Current Affairs quiz for all competitive Exams- 1-2 September 2016
Dear Readers presents Current Affairs quiz of 1-2 September 2016 that cover important current affair events. Current Affairs quiz prepared according to the latest Bank, SSC and other competitive exams.
1.Which state has…Read More
Reasoning Quiz Puzzle for IBPS Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
There are five married couples in a family and there is a child to every couple. Ages of children are – 3, 5, 6, 4 and 9 years. Names of male are – M, N, O…Read More
Computer Quiz 1. In ________-generation computer the speed was measured in nanoseconds.
1) first
2) second
3) third
4) fourth
5) fifth
2. The process of transferring of files from your computer
to the computer on the internet is called
1) downloading
2) uploadin…Read More
RBI Grade B Officers- Last Year Cutoff 2015 Dear Reader, RBI Phase-I exam is over and many of you are worried about expected cutoff for this year exam.
Last year, RBI Grade B Exam was held in November 2015. The selection was based on 3 phases i.e. – Phase I, Phase II & Interview. To …Read More
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