Directions (1-15): The following sentences contain an error part. Each sentence is following by five different ways of wording the part that contains the error. Answer choice (A) always repeats the original; the other four choices are different. If you think that the original sentence displays the best way of wording the incorrect part, choose answer (A); otherwise, select the best alternative.
Q1. Although few outside academe have heard of him, today William Dean Howells is among America’s most successful literary critics and novelists.
(a) Although few outside academe have heard of him today, William Dead Howells
(b) However difficult it may be to find someone outside of academe who has heard of him, today, William Dean Howells
(c) As difficult as it is to find someone outside of academe who has heard of him today, William Dean Howells
(d) William Dean Howells is not heard of by very many outside of academe today, but he
(e) Although today William Dean Howells is not heard of by very many people outside of academe, he
Q2. Although the stock market seems to offer the possibility of great personal gain, you must understand that to invest in stocks is accepting the risk of financial ruin as well.
(a) is accepting the risk of financial ruin as well
(b) is to accept the risk of financial ruin as well
(c) is to accept the risk as well as financial ruin
(d) are accepting the risk of financial ruin as well
(e) are to accept the risk of financial ruin as well
Q3. Since the past twenty years, thousands of magnificent United States elms have been killed by infestations of the tiny European bark beetle
(a) Since the past twenty years
(b) Since twenty years have passed
(c) During the past twenty years
(d) Twenty years ago
(e) After twenty years
Q4. The new biography of Thomas Jefferson contains some startling insights about the man who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence
(a) about the man who was the primary author
(b) into the man who was the primary author
(c) into the character of the man who was the primary author
(d) into the character of a man who was the primary author
(e) into the character of the man who was primarily the author
Q5. Although completely withered, the botanists were able to conclude from what remained of the flower that the species was very rare
(a) Although completely withered
(b) Although totally withered
(c) Although withering completely
(d) Although it was completely withered
(e) While it withered completely
Q6. Four days a week, parking is permitted only on alternate sides of the street on account of enabling the mechanical street sweepers to pass close to the curbs.
(a) on account of enabling
(b) for the reason of enabling
(c) to permit
(d) so as to allow
(e) therefore allowing
Q7. What I would call personal style depends not so much on the actual clothing you wear but one’s choice of jewelry and make-up.
(a) but one’s choice of
(b) but one’s choosing
(c) but your choice of
(d) as your choice of
(e) as your choosing
Q8. The actual votes cast by incumbents can provide voters with a more accurate picture of their attitudes than the speeches they make while campaigning for re-election.
(a) their attitudes than the speeches they make
(b) the actual votes cast …… the attitudes of incumbents than the speeches they make
(c) the actual votes cast …… the attitudes of incumbents than do the speeches they make
(d) the actual votes cast …… the attitudes of incumbents than do the speeches
(e) the actual votes cast …… the attitudes of incumbents than the speeches
Q9. With the writing of Huckleberry Finn, it marked the first time that the American vernacular was used in a novel.
(a) With the writing of Huckleberry Finn, it marked the first time that the American vernacular was used in a novel.
(b) Marking the first time that the American vernacular was used in a novel was Huckleberry Finn.
(c) The writing of Huckleberry Finn, a novel, was the first time that the American vernacular was used.
(d) Huckleberry Finn marked the first time that American vernacular was used in a novel
(e) The first time that the American vernacular was used in a novel was Huckleberry Finn.
Q10. Parents and teacher are becoming increasingly concerned about protecting children and the drugs which are available to them, and several parent-teacher organizations, dedicated to educating children about the dangers of drug addition, have recently been formed.
(a) protecting children and the drugs which are available to them
(b) protecting of children and the drugs which are available to them
(c) protecting children from their availability to drugs
(d) protecting children from the drugs availability to them
(e) protecting children from the drugs available to them
Q11. Although today it is cost-effective to make perfumes with synthetic ingredients, they used to make the classic fragrances from flowers only and other natural essences.
(a) they used to make the classic fragrances from flowers only
(b) the classic fragrances used to be made from flowers
(c) the classic fragrances used to be made by them only from flowers
(d) the classic fragrances used to be made from flowers only
(e) only flowers used to make the classic fragrances
Q12. Appearing to be the only candidate whose views would be acceptable to its membership, the youth Caucus endorsed George Avery for City
(a) Appearing to be
(b) Seeming to be
(c) Because he appeared to be
(d) Because he seemed
Q13. Modern theories of criminal justice view rehabilitations as the goal of the penal system and aim at restoration of the offender to society rather as merely punishing him
(a) restoration of the offender to society rather as
(b) restoring of the offender to society rather than
(c) restoring the offender to society rather as
(d) restoring the offender to society rather than
(e) restoration of the offender to society rather as
Q14. Approximately 20,000 meteors enter the earth’s atmosphere every day, but very few of them reach the earth’s surface on the grounds that they are consumed by frictional heat long before they reach the earth.
(a) but very few of them reach the earth’s surface on the grounds that they
(b) but very few of them reach the earth’s surface because most
(c) but very few of them reach the earth’s surface
(d) with very few of them reaching the earth’s surface on account of they
(e) since very few of them reach of earth’s surface because most
Q15. The major national leaders consulted consider solar power economically infeasible at present but that it will be so in the future.
(a) that it will be so
(b) that it would be so
(c) believe that it will be so
(d) believe that solar power will not be economically feasible
(e) believe that economic feasibility will be achieved
S1. Ans.(a)
Sol. Although few outside academe have heard of him today, William Dead Howells
S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. is to accept the risk of financial ruin as well
S3. Ans.(c)
Sol. During the past twenty years
S4. Ans.(c)
Sol. into the character of the man who was the primary author
S5. Ans.(d)
Sol. Although it was completely withered
S6. Ans.(c)
Sol. to permit
S7. Ans.(d)
Sol. as your choice of
S8. Ans.(c)
Sol. the actual votes cast …… the attitudes of incumbents than do the speeches they make
S9. Ans.(d)
Sol. Huckleberry Finn marked the first time that American vernacular was used in a novel
S10. Ans.(e)
Sol. protecting children from the drugs available to them
S11. Ans.(b)
Sol. the classic fragrances used to be made from flowers
S12. Ans.(c)
Sol. Because he appeared to be
S13. Ans.(d)
Sol. restoring the offender to society rather than
S14. Ans.(b)
Sol. but very few of them reach the earth’s surface because most
S15. Ans.(d)
Sol. believe that solar power will not be economically feasible
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