Daily GK Update : 26th October 2016

October 26, 2016    

Honours & Awards

1. Paul Beatty wins Man Booker prize 2016


  • Paul Beatty has become the first US author to win the Man Booker Prize.
  • He won the award for his racial satire, ‘The Sellout’ at a ceremony in London’s Guildhall.
  • The novel tells the story of a young black man who tries to reinstate slavery and racial segregation in a suburb of Los Angeles. Amanda Foreman, Chair of the Judges, said the book managed to eviscerate every social taboo.


  • The Booker Prize is a literary prize awarded each year for the best original novel, written in the English language and published in the UK.
  • The winner of the Man Booker Prize is generally assured of international renown and success.
  • The prize is of great significance for the book trade.

2. AIR’s entry on dwindling tiger habitats wins ABU award


  • All India Radio (AIR) has won the first prize in the Community Service Announcement category of the prestigious Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) awards for this year.
  • AIR’s entry (Diary of a Tiger) was declared the winner at a glittering award ceremony held in Bali, Indonesia, on the sidelines of ongoing 53rd ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings.
  • The selected programme is an 89-second spot in Hindi on the dwindling forests and gradually decreasing habitat of tigers.
  • The award includes a trophy, certificate and cash prize of  US Dollars 2000.

3. G Balakrishna crowned Mr. Asia


  • Bengaluru-based water tanker driver G Balakrishna (25-year) has won the Mr. Asia title at the 5th Phil-Asia bodybuilding championships in the Philippines.
  • Earlier, Balakrishna has won Mr. Universe Under-24 junior contest in 2013 in Germany and Mr. Universe title in the same category at the world championship in Athens in 2014.

National Affairs

4. PM Narendra Modi launches Urja Ganga in Varanasi


  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi has laid the foundation stone of  highly ambitious gas pipeline project Urja Ganga in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.
  • The gas pipeline project aims to provide piped cooking (PNG) gas to residents of the eastern region of the country and CNG gas for the vehicles.
  • It envisages laying a 2,050-km pipeline connecting Jagdishpur (UP) to Haldia (West Bengal) by 2018.

Banking & Finance

5. India ranks 130th in World Bank’s ease of doing business Index


  • India has moved a place up but is still 130th in the World Bank’s ease of doing the business ranking for 2017.
  • The marginal improvement came on the back of slight improvement in four indicators (getting electricity, enforcing contracts, trading across borders and registering property).
  • The report examines regulations that enhance or constrain business activity, assesses 190 countries and ranks them according to the impacts of their regulatory environment on business.
  • New Zealand has been ranked the top country in the world (up one place).


6. Brazil World Cup hero Carlos Alberto passes away


  • Brazilian football great Carlos Alberto (72-year) has passed away due to the heart attack.
  • Alberto had scored one of the greatest goals in FIFA World Cup history while captaining Brazil to glory in 1970 final against Italy in Mexico.
  • He earned the nickname ‘The Captain‘ for his leadership qualities.

Science & Defence

7. Indo-Sri Lanka Joint Military Exercise Mitra Shakti 2016 begins


  • The fourth edition of the India-Sri Lanka Joint Military Exercise Mitra Shakti 2016 has begun  at Sinha Regimental Centre in Ambepussa, Sri Lanka.
  • The exercise will continue till 6th November 2016.
  • The main focus of the joint exercise is to enhance inter-operability while carrying out Counter Insurgency (CI)/Counter Terrorism (CT) operations under the United Nations Mandate.


  • The previous exercise with the Sri Lankan Army was successfully conducted at Pune in India.

National & International Appointment

8. FIH appoints Jason McCracken as Chief Executive Officer


  • The International Hockey Federation (FIH) has  appointed New Zealand’s Jason McCracken as its Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
  • He will replace Kelly Fairweather, who is leaving for the International Tennis Federation after six years in the role.
  • McCracken has served as an Olympic and World Cup umpire, FIH committee member and technical official for over 20 years.
  • The International Hockey Federation is the international governing body of field hockey and indoor field hockey.

Thought of the day

The harder you work, the luckier you get.

“आप जितनी ज्यादा मेहनत करते हैं, उतने ही किस्मती बनते जाते हैं।”


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Daily GK Update : 26th October 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 26, 2016 Honours & Awards 1. Paul Beatty wins Man Booker prize 2016 Paul Beatty has become the first US author to win the Man Booker Prize....

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