A Unique way to learn Vocab: A Nobel push for peace in Colombia

October 12, 2016    

A very good morning to all,…

Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight and explain those words in order to improve your vocabulary skills and to have a good command on English language section. Hope this will help you with your preparation. From now on we are going to provide the link of the article. You can go through the article by clicking on the link. Below here you will get the 10 important words from the article which will help you to excel in the exam.

Article : A Nobel push for peace in Colombia

Click here to read article from THE HINDU

Meaning of the words highlighted in the article


1. Winding (noun) (घुमावदार) – a twisting movement or course

Synonyms – sinuous, wriggly

Antonyms – unbent, straight

Ex: The windings of the stream.

2. Hostilities (noun) (शत्रुता)– hostile behaviour; unfriendliness or opposition

Synonyms – spite, venom

Antonyms – happiness, kindness

Ex: Their hostility to all outsiders.

3. Conceding (verb) (मानने)– admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it

Synonyms – capitulate, yield

Antonyms – dispute, refuse

Ex: I had to concede that I’d overreacted.

4. Inequities (noun) (विषमताओं)– lack of fairness or justice

Synonyms – injustice, wrong

Antonyms – equity

Ex: The massive inequities and ensure that health, education, security.

5. Dismantle (verb) (विघटित) – take (a machine or structure) to pieces

Synonyms – deprive, bankrupt

Antonyms – create, restore

Ex: We did everything but dismantle the President’s chair.

6. Merely (adverb) (केवल)– just, only

Synonyms – hardly, solely

Antonyms – indefinitely

Ex: Merely watching a video about a subject does not make you an expert.

7. Referendum (noun) (जनमत संग्रह) – a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision

Synonyms – election, mandate

Ex: The referendum was undoubtedly going to.

8. Persuasive (adjective) (प्रेरक) – good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation

Synonyms – convictive, energetic

Antonyms – invalid, discouraging

Ex: I’m sure answers might be forthcoming via direct and persuasive questioning.

9. Pulpit (noun) (व्यासपीठ) – a raised enclosed platform in a church or chapel from which the preacher delivers a sermon

Synonyms – podium, stage

Ex: He never heard these things from the pulpit.

Word of the Day


Meaning (English) – proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects

Meaning (Hindi) – कपटी

Synonyms – cunning, dishonest

Antonyms – honest, sincere

Example – I know we are working against an enemy who is very insidious in his methods.

उदाहरण – मैं जानता हूं कि हम एक ऐसे दुश्मन के विरुद्ध काम कर रहे हैं जो कपटपूर्ण विधियां अपनाने में प्रवीण है।


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A Unique way to learn Vocab: A Nobel push for peace in Colombia 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 12, 2016 A very good morning to all,… Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight...

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