Reasoning Quiz Set-2 For LIC AAO and SO

January 5, 2016    

Dear Bank Aspirant's  practice Reasoning questions for LIC AAO and Syndicate Manipal Po Exam . Try to solve these questions  and share time taken to solve these questions.

In Reasoning section  Puzzles, syllogism, inequality, machine input, coding and decoding play important role.

Directions (1-5): Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Eight people A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H work in three different companies: X, Y and Z. Out of these, two are female who work in different companies and have different specializations. Two of them are specialists in Finance, two in HR, two in Marketing and one each is an Engineer and a Computer Specialist. D, working in a company X has specialized in HR and her friend G, a Finance Specialist is working in company Z. H, an HR specialist, is working with B, a Marketing Specialist and does not work in company Y.
C is not a Computer Specialist. No two people with the same specialization work together. F is a specialist in Marketing working in company Y and his friend A has specialized in Finance and is working company X with only one another Specialist. Not more than three of them work in company Z. No female is an Engineer or a Computer Specialist.

1. In which two companies, do the HR specialist work?
(1) X and Y
(2) Y and Z
(3) X and Z
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these

2. Who is the Computer Specialist?
(1) C
(2) E
(3) H
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these

3. Which of the following represents the two females?
(1) DB
(2) DH
(3) DG
(4) Either (1) or (3)
(5) None of These

4. Which of the following is the specialty of C?
(1) Marketing
(2) Finance
(3) Computer
(4) Engineer
(5) None of These

5. In which company does C work?
(1) Y  .
(2) Z
(3) X
(4) Y or Z
(5) None of These

Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

L, M, P, J, K and H are six family members. L and M are a married couple. K is sister of J. M is daughter-in-law of H, who is grandmother of K’s brother. J is the only son of P, who is brother of L.

6. How many female members are there in the family?
1) Two
2) Three
3) Four
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these

7. How is P related to K?
1) Mother
2) Brother
3) Sister
4) Father
5) None of these

8. How is H related to J?
1) Grandmother
2) Grandfather
3) Father
4) Mother
5) Can’t be determined

9. What is the relation between K and M?
1) M is the sister of K
2) K is the nephew of M
3) M is the sister of K
4) K is niece of M
5) Cannot be determined

10. Which of the following statement is true?
1) P is the daughter of H
2) K is the daughter of M
3) M is aunt of J
4) K is grandson of H
5) All are True

1.       (3)
2.       (2)
3.       (4)
4.       (4)
5.       (1)
6- 2
7- 4
8- 1
9- 4
10- 3

Reasoning Quiz Set-2 For LIC AAO and SO 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 5, 2016 Dear Bank Aspirant's  practice Reasoning questions for LIC AAO and Syndicate Manipal Po Exam . Try to solve these questions  and share ...

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