SBI PO 2016: Interview Experience of GradeUp user

October 4, 2016    

Dear Aspirants

Below is the SBI PO 2016 Interview Experience of GradeUp user.

Interview Experience SBI PO 2016 Exam

Hello friends , I am sharing my interview experience. I wanted it to share it early but due to biometric error, I was too stressed at that time, didn’t shared it. Hope it will help biotech background students to appear interview in upcoming exam. I didn’t found any biotech student interview experience at the time of my preparation which could gave any idea. So I decided to help others.

7.45, reached SBLC, Gandhinagar

I entered room, process was going on. I was asked to arrange my Document as mentioned on  notice board in corner. But I found it already arranged on similar pattern, so they started verifying.

2 different officers for xerox and original verification done subsequently.

Biometric: Sign verified photo matched but thumb print didn’t, they tried till 9.30 but, It was my 1st exam, at that time, I wasn’t unaware of its significance,  one more guy with the same problem came from jaipur, he got so hyper warned them to file case, that made me tensed too as it seemed a serious issue.

They tried even after interview, he was lucky, his thumb print matched,  mine didn’t. I tried there for 2 hours. I told them to leave it but they said, if u want u can try even more time, but I became very upset with myself, it was already 2.30 pm.

9.30am sent for GD, every one including panel was present. Officer who left me there offered me water & I took my place.

GD topic: In the edge of “breaking news”, news media exaggerate news for TRP. Do u agree?

Consensus topic: Important steps for environment protection

Both went smoothly,  we reached the conclusion and consensus within time.
Panel appreciated us for such a wonderful group talk and wished us all the best for interview. I thanked the two and left.

Me: May I come in?

M1: Yes come in, have a seat
Me: Thank you sir, good morning mam , good morning sir (to each one individually)

M1: Have a seat
Me: Thank you sir

M1: What is biotechnology?
Me: Told in brief also mentioned biometric

M1: You told biometric, Is it also biotechnology?
Me: Yes sir, it’s a part of biotechnology.

M1: He repeated my words. Ok so where u stayed in Lucknow?
Me: sir, near cimap colony, I stayed in PG.

M1: Why u didn’t joined cimap?
Me: it was too far from my home, my dad wanted to stay near him.

M1: Have u tried for P.HD or research?
Me : No sir, I was never interested in doing P.HD

M2: What role your father play in these decision?
Me: I always take my decision on my own, but my father always support me.

M1: You did your graduation in 2012 -13 right. Don’t you think you should have joined bank that time, you wasted your time?
Me: No sir, I don’t think so, I believe in continuous learning. M.SC gave me diversity & confidence.

M1: so all these are because of MSC
Me: Yes sir

F1: I would point you. You told Lucknow was too far but you will be posted anywhere, will u go?
Me: yes mam, at that time I had some problems like campus placement & some other, I need to think about my life, plan it, so I needed a break, I came home back.

F1: You will be posted anywhere. If u will b posted back to Lucknow, will u go?
Me: yes mam.

F1: Ok where do u find yourself after 10 years?
Me: With greater responsibility at higher position, working toward progress.

M2: What you have prepared for interview?
Me: basic banking and my subject

M3: Your father is in bank, you must be knowing all about bank?
Me: smiled

M3: Where is he posted?
Me: told

M2: how many MD in SBI?
Me: 4

M2: What are their roles?
Me: sorry sir, I don’t know

M2: Who is chairman of SBI?
Me: Arundhati Bhattacharya

M3: She is a woman. Then why called chairman?
Me: Actual word is chair person

M3: No chairman is the correct one. He explained and asked again in an elaborative way.
Me: Because India is male dominating country.

M3: What is inflation?
Me: told

M3: How does RBI controls it?
Me: told

M2: You have done project on bodiesel, how u prepared it?
Me: told the basics

M2: Explain in detail with steps?
Me: told

M2: Why it has not been commercialized till now?
Me: told

M4: Name some GM crop?
Me: BT Cotton commercialized,  BT Potato and BT mustard under process

M4: Any other?
Me: no sir

M4: Is it BT brinjal?
Me: Yes sir

M4: Initially, BT cotton was in great demand. Then it’s production declined, what’s the reason behind it.
Me: told

F1: But why it declined?
Me: Sorry mam, I don’t know exactly the reason behind it

M1: There is a country, which produces bodiesel from a plant. Tell me the name of country and the plant?
Me: I think it’s America from corn.

M1: That’s ok, but have u heard about Brazil from sugar cane?
Me: yes sir

M1: ok thank u. We are done!
Me: thank u sir, thank u mam


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SBI PO 2016: Interview Experience of GradeUp user 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 4, 2016 Dear Aspirants Below is the SBI PO 2016 Interview Experience of GradeUp user. Hello friends , I am sharing my interview experience. I wan...

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