IPPB & IBPS SO Exams 2017 – Section wise Full Test - 135

January 9, 2017    

IBPS SO & IPPB Exams 2017 – Section wise Full Test - 130
IPPB Scale I & IBPS SO Exams 2017 – Section wise Full Test - 135:
Dear Readers, IBPS SO Exam 2017 was approaching, for that we have given the Section wise Full Test which consist of all the five sections such as, Aptitude, Reasoning, English, Computer and General Awareness. This Section wise Full Test will be provided on daily basis kindly make use of it.
Directions (1 – 5):Following table shows the population of six different cities, ratio of male and female among them and ratio of adult and minor among them. Answer given questions based on this table.

1).What is the total male population of city - B ?
e) None of these
2).What is the total adult population of city F ?
e) None of these
3).Total male population of city - C is approximately what percentage of total population of city-D ?
4).What is the difference between total number of adult and total number of minor of city - E ?
5).Total number of female of city-A is approximately what percentage of total number of female of city-B ?
Directions (6 – 10): In each of the questions below are given statements followed by.You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer
a) if only conclusion I follows.
b) if only conclusion II follows
c) if either conclusion I or II follows.
d) If neither conclusions I nor II follows.
e) if both conclusions I and II follow.
6). Statements:      All politicians are corrupt.
Some politician are honest.
No leader is honest.
I. Some politicians are not leaders.
II. All honest being corrupt is a possibility.
7). Statement:      Some people are intelligent.
All intelligent are honest.
No intelligent is smart.
I. Some honest are not smart.
II. All people being honest is a possibility.
8). Statement:      Some writer are poets.
All poets are singers.
Many singers are actors.
No singer is a dancer.
I. Some writers are singers.
II. Some actors are not dancers.
9). Statement:        Some writer are poets.
All poets are singers.
Many singers are actors.
No singer is a dancer.
I. All poets being actors is a possibility.
II. No poet is a dancer.
10). Statements:   No patriot is thief.
Some thief are terrorist
All thief are honest.
I. Some terrorist are honest
II. No Patriot is a terrorist
Directions (11 – 15):Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is e). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
11). a)My friend, being unwilling to attend / b) the court at an early hour / c) of the morning, sent a letter explaining / d) why could he not obey. / e) No error
12). a)A twelve-year-old boy / b) was caught at the / c) railway platform / d) this morning. / e) No error
13). a)Though my brother / b) spent a lot of money on my education / c) he refused to give / d) myself any pocket money. / e) No error
14). a)Rahul’s new office is close / b) to his residence / c) so he would not longer / d) have to travel by bus. / e) No error
15). a)She always remembers / b) to switch off all / c) the lights and fans / d) before leaving from a room. / e) No error
1). B)B(male) = 552200/16 * 9 = 311850
2). A)F(Ad) = 302820/21 * 13 = 187460
3). C)C(male) = 369900/9 * 4 = 164400
Req% = 164400/258000 * 100 = 63.72%
4). D)Diff = 281520/17 * (11 - 6) = 82800
5). E)A(Fe) = 333500/23 * 11 = 159500
B(Fe) = 554400/16 * 7 = 242550
Req% = 159500/242550 * 100 = 65.76%

11). D)   12). E)   13). D)   14). C)    15). D)  
For More IBPS SO 2017 Sectional Test-Click Here            

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IPPB & IBPS SO Exams 2017 – Section wise Full Test - 135 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 9, 2017 IPPB  Scale I  & IBPS SO Exams 2017 – Section wise Full Test - 135 : Dear Readers, IBPS SO Exam 2017 was approaching, for that we ...

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