IBPS PO- Quant Mock Test

October 12, 2016    

Dear Readers, we are presenting IBPS PO- Quant Mock Test for upcoming IBPS PO preliminary exam.

Directions (Q. 1-5): What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?

1. 6, 9, 15, 21, ?, 39
(a) 27
(b) 28
(c) 30
(d) 33
(e) 39

2. 1, 1, 3, 9, 13, 65, 71, ?, 505
(a) 493
(b) 492
(c) 498
(d) 497
(e) 499

3. 1, 2, 6, 42, ?, 3263442
(a) 1802
(b) 1806
(c) 1935
(d) 2095
(e) 1905

4. 1, 5, 14, 30, 55, 91, 140, ?
(a) 202
(b) 206
(c) 204
(d) 214
(e) 224

5. 5, 31, 129, 391, 785, 787, ?
(a) 9
(b) 7
(c) 913
(d) 997
(e) None of these

Directions (Q. 6-10): In each of the following questions two equations I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and give answer:

1) If x < y
2) if x <= y
3) if x >= y
4) if x > y
5) if x = y or no relationship can be established between x and y.

I. x = 3√79507
II. y^2 = 784

I. x^2 + 13x + 42 = 0
II. y^2 + 11y + 28 = 0

I. x^2 + 14x + 48 = 0
II. y^2 + 12y + 35 = 0

I. 2x + 3y = 9
II. 4x + 5y = 17

I. x = 4/3 y
II. y/2 = -7/4

(Q.no: 11-15). Refer to the Graph and answer the given questions.

Percent Profit earned by Two Companies(A & B) over the years.
% Profit = [Profit Earned] / [Total Investment] * 100
Profit Earned = Total Income – Total Investment

11. If the profit earned in 2011 by Company B was Rs. 5,85,000, what was the total income of the company in that year?
A. Rs. 12,50,000
B. Rs. 12,62,500
C. Rs. 16,50,000
D. Rs. 14,85,000
E. None of these

12. If the total amount invested by the two companies in 2014 was 30 lakh, while the amount invested by company B was 50% of the amount invested by Company A, what was the total profit earned by two companies together?
A. Rs. 23 Lakhs
B. Rs. 24 Lakhs
C. Rs. 25 Lakhs
D. Rs. 21 Lakhs
E. None of these

13. If the amount invested by the two companies in 2010 was equal, what was the ratio of the total income of the company A to that of B in 2010?
A. 31:33
B. 33:31
C. 34:11
D. 34:31
E. None of these

14. If the Income of Company A in 2012 and that in 2013 were equal and the amount invested in 2012 was 10 lakh, what was the amount invested in 2013?
A. Rs. 9,06,250
B. Rs. 8,06,750
C. Rs. 7,06,250
D. Rs. 5,06,750
E. None of these

15. If the amount of profit earned by Company A in 2011 was Rs. 11.55 Lakh, what was the total investment?
A. Rs. 13 lakh
B. Rs. 15 lakh
C. Rs. 21 lakh
D. Rs. 24 lakh
E. None of these

16. Out of Rs. 50,000 that a man has, he lends Rs. 8,000 at 11/2 % per annum simple interest and Rs. 24,000 at 6% per annum simple interest. He lends the remaining money at a certain rate of interest so that he gets total annual interest of Rs. 3,680. The rate of interest per annum, at which the remaining money is lent, is ?
A. 5%
B. 7%
C. 10%
D. 12%
E. None of the Above

17. Shopkeeper purchased some goods for Rs.900 and sold one-third of the goods at a loss of what 12%, then at gain % should the remainder goods he sold to gain 18% profit on the whole transaction 
5.None of these

18. . 36 of 6÷6×10-5+15=?
a) 270
b) 210
c) 390
d) 310
e) 370

a) 98
b) 78
c) 68
d) 88
e) 90

20. The ratio between boys and girls in a school is 5 : 2 respectively. If the number of boys is 648 more than the number of girls then what is the total number of students in the school?
1) 1008
2) 1260
3) 1512
4) 1764
5) 2016

21-25 Direction: Answer the following questions based on the information given below:

The proportion of male employees and the proportion of post graduates in a company are given below. The company has a total of 800 employees, 80% of whom are in the production department and the rest equally divided between the marketing and the accounts department.

21.What is the percentage of male employees in the production department?
1. 40%
2. 45%
3. 50%
4. 55%
5. 60%

22.In the marketing department, twenty five per cent of the post graduates are male. What is the difference between the number of female post graduates and male employees who are not post graduates?
1. Less than 8
2. Less than 10
3. Less than 12
4. Less than 14
5. Less than 16

23. The difference between the number of Post graduates in Marketing department and Post graduates in Accounts department is?
1. 6
2. 8
3. 10
4. 9
5. 12

24. What percentage of employees in the marketing department are post graduates?
1. 40%
2. 45%
3. 50%
4. 55%
5. 60%

25.The number of Total males from all the departments are approx. what percent more than the number of males in Accounts department?
1. 35%
2. 32%
3. 29%
4. 25%
5. 39%

26. The length of a rectangular plot is 2 1/3 times that of its breadth. If the area of plot is 18900 sq. m then what is its perimeter?
1) 200 metre
2) 360 metre
3) 540 metre
4) 600 metre
5) 840 metre

27. If 18% of 11/17 of a number is 306.9 then what is 28% of that number?
1) 662.4
2) 737.8
3) 802.6
4) 884.5
5) 917.3

28. ‘A’ starts a business with Rs 15000, another person ‘B’ join the business after 6 months and invests Rs. 20000. At the end of one year the business gave a profit of Rs 5785. What is the share of ‘B’ in the profit?
1) Rs 2314
2) Rs 3471
3) Rs 2545
4) Rs 3240
5) Rs 2745

29. The ratio between boys and girls in a school is 5 : 2 respectively. If the number of boys is 648 more than the number of girls then what is the total number of students in the school?
1) 1008
2) 1260
3) 1512
4) 1764
5) 2016

30. The ratio between the ages of Sohan and Vikky is 3 : 2 respectively, eight years back the ratio between their age’s were 7:4 respectively. What is the difference between their present ages?
1) 10 years
2) 12 years
3) 14 years
4) 16 years
5) 18 years

Directions (31-35): The questions given below contain two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question? Mark answer–
(1) If statement I alone is sufficient but statement II alone is not sufficient.
(2) If statement II alone is sufficient but statement I alone is not sufficient.
(3) If each statement alone (either I or II) is sufficient.
(4) If statement I and II together are not sufficient.
(5) If both statement together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient.

31.The total marks obtained by A, B, C and D in Science are 200. How many marks did A obtain?
I. The marks obtained by A is one-third of the total marks obtained by B, C and D.
II. The average marks obtained by B and C is 10 more than the marks obtained by D.

32The area of a rectangle is equal to area of a circle. What is the length of rectangle?
I. The diameter of the circle is 28 cm.
II. The breadth of the rectangle is 24 cm.

33.What is the ratio of boys to girls in a class?
I. The number of girls in the class is 3 less than half the number of boys.
II. The number of girls in the class is 2/5th of number of boys.

34.How much distance did the train cover?
I. The average speed of train is 40 km/hr.
II. During its 8 hours journey it runs 3 hours at 75 km/hr. and 5 hours at 45 km/hr.

35.Raman, Gagan and Niliesh together started a business. What is the share of Gagan in the earned profit?
I. The ratio of amount invested by Raman, Gagan and Niliesh is 2 : 4 : 7.
II. The share of NIliesh in the profit is Rs. 8750.

IBPS PO- Quant Mock Test 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 12, 2016 Dear Readers, we are presenting IBPS PO- Quant Mock Test for upcoming IBPS PO preliminary exam. Directions (Q. 1-5): What should come i...

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