Current Affairs quiz for all competitive Exams- 1-2 September 2016

September 5, 2016    

Dear Readers presents Current Affairs quiz of 1-2 September 2016 that cover important current affair events. Current Affairs quiz prepared according to the latest Bank, SSC and other competitive exams.

1.Which state has become the first Indian state to have implemented Public Fund Management System (PFMS)?
Ans- Jharkhand

2. The 2016 ASEAN-India Summit will be held in which country?
Ans- Laos

3. The Solung festival has started in which state of India?
Ans-Arunachal Pradesh

4. Who is the newly elected President of Gabon?
Ans- Ali Bongo Ondimba

5. Who has been sworn-in as the new President of Brazil?
Ans- Michel Temer

6. Who has been appointed as the new MD and CEO of SBI Mutual Fund?
Ans- Anuradha Rao

7. Sharad Rao who recently passed away was a.......?

Ans- Union Leader

8. What is the amount foreign investors will have to invest to secure a Permanent Residency Status (PRS) from the government of India?
Ans- R.25 crore

9. Which island recognised as the largest river island in the world?
Ans- Assam's Majuli

10. What is India's rank in World Bank’s 2016 Logistics Performance Index?
Ans- 35th rank

Current Affairs quiz for all competitive Exams- 1-2 September 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 5, 2016 Dear Readers presents  Current Affairs quiz of 1-2 September 2016  that cover important current affair events. Current A...

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