Meaning: to move about in a sly or secret manner.
Synonyms: lurk, mooch, mouse, pussyfoot, shirk, slide, slink, slip, sneak, steal, crawl, creep.
Antonyms: hustle, hurry, discover, disclose, show, quest, run, race.
Usage: When the criminal surveyed the jewelry store, he tried to skulk around the neighborhood without being noticed.
2. REGNANT (adjective) शासन करने वाला
Meaning: reigning; ruling.
Synonyms: dominant, prevalent, rife, governing, rampant, influential, controlling, commanding, principal, major, prime.
Antonyms: powerless, ineffectual, inadequate, ineffective, useless, defenseless, weak.
Usage: After all, a queen regnant sits on the throne and the monarchy must be feeling pressure from its seemingly more progressive neighbors.
3. DISTRAIT (adjective) शून्यचित्त
Meaning: distracted or absent-minded.
Synonyms: preoccupied, absorbed, engrossed, abstracted, distant, faraway, forgetful, vague, inattentive, oblivious, heedless.
Antonyms: alert, concentrating, attentive, focused, unperturbed, recollected, self-possessed. coolheaded, all ears, detail-oriented.
Usage: He grew more and more distrait as hours passed without confirmation that there were survivors of the plane crash
4. RIPOSTE (noun) जवाबी प्रहार
Meaning: a quick, clever reply to an insult or criticism.
Synonyms: retort, counter, rejoinder, sally, return, retaliation, reply, response, repartee, squelch, quip.
Antonyms: request, query, bidding, catechize, question.
Usage: A riposte to that argument was provided by Sea Containers, the shipping group headed by James Sherwood.
5. BENIGNANT (adjective) सहृदय
Meaning: having or marked by sympathy and consideration for others.
Synonyms: beneficent, benevolent, compassionate, good-hearted, humane, kindhearted, kindly, softhearted, sympathetic, tenderhearted.
Antonyms: atrocious, barbarous, bestial, brutal, callous, cold-blooded, cruel, fiendish, inhuman, insensate, truculent, uncompassionate, unfeeling, unkind, unsympathetic, vicious.
Usage: The queen had a benignant reputation and was loved for her caring treatment of others.
6. DISSEMBLE (verb) स्वांग रचना
Meaning: conceal or disguise one's true feelings or beliefs.
Synonyms: dissimulate, pretend, deceive, feign, masquerade, sham, fake, bluff, counterfeit, posture, conceal, disguise, hide, mask, veil, shroud.
Antonyms: expose, unmask, unveil, reveal, exhibit, admit, disclose, display, allow, convene, publish, manifest.
Usage: The con man did his best to dissemble his real motives from the wealthy widow
7. NONPAREIL (adjective) अद्वितीय
Meaning: having no match or equal; unrivalled.
Synonyms: incomparable, matchless, unrivalled, unparalleled, unequalled, unmatched, unsurpassable, unbeatable, inimitable; unique, consummate, perfect, exquisite, transcendent, superlative, supreme.
Antonyms: mediocre, common, familiar, frequent, normal, ordinary, ubiquitous, inferior, lesser, deficient, dissatisfactory, lame, lousy, low, paltry, substandard, unacceptable, low-grade.
Usage: The champions deserved the title because they were nonpareil all season and won every game.
8. STENTORIAN (adjective) बुलंद
Meaning: (of a person's voice) loud and powerful.
Synonyms: blaring, blasting, booming, clamorous, clangorous, deafening, earsplitting, piercing, plangent, resounding, roaring, thundering, thunderous.
Antonyms: still, dreamy, peaceful, restful, serene, soothing, tranquil, muffled, muted, softened,
gentle, low, soft.
Usage: When my father speaks in a stentorian voice, I know I’m in trouble.
9. FARRAGO (noun) मिश्रण
Meaning: a confused mixture.
Synonyms: mishmash, jumble, hodgepodge, medley, clutter, turmoil, pot-pourri, chaos, disarray, disorder, muddle, tangle.
Antonyms: constituent, ravel, sequence, stylishness, categorization, portfolio.
Usage: The present gun law is a farrago of nonsense as most of it is unenforceable.
10. LENITY (noun) उदारता
Meaning: kind, gentle, or compassionate treatment especially towards someone who is undeserving of it.
Synonyms: charity, clemency, forbearance, leniency, mercifulness, humanitarianism, philanthropy, empathy, pity, sympathy.
Antonyms: ruthlessness, reprisal, requital, retaliation, retribution, vengeance, vindictiveness, virulence, vitriol, atrocity, brutality, cruelty.
Usage: This savage punishment was approved by the higher officers of the navy, who showed great lenity to men of their own rank.

- https://www.bankersadda.com/2018/08/daily-vocab-for-various-competitive-exams-16.html
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