English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 28th January 2017

January 28, 2017    

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 28th January 2017. Happy reading :)
Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials
  • Calculus - a particular method or system of calculation
  • Sought - to try to get something
  • Forge - to make or produce something, especially with some difficulty
  • Alliance - a group of countries, political parties, or people who have agreed to work together because of shared interests or aims
    News Paper English Meanings
  • Revive - to become, or to make something become, active, successful, or popular again
  • Rival - a person, group, etc. competing with others for the same thing or in the same area
  • Induction - the process or formal act of accepting someone into a group or job
  • Strongman - a person who is very powerful and able to cause change, especially of a political type
  • Charge - an official statement accusing someone of committing a crime
  • Spotlight - receiving a lot of public attention
  • Refining - to make small changes to something in order to improve it
  • Strategy - a detailed plan for achieving success in situations such as war, politics, business, industry, or sport, or the skill of planning for such situations
  • Back-to-basics - to start paying more attention to the most important aspects of something
  • Expel - to officially force someone to leave a place or organization because of their bad behaviour
  • Alleged - claimed to be true, even though this has not been proved
  • Antecedent - someone or something existing or happening before
  • Merge - to combine or join together
  • Protest - a strong complaint expressing disagreement, disapproval, or opposition
  • Consolidate - to combine several small things
  • Vote banks - a large group of voters from a single community who always support a particular party or candidate in elections
  • Rhetoric - speech or writing intended to be effective and influence people
  • Accrual - a gradual increase in something
  • Contradictions - a difference in two or more statements, ideas, stories etc that makes it impossible for both or all of them to be true
  • Outreach - the extent or length of reaching out
  • Constitute - to be or be considered as something
  • Gamble - to do something that involves risks but may result in benefits if things happen as you hope they will
  • Counter - to react to something with an opposing opinion or action
  • Open question - if something is an open question, people are not sure what will happen about it
  • On track - doing or saying things that are likely to be successful or correct
  • Interpreter - someone whose job is to change what someone else is saying into another language
  • Rapport - a good understanding of someone and an ability to communicate well with them
  • Warmth - a kind and friendly quality in someone or something
  • Crown Prince - the man who will be king of a country when the ruling king or queen dies
  • Armed forces - a country's military forces, usually an army, navy, and air force
  • Ties - the friendly feelings that people have for other people
  • Remit - to send money to someone
  • Bilateral - involving two groups or countries
  • Robust - strong and successful
  • Strategic - carefully planned in order to achieve a particular goal, especially in war, business, or politics
  • Contour - an outline representing or bounding the shape or form of something
  • Terror - violence used for making people very frightened in order to achieve political aims
  • Sponsor - to support a person, organization, or activity by giving money, encouragement, or other help
  • Cross-border - between different countries, or involving people from different countries
  • In the wake of something - if something happens in the wake of something else, it happens after and often because of it
  • Victim - someone who has been harmed, injured, or killed as the result of a crime
  • Substitute - to use something or someone instead of another thing or person
  • Envision - to imagine or expect that something is a likely or desirable possibility in the future
  • Concrete - based on facts and information
  • Shadowy - mysterious and secret, or not understood
  • Curb - to control or limit something that is not wanted
  • Expatriate - to use force or law to remove someone from their own country
  • Remittance - an amount of money that you send to someone
  • Sovereign - having the highest power or being completely independent
  • Infrastructure - the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively
  • Memorandum of understanding - a document that records the details of an agreement between two companies or organizations, which has not yet been legally approved
  • Diplomacy - the management of relationships between countries

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English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 28th January 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 28, 2017 sponsored links Hai Friends I'm Kani . Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated...

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