Important Practice English Questions on Error Spot with Detailed Explanation for RBI Grade B/NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017

June 11, 2017    

Important Practice English Questions on Cloze Test with Detailed Explanation for SBI PO/RBI Grade B/NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017
Important Practice English Questions on Error Spot with Detailed Explanation for RBI Grade B/NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017:
Dear Readers, Here we have given the Important Practice English Questions on Error Spot with Explanation for Upcoming RBI Grade B/IBPS PO/Clerk and All other Upcoming Competitive Exams 2017. Candidates those who are preparing for the examination can make use of it.

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Directions (Q. 1-10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (e).

1.In the looming shadow of exit(a)/negotiations with the European Union,(b)/British Prime Minister Theresa May had good reason(c)/to call a snap general election on June 8.(d)/ No error(e)
1). Explanation: Correct preposition will be under(Under the looming shadow of exit)
Answer: A
2.This not only opened the window of(a)/opportunity for him to stage a comeback,(b)/but also brought a host of domestic policy(c)/issues on to the table for voters to dissect and criticise.(d)/No error(e)
2).Explanation: Correct preposition will be to(opportunity to him to stage a comeback,)
Answer: B

3.Similarly, Ms. May’s campaign have taken a beating from the awkward backtrack(a)/on what has been dubbed the “dementia tax”, a proposal whereby(b)/care for an elderly person would be paid for by the(c)/sale of his or her house after death, depriving the heirs.(d)/No error(e)
3).Explanation: Here campaign is in singular form so has will be used.( Similarly, Ms. May’s campaign has taken a beating from the awkward backtrack).
Answer: A

4.The lesson from this pre-election turbulence in support for the Tories is that even(a)/if they succeed in retaining or increasing their parliamentary majority, it would be unwise to take(b)/their opposition for granted, or be overly optimistic in assuming that the European Union(c)/would soften its negotiating stance owing for the internal politics of the U.K.(d)/No error(e)
4).Explanation: Correct preposition will be to.( would soften its negotiating stance owing to the internal politics of the U.K.)
Answer: D
5. Yet that dream appears to be crumbled as(a)/the race has gradually tightened, with multiple terror(b)/incidents, including the Manchester bombing and(c)/the London Bridge attack, further muddying her prospects.(d)/No error(e)
5). Explanation- Here past form of crumble will not be used.( Yet that dream appears to be crumbling as).
Answer: A

6.The price slump, significantly,(a)/has come against the(b)/backdrop to a good monsoon(c)/that led to a bumper crop.(d) /No error(e)
6). Explanation: Correct preposition will be of.( backdrop of a good monsoon).
Answer: C

7.The possible ban for buying produce(a)/below the MSP would just worsen(b)/the crisis by making it hard for farmers to(c)/sell their produce even at the market price.(d)/No error(e)
7). Explanation: Correct preposition will be on (The possible ban on buying produce).
Answer: A
8. As the strike nears the end of its first week,(a)/prices of essential goods such as milk, fruits(b)/and vegetables have rise steeply,(c)/causing distress to consumers.(d)/No error(e)
8). Explanation: 3rd form of verb will be used.( and vegetables have risen steeply,).
Answer: C
9. He also promised that buying(a)/agricultural produce below(b)/their MSP soon would be(c)/made a criminal offence.(d)/No error(e)
9). Explanation- Here soon will come after would.( their MSP would soon be)
Answer: C

10.It is notable that the protests have come(a)/soon after the Uttar Pradesh government waived(b)/farm loans earlier this year,(c)/setting of similar demands in other States.(d)/No error(e)
10). Explanation- Set off is a phrase which means to start anything.( setting off similar demands in other States.)
Answer: D

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Important Practice English Questions on Error Spot with Detailed Explanation for RBI Grade B/NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 11, 2017 Important Practice English Questions on Error Spot with Detailed Explanation for RBI Grade B/NICL AO & Upcoming Exams 2017 : Dear Rea...

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