English Quiz for IBPS Exam 2016: TWISTED ONE

November 6, 2016    

Directions (1-5): Fill in the blanks choosing the word that is most appropriate in the context of the passage.

Throughout modern times _____(1)_____ states have always co-existed alongside many kinds of tyranny. Similarly, the modern world has always contained _____(2)_____ economic systems – many varieties of capitalism, planned and guided economies, and a host of hybrid economic systems not easily _____(3)_____. Diplomacy and international law developed to cope with the fact of _____(4)_____ regimes. Yet throughout the 20th century global politics was shaped by the project of _____(5)_____ the world within a single regime. The whole world was to be a single socialist economy, administered by forms of governance that were to be everywhere the same.

(a) liberal
(b) political
(c) autocratic
(d) military
(e) civilized
(a) Marxist
(b) Fabian
(c) numerous
(a) structured
(b) unstructured
(c) perceived
(d) classified
(e) understood
(a) totalitarian
(b) tyrannical
(c) closed
(d) diverse
(e) democratic
(a) describing
(b) unifying
(c) destroying
(d) conquering
(e) globalizing
Directions (6-11): Fill in the blanks choosing the word that is most appropriate in the context of the passage.

China’s decision to _____(6)_____ the head of its drug regulatory agency has rekindled international debate about capital punishment. It is an age-old question, one that harks back to Plato, who in his “Laws” saw the need to punish by death those who commit _____(7)_____ crimes. Supporters of capital punishment usually put forward three arguments to _____(8)_____ state-sanctioned killing of those who take the life of another. First, there is the old law of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” In the words of Immanuel Kant no other _____(9)_____ is capable of satisfying justice. Then there is a _____(10)_____ argument: capital punishment deters many criminals from murder. Furthermore, killing murderers prevents _____(11)_____: if released from prison, they might kill again.
(a) punish
(b) banish
(c) absolve
(d) exonerate
(e) execute
(a) egregious
(b) munificent
(c) carnal
(d) philistine
(e) corporeal
(a) vilify
(b) disparage
(c) justify
(d) undermine
(e) eviscerate
(a) penalty
(b) compensation
(c) amends
(d) atonement
(e) cessation
(a) contrarian
(b) useful
(c) fashionable
(d) strange
(e) utilitarian
(a) extravagance
(b) dogmatism
(c) fanaticism
(d) recidivism
(e) stubbornness
Directions (12-15): Fill in the blanks choosing the word that is most appropriate in the context of the passage.
The reality of the world’s epic _____(12)_____ is well known. We have seen how financial engineering in the United States can _____(13)_____ economic growth in every part of the world; how carbon-dioxide emissions from China end up _____(14)_____ crop yields and livelihoods in Vietnam, Bangladesh, the Maldives, and beyond; how an epidemic in Mexico endangers the rhythm of public life in the United States; or how volcanic ash from Iceland _____(15)_____ travel across Europe.
(a) calamities
(b) tragedy
(c) problems
(d) recession
(e) interdependence
(a) undermine
(b) determine
(c) encourage
(d) accelerate
(e) complicate
(a) ameliorating
(b) acculturating
(d) influencing
(e) emending
(a) prevents
(b) affects
(c) boosts
(d) augments
(e) ramifies
S1. Ans.(a) 

Sol. liberal-willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.

S2. Ans.(c) 

Sol. ‘numerous’ fits in the context of the sentence correctly.

S3. Ans.(d) 

Sol. Classified- fits in the context of the sentence correctly.

S4. Ans.(d) 

Sol. diverse- showing a great deal of variety; very different.

S5. Ans.(b) 

Sol. unify-make or become united, uniform, or whole.

S6. Ans.(e) 

Sol. execute-carry out a sentence of death on (a legally condemned person).

S7. Ans.(a) 

Sol. egregious-outstandingly bad; shocking.

S8. Ans.(c) 

Sol. Justify- fits in the context of the sentence correctly.

S9. Ans.(a) 

Sol. penalty-a punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract.

S10. Ans.(e) 

Sol.  utilitarian-designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive.

S11. Ans.(d) 

Sol.  recidivism-a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior; especially :  relapse into criminal behavior

S12. Ans.(e) 

Sol.  Interdependence is mutual dependence between things. If you study biology, you’ll discover that there is a great deal of interdependence between plants and animals.

S13. Ans.(b) 

Sol.  determine-cause (something) to occur in a particular way or to have a particular nature.

S14. Ans.(d) 

Sol.  Influencing- fits in the context of the sentence correctly.

S15. Ans.(b) 

Sol.  Affects- fits in the context of the sentence correctly.


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English Quiz for IBPS Exam 2016: TWISTED ONE 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 6, 2016 Directions (1-5): Fill in the blanks choosing the word that is most appropriate in the context of the passage. Throughout modern times _...

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