Dear Readers, The List of important Banking Awareness Quiz for upcoming exams was given here. Candidates those who are preparing for the exams can use this.
Answer: b)
2). Stock exchange securities do not include?
Answer: d)
3). Each Regional Rural Bank is managed by ____?
Answer: a)
4). Under which of the following methods of note-issue the RBI issues notes?
Answer: c)
5). Lead Bank Scheme was introduced in ______?
Answer: b)
6). Which of the following is the slogan of CIBIL?
Answer: d)
7). Which of the following provides license to a credit bureau?
Answer: d)
8). In the acronym WEF, ‘E’ stands for…..
Answer: d)
9). Which Bank is called Apex Bank?
Answer: c)
10). The Reserve Bank of India will transfer its surplus profit of 65,896 crore rupees to the Centre. This amount is ___ percent higher than previous year.
Answer: c)
1). On the basis of recommendations of which of the following committees NABARD was established?
a) Shunglu Committee
b) Shivaraman Committee
c) Narshimhan Committee
d) Public Accounts Committee
e) None of the above
Answer: b)
2). Stock exchange securities do not include?
a) Debentures certificates
b) Small debentures issued by port trusts
c) Government promissory notes
d) Reverse Repo Rate
e) None of the above
Answer: d)
3). Each Regional Rural Bank is managed by ____?
a) Board of Directors
b) Reserve Bank
c) Sponsoring commercial bank
d) None of the above
e) None of these
Answer: a)
4). Under which of the following methods of note-issue the RBI issues notes?
a) Fixed Fiduciary System
b) Maximum Fiduciary System
c) Minimum Reserve System
d) Proportional Reserve System
e) None of the Above
Answer: c)
5). Lead Bank Scheme was introduced in ______?
a) 1965
b) 1969
c) 1981
d) 1992
e) None of the above
Answer: b)
6). Which of the following is the slogan of CIBIL?
a) Empowering Banks
b) Empowering Women
c) Empowering India
d) Empowering you
e) None of the Above
Answer: d)
7). Which of the following provides license to a credit bureau?
d) RBI
e) GOI
Answer: d)
8). In the acronym WEF, ‘E’ stands for…..
a) Exchange
b) Eternal
c) Existence
d) Economic
e) Exit
Answer: d)
9). Which Bank is called Apex Bank?
a) Development Bank of India
c) Reserve Bank of India
d) SBI
e) EXIM Bank
Answer: c)
10). The Reserve Bank of India will transfer its surplus profit of 65,896 crore rupees to the Centre. This amount is ___ percent higher than previous year.
b) 19%
c) 25%
d) 33%
e) None of these
Answer: c)
1)b 2)d 3)a 4)c 5)b 6)d 7)d 8)d 9)c 10)c
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