IBPS RRB/Clerk Exam 2016 – Section wise Full Test - 113

December 12, 2016    

IBPS RRB/Clerk Exam 2016 – Section wise Full Test - 80
IBPS RRB/Clerk Exam 2016 – Section wise Full Test-113:
Dear Readers, IBPS RRB/Clerk Exam 2016 was approaching, for that we have given the Section wise Full Test which consist of all the three sections such as, Aptitude, Reasoning, and English. This Section wise Full Test will be provided on daily basis kindly make use of it.

1).When you reverse the digits of the number 24, the number increases by 18. How many other two digit numbers increase by 18 when their digits are reversed?
2).There are two buildings P and Q. If 15 persons are sent from P to Q, then the number of persons in each building is the same. If 20 persons are sent from Q to P, then the number of persons in P is double the number of persons in Q. How many persons are there in building P?
b)   140
c)   120
e)   100
3).A train is traveling at 48 kmph. It crosses another train having half of its length, traveling in opposite direction at 42 kmph, in 12 seconds. It also passes a railway platform in 45 seconds. What is the length of the platform?
a)   500 m
b)   360 m
c)   480 m
d)   400 m
e)   450 m
4).The ratio of the age of a man and his wife is 4:3. At the time of marriage the ratio was 5:3 and After 4 years this ratio will become 9:7. How many years ago were they married?
a)   8 years
b)   10 years
c)   11 years
d)   12 years
e)   None of these
5).A and B are partners of a business. A contribute 1/4 of the capital for 15 months and B received 2/3 of the profit. For how long B's money was used?
a)   12 months
b)   10 months
c)   14 months
d)   16 months
e)   18 months
Directions (6-10): In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement. Give answer
a) If only assumption I is implicit. 
b) If only assumption II is implicit. 
c) If either I or II is implicit. 
d) If neither I nor II is implicit. 
e) If both I and II are implicit. 
Q6. Statement: “Repeat your recruitment ads on Sunday for just 60 per sq cm.” — An advertisement in a newspaper 
I. People want ads at zero cost.
II. There are some people who want to repeat their recruitment ads. 
Q7. Statement: “Quit drinking before it destroys you.” — A notice issued in public interest by XYZ department
I. People fear being destroyed. 
II. Drinking breaks the drinker’s family. 
Q8. Statement: “The government’s decision to supply ARV drugs in six selected states free of cost is commendable, but the patients should be adequately educated before the drugs are administered.” — View of Mr ‘X’
I. The patients can develop drug resistance if they are not regular in their medication. 
II. The patients if not counseled properly may spread the drug-resistant disease.  
Q9. Statement: “it is alarming to note that only 48 to 50 per cent of the voters voted in State ‘X’. The government must make it mandatory for all to exercise their franchise in order to make the democracy more meaningful.” — View of a voter
I. Increase in the participation of voters will ensure increase in the rationality of the democratic set-up.
II. Making it ‘Mandatory for all to exercise their franchise’ may increase the number of voters.
Q10. Statement:  The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has declared 2004 the International Year of Rice, in an effort to highlight the increasing demands for rice among growing populations and production constraints for the commodity. 
I. There is an impending crisis of rice is several countries of the world.
II. The Year of Rice may act as a catalyst for country - driven programmed throughout the world.
Directions (11 – 15): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Two principles are involved in the controversy about the presence of foreign controlled media in the country; the free flow of ideas and images across national borders and the need to safeguard the national interest and preserve cultural autonomy. Both are valid but both are at loggerheads because each has been used to promote less lofty goals. The first principle conforms to a moral imperative: freedom to expression cannot rhyme with restrictions imposed by any government. But the free flow rhetoric also clouds the fact that the powerful Western, and especially American media, can and often do present, subtly or brazenly, news in a manner that promotes Western political, ideological and strategic interests. Besides, Western entertainment programmes present lifestyles and values that run counter to the lifestyles and values cherished by traditional societies. All this explains why so many Indian newspapers, magazines and news agencies have sought protection from the courts to prevent foreign publications and news agencies from operating in the country. Their arguments are weak on two counts. As the bitter debate on a new world information and communication order demonstrated in the late seventies and early eighties, many of those who resent Western ‘invasion’ in the fields of information and culture are no great friends of democracy. Secondly, the threat of such an ‘invasion’ has been aired by those media groups in the developing countries that fear that their business interests will be harmed if Western groups, equipped with large financial and technological resources and superior management skills, are allowed to operate in the country without let.
The fear is valid but it goes against the grain of the economic reform programme. The presence of foreign newspapers and television channels will increase competition, which, in the course of time, can only lead to the upgradation of dynamic Indian newspapers and television channels, even while they drive the rest out of the market. One way to strike a balance between the two antagonistic principles would be to allow foreign media entry into the country, provided the India state treats them at par with the domestic media on all fronts. On the import of technology, for instance, foreign media cannot be allowed duty concessions denied to their Indian counterparts. Foreign media will also have to face legal consequences should they run foul of Indian laws. Why, for example, should the BBC, or Time magazine or The Economist get away by showing a map of Kashmir, which is at variance with the official Indian map? Why should they go scot-free when they allow secessionists and terrorists to air their views without giving the government the right to reply, or when they depict sexually explicit scenes, which would otherwise not be cleared by the Censor Board? Since the government can do precious little in the matter, especially about satellite broadcasts, what if it should consider attaching the properties of the offending parties? Demands of this kind are bound to be voiced unless New Delhi makes it clear to the foreign media that they will have to respect Indian susceptibilities, especially where it concerns the country’s integrity and its culture. It may be able to derive some inspiration from France’s successful attempts in the recent GATT to protect its cinematography industry.
11).Which of the following is one of the points weakening the argument to prevent the entry of foreign media?
a)   Such entry would be against traditional culture
b)   The threat being voiced by those whose business will be harmed by such an entry 
c)   The arguments being put forth are at loggerheads
d)   The foreign media may not be treated on par with the domestic media
e)   None of these
12).What will be the impact of increasing competition?
a)   The domestic media will not be able to withstand it
b)   The foreign media will not be allowed duty concessions on import of technology
c)   It will improve Indian newspapers and television
d)   The Indian newspapers and news agencies will seek protection from the court
e)   None of these
13).Which of the following has been cited as having succeeded in protecting country?
a)   GATT
b)   News Agencies
c)   Television
d)   Cultural traditions
e)   None of these 
14).Which of the following has been the major recommendation regarding the entry of foreign media?
a)   It should not be allowed
b)   It should be welcomed without putting any restrictions
c)   Allow entry, treating them on par with domestic media              
d)   Allow entry, provided they do not ask for duty concessions on import of technology
e)   None of these
15).In the controversy involving two principles regarding allowing foreign media, which of the following is against its entry?
a)   Free flow of ideas
b)   Preserve culture      
c)   Government restrictions
d)   Security across national borders
e)   Western ideology
16).A button that makes characters either upper to a lower case and numbers to symbols is-
a)   Monitor
b)   Shift key
c)   Icon
d)   Mouse
e)   None of these
17).A US standard keyboard follows
a)   QWERTY model
b)   104-model
c)   108-model
d)   All of these
e)   None of these
18).C++, Java, and PHP are __________ programming language.
a)   Procedure-oriented
b)   Object oriented
c)   Font oriented
d)   Visual Basic
e)   None of these
19).Which of the following is a programming language?
a)   Lotus
b)   Pascal
c)   MS-Excel
d)   Netscape
e)   None of these
20).FORTRAN programming language is more suitable for __________.
a)   Business Applications
b)   Marketing Applications
c)   Scientific Applications
d)   None of the above
e)   None of these
21).Maharana Pratap International Airport is situated at _______.
a)   Lucknow
b)   Udaipur
c)   New Delhi
d)   Bhopal
e)   Port Blair
22).Dibrugarh in Assam is situated on the banks of which river?
a)   Hugli
b)   Brahmaputra
c)   Mahanadi
d)   Shipra
e)   Narmada
23).Which of the following is known as the concept of a standard contract to buy or sell a specified commodity at a certain date in future and at a market driven price?
a)   Forward Contract
b)   Futures Contract
c)   Market Contract
d)   Standard Contract
e)   None of these
24).When financial institutions and banks undertake activities related to banking like investment, issue of debit and credit card etc then it is known as ________?
a)   Internet banking
b)   Universal banking
c)   Virtual Banking
d)   Wholesale banking
e)   None of these
25).The Indus water treaty was signed between which two countries?
a)   India-Pakistan
b)   India-Bangladesh
c)   India-Sri Lanka
d)   India-Afghanistan
e)   India-China
1. B)Let the number be (10x + y), so when the digits of number
are reversed the number becomes (10y + x).
According the question, (10y + x) – (10x + y) = 18
⇒ 9 (y – x) = 18
⇒ y – x = 2
So, the possible pairs of (x, y) are
(1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6), (5, 7), (6, 8), and (7, 9).
But we want the number other than 24. Thus, there are 6 possible numbers, i.e., 13, 35, 46, 57, 68, 79.
So, total number of possible numbers are 6.
2. C)Let the number of persons in building P = p
and the number of persons in building Q = q
If 15 persons are sent from P to Q,
then the number of persons in each building is the same
=> p-15 = q+15
=> p - q = 30 ----(Equation 1)
If 20 persons are sent from Q to P,
then the number of persons in P is double the number of persons in Q
=> 2(q - 20) = (p + 20)
=> 2q - 40 = p + 20
=> 2q - p = 60 ----(Equation 2)
(Equation 1) + (Equation 2)=> q = 90
From Equation 1, p = 30 + q = 30 + 90 = 120
i.e., Building P has 120 persons
3. D)Speed of train1 = 48 kmph
Let the length of train1 = 2x meter
Speed of train2 = 42 kmph
Length of train 2 = x meter (because it is half of train1's length)
Distance = 2x + x = 3x
Relative speed= 48+42 = 90 kmph = 90×10/36 m/s = 25 m/s
Time = 12 s
Distance/time = speed => 3x/12 = 25
=> x = 25×12/3 = 100 meter
Length of the first train = 2x = 200 meter
Time taken to cross the platform= 45 s
Speed of train1 = 48 kmph = 480/36 = 40/3 m/s
Distance = 200 + y where y is the length of the platform
=> 200 + y = 45×40/3 = 600
=> y = 400 meter
4. D)Let the present age of the man and his wife be 4x and 3x respectively.
After 4 years this ratio will become 9:7
Present age of the man =4x=4×8=32
Present age of his wife =3x=3×8=24
Assume that they got married before t years. Then,
5. B)B received 2/3 of profit
Then A received remaining 1/3 of the profit
=> A : B = 1/3 : 2/3 = 1 : 2
Then A’s Capital = x
B’s Capital = x – x/4 = 3x/4
Assume B’s money was used for b months
Then A : B = x/4 x 15 : 3x/4 x b
=> 15x/4 : 3bx/4 = 1 : 2
=> 15 : 3b = 1 : 2 => 15 : 3b = 1 : 2 => 5 : b = 1 : 2 => 5 x 2 = 1 x b => b = 10
6. B)The word ‘just’ implies that it must be assumed that people want ads at the lowest cost. Hence, I is not necessarily true. II is obvious; otherwise why will ads like this be given?
7. A)notice given by the XYZ department clearly mentions the ill-effect Of drinking. The motive behind mentioning the ill-effect must be to restrict drinkers from drinking. Now, how can the motive be fulfilled? Obviously, I must be assumed. II is too specific. Hence, II is not implicit.
8. D)The statement does not mention the specific reason behind the view of the speaker. Hence, both I and II are not implicit.
9. E)How will making it ‘mandatory’ make democracy more meaningful? Obviously, both I and II must be assumed.
10. A)Why has the FAO made such a declaration? Why does it need worldwide efforts? Obviously, it must be assuming the problem quite alarming. Hence, I is implicit. But, II is not necessarily valid.
11. B)The threat being voiced by those whose business will be harmed by such an entry 
12. C)It will improve Indian newspapers and television
14. C)Allow entry, treating them on par with domestic media              
15. B)   16. B)   17. A)   18. B)   19. B)   20. C)   21. B)   22. B)   23. B)   24. B)  25. A)

For More IBPS RRB/Clerk 2016 Sectional Test-Click Here         

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IBPS RRB/Clerk Exam 2016 – Section wise Full Test - 113 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 12, 2016 IBPS RRB/Clerk Exam 2016  – Section wise Full Test-113: Dear Readers, IBPS RRB/Clerk Exam 2016 was approaching, for that we have given ...

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