Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam 2017

January 21, 2017    

A Bank has opened a new branch in location. The company has implemented CISCO routers on the network that are configured with the frame relay in capsulation for data transmission. The network administrator wants to measure the speed at which the access link is clocked. Which parameter will be used to measure it
Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam 2017 (Set-30):
Dear Readers, Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam was given here with answers. Aspirants those who are preparing for the examination can use this.

1).Boot monitors are _________.
a)    Memory resident virus
b)    Input /output peripherals
c)    Memory resident anti-virus
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: c)
2).Disk scanners are __________.
a)    Anti-virus protection systems
b)    Aftereffects of virus
c)    8086’s supplementary IC
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: a)
3).A computer is a/an __________.
a)    Electronic calculation
b)    Electronic data processor
c)    Electrical motor
d)    All of the above
e)    None of these

Answer: b)
4).Array is a set of ________ objects.
a)    Different type of
b)    Same type of
c)    Unique
d)    Unwanted
e)    None of these

Answer: b)
5).Information is ________.
a)    Raw data
b)    Processed data
c)    Mined data
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: b)
6).A collection of related records form a _______.
a)    Structure
b)    File
c)    Array
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: b)
7).The function of Data Manipulation is (in DNMS).
a)    Strong information
b)    Deletion of records not required
c)    Insertion of new records
d)    All of the above
e)    None of these

Answer: d)
8).The dBase III+ is mostly used for _________.
a)    Office Automation
b)    Commercial
c)    Database
d)    Scientific Problems
e)    None of these

Answer: c)
9).Data kept in a table may be _________.
a)    Alpha-numeric
b)    Numeric
c)    Boolean
d)    All of the above
e)    None of these

Answer: c)
10).DML stands for _________.
a)    Data Moving Language
b)    Derive More Language
c)    Data Manipulation Language
d)    All of the above
e)    None of these

Answer: c)
1). c)   2). a)   3). b)   4). b)   5). b)   6). b)   7). d)   8). c)   9). c)   10). c)
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Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 21, 2017 Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam 2017 (Set-30) : Dear Readers, Important Professional Knowledge Q...

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