English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 27th December 2016

December 27, 2016    

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 27th December 2016. Happy reading :)
Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Fire in the sky"
  • Ballistic missile - a type of missile that travels long distances and cannot be controlled after it has been launched
  • Significant - important or noticeable
  • Credible - able to be believed or trusted
  • Deterrence - the idea that the possession of a particular weapon will make other countries afraid to attack the country that owns it
    English Vocabulary from News Papers
  • Indigenously - naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place
  • Inching towards - to move somewhere very slowly and gradually, or to make something do this
  • Robust - strong
  • World-class - one of the best
  • Sworn - to promise
  • Reliable - trusted or believed
  • Absolute - very great or to the largest degree possible
  • Worst-case scenario - the most unpleasant or serious thing that could happen in a situation
  • Withstand - to be strong enough not to be harmed or destroyed by something
  • Canister - a round metal container that is used to hold gases or chemical substances under pressure
  • Trajectory - the curved path that an object follows after it has been thrown or shot into the air
  • Splash down - when a space vehicle splashes down, it lands in the sea after being in space
  • Induction - the process or formal act of accepting someone into a group or job
  • Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
  • Stride - an important positive development
  • Triad - three related things that form a group
  • Cruise missile - a nuclear missile that is controlled by a computer and can travel very long distances
  • Warhead - the front part of a bomb or missile that contains explosives
  • Veered off - changed direction
  • Designated - given / assigned
  • Foolproof - a foolproof method, plan, or system is so well designed that it cannot go wrong or is certain to succeed
  • Credible - able to be believed or trusted
  • Consistently - not changing in behaviour, attitudes, or qualities
  • Threat - a situation or an activity that could cause harm or danger
  • Bulky - too big and taking up too much space
  • Arsenal - a collection of weapons
  • Democracy - a country in which power is held by elected representatives
  • Ongoing - still happening or being done
  • Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation
  • Turbulent - a turbulent situation, place, or period is one in which there is a lot of uncontrolled change
  • Clinging - to stick onto or hold something or someone tightly, or to refuse to stop holding it, him, or her
  • Predecessors - someone who had a job or a position before someone else
  • Constitution - the set of political principles by which a state or organization is governed, especially in relation to the rights of the people it governs
  • Amend - to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document
  • Logistical - the practical arrangements that are necessary in order to organize something successfully, especially something involving a lot of people or equipment
  • Evident - easily seen or understood
  • Democratise - to change the way of running a government or organization so that the people in it are more equal and can share in making decisions
  • Stability - a situation in which something is not likely to move or change
  • Living standards - the amount of money and comfort people have in a particular society
  • Triggered - to cause something to start
  • Massive - very large in size, amount, or number
  • Protest - an occasion when people show that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc
  • Battleground - a place where a battle is being fought or has been fought in the past
  • Activist - a person who believes strongly in political or social change and takes part in activities such as public protests to try to make this happen
  • Burn down - to destroy something, especially a building, by fire, or to be destroyed by fire
  • Qualm - an uncomfortable feeling when you doubt if you are doing the right thing
  • Suppressing - to stop opposition or protest using military force or strict laws
  • Significantly - in a way that is easy to see or by a large amount:
  • Violent - used to describe a situation or event in which people are hurt or killed
  • Repression - the use of force or violence to control people
  • Outright - completely or immediately
  • Bid - an attempt to achieve or get something
  • Term - a period of time during which a politician or other official holds their job
  • Stalemate - a situation in which neither group involved in an argument can win or get an advantage and no action can be taken
  • Plunge - to fall quickly from a high position
  • Cross-border - between different countries, or involving people from different countries
  • Rebel - a person who is opposed to the political system in their country and tries to change it using force
  • Dictator - someone who uses force to take and keep power in a country
  • Ousted - to force someone to leave a position of power, job, place, or competition
  • Civil war - a war fought by different groups of people living in the same country
  • Spearhead - to lead something such as an attack or a course of action
  • Assassinate - to kill someone famous or important
  • Successor - someone who has an important position after someone else

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English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 27th December 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 27, 2016 sponsored links Hai Friends I'm Kani . Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated...

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