SSC Economics Quiz Set-2

October 12, 2016    

Dear SSC Aspirants, practice economics questions for upcoming SSC 10+2 Exam and Other exams.

1. Structural employment arises due to
A) Deflationary Conditions
B) Heavy industry bias
C) Shortage of raw meterials
D) Inadequate productive capacity

2. National Income estimates in India are prepared by
A) Planning Commission
B) Reserve Bank of India
C) Central statistical organisation
D) Indian statistical Institute

3.The Korba coalfield is located in
A) Orissa
B) West Bengal
C) Chhttisgarh
D) Assam

4.Major coalfields of India are located in the river valley of
A) Damodar
B) Godavari
C) Mahanadi
D) Wardha

5.In India, the state known for its sandalwood is
A) Karnataka
B) Assam
C) Kerala
D) West Bengal

6. Which one of the following is NOT amethod of measurement of National Income
A) Value added method
B) Income method
C) Expenditure method
D) Investment method

7. Which amongst the following states/UTs has Not identified tribal community
A) Chhattisgarh
B) Haryana
C) Maharashtra
D) Karnataka

8.NREGP is the abbreviated form of
A) National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme
B) National Rural Educational Guarantee Programme
C) National Rapid Employment Guarantee Programme
D) National Rapid Educational Guarantee Programme

9. Nuclear energy is a mineral based source, it is derived from
A) Uranium
B) Thorium
C) Plutonium
D) All of these

10. The second Five Year plan was based on
A) Mahalanobis Model
B) Vakil and Brahmananda's Wage -Goods Model
C) Harrod - Domar Growth Model
D) Solow Growth Model

SSC Economics Quiz Set-2 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 12, 2016 Dear SSC Aspirants, practice economics questions  for upcoming SSC 10+2 Exam and Other exams. 1. Structural employment arises due to A) ...

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