Dear Readers,
All the tension and pressure building around will get released once you appear for the exam. This article is related to the last minute tips which will help you ease things out. Within 24 hours, the fate of many candidates will get locked down. Many will be happy and many will be complaining. Many will be laughing and many will be crying. So friends, don't let this last moment pressure or fear or tension hamper your confidence.

Another thing - Be careful about negative marking - First read the questions carefully than work on the answer, as sometime we skip the rules of questions like - in questions examiner is asking for not follow but we go with follows option as we have done practice with follow option. So do take care of it. It can waste your time by solving question again and If you don't notice. It would be a big problem for you as there will be negative marks for wrong answers (equivalent to 1/4 of the marks allotted to that questions)
You can also watch this session for tips and strategy from subject experts:
You can also watch this session for tips and strategy from subject experts:
And in the end, we would only like to say that do take print out of your admit card today only. No need to wait for the last moment at all.
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