
  • Acreage - an area of land, often measured in acres
  • Intensive - involving
  • Hold the key - to have control of something
  • Initiative - a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem
  • Hostility - opposition to something
  • Hold sway - to be the main influence on people’s opinions or behaviour
Editorial 10 : "Why Siachen must be demilitarised"
  • Demilitarised - to reduce a nation's army, weapons, or military vehicles
  • Avalanche - a ​large ​amount of ​snow falling ​quickly down from the ​side of a ​mountain
  • Glacier - a ​large ​amount of ​ice that ​moves ​slowly
  • Stark - complete / extreme
  • Inhospitable - an environment which is harsh and difficult to live in
  • Isolated - far away from other places
  • Troops - soldiers
  • Infantry - soldiers marching  on foot
  • Massive - large and heavy
  • Terrain - an ​area of ​land
  • Strategic - used to ​provide ​military ​forces with an ​advantage
  • Clinch - confirm
  • Comprehensive - complete and ​including everything that is ​necessary
  • Redeployment - the ​process of sending soldiers to ​work in a different ​place
  • Conflict - a serious disagreement or argument
  • Conform - to ​behave ​according to ​the socially acceptable standards
  • Durable - able to last a ​long ​time without ​becoming ​damaged
  • The status quo - the ​present ​situation
  • To pay a very high price - to ​experience very ​bad ​result of something you have done
  • Remote - far away from any ​towns or ​cities
  • Outpost - a small military camp or position at some distance from the main army
  • Delineation - the action of indicating the exact position of a border or boundary
  • Demarcating - making a dividing line
  • Low-hanging fruits - Targets or goals which are easily achievable and which do not require a lot of effort
  • Doable - it can be achieved / performed
  • Sacrifice - to give up something valuable
  • Put in harm’s way - in a dangerous situation
  • Seized - to take something ​quickly and ​keep or ​hold it
  • Vagaries - unexpected ​changes that cannot be ​controlled
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The Hindu's Top 10 Editorials of 2016 with Meanings (Vocabulary) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 1, 2017 sponsored links Friends, based on the readers' interest, THE HINDU News Paper has released Top 10 Editorials of the year 2016 . Her...

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