A Unique way to learn Vocab: Chasing a grand alliance

November 10, 2016    

A very good morning to all,…

Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight and explain those words in order to improve your vocabulary skills and to have a good command on English language section. Hope this will help you with your preparation. From now on we are going to provide the link of the article. You can go through the article by clicking on the link. Below here you will get the 10 important words from the article which will help you to excel in the exam.

Article : Chasing a grand alliance

Click here to read article from THE HINDU

Meaning of the words highlighted in the article

Daily wordlist

1. Alliance (noun) (संधि) – a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations

Synonyms – compact, concord

Antonyms – disunity, hatred

Ex: We formed a neighborhood alliance to plan events in our community.

2. Resurgent (adjective) (पुनस्र्त्थानशील)– increasing or reviving after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence

Synonyms – revived, florid

Antonyms – dormant, latent

Ex: Unfortunately, the state religion of a resurgent Israel was more heavily inspired by.

3. Speculation (noun) (सट्टा)– the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence

Synonyms – conjecture, reflection

Antonyms – reality, disregard

Ex: Without any leads or evidence, the detectives can only speculate about who might have committed the crime.

4. Replication (noun) (प्रतिकृति)– the action of copying or reproducing something

Synonyms – pattern, tracing

Antonyms – difference, entitiy

Ex: Why would I pay a huge price for a replication of a designer handbag?

5. Rife (adjective) (व्याप्त) – (especially of something undesirable) of common occurrence, widespread

Synonyms – abundant, epidemic

Antonyms – scarce, limited

Ex: Meanwhile, corruption was rife.

6. Enigmatically (adjective) (रहस्यपूर्ण)– full of mystery and difficult to understand

Synonyms – cryptic, obscure

Antonyms – obvious, clear

Ex: When I was growing up, I viewed my father as an enigmatic man who rarely spent time with me.

7. Uninhibited (adjective) (बेहिचक) – expressing one’s feelings or thoughts unselfconsciously and without restraint

Synonyms – liberated, natural

Antonyms – modest, careful

Ex: I like his natural and uninhibited acting talent.

8. Fray (verb) (दंगा) – (of a fabric, rope, or cord) unravel or become worn at the edge, typically through constant rubbing

Synonyms – brawl, contest

Antonyms – peace, truce

Ex: My parents taught me to always remain above the fray and to be the first to apologize.

9. Fungible (adjective) (प्रतिमोच्य) – (of goods contracted for without an individual specimen being specified) replaceable by another identical item, mutually interchangeable

Synonyms – compatible, converse

Antonyms – different, dissimiliar

Ex: On the diet plan, the two vegetables are fungible so you can eat either one without changing your calorie count.

Word of the Day


Meaning (English) – a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind, a forerunner

Meaning (Hindi) – अग्रगामी

Synonyms – herald, usher

Example – A sore throat is often the precursor of a cold.

उदाहरण – गले में ख़राश अक्सर सर्दी लगने का पूर्व लक्षण है।


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A Unique way to learn Vocab: Chasing a grand alliance 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 10, 2016 A very good morning to all,… Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight...

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