IBPS Clerk/PO 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions

October 10, 2016    

IBPS Clerk 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions
IBPS Clerk/PO 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions  Set-19:
Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upcoming IBPS Clerk Exams was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for those exams can use this practice questions.

Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following information and answer the questions that follow.
Dharani, Dharitri, Dhatri, Dhitha, Dhithi, Dhriti and Dhuthi organise seminars in seven different schools, viz ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL, MNO, PQR, STU, on different days of the week from Monday to Sunday, but not necessarily in the same order.
Dharitri organises seminar in school JKL on Wednesday. Dhithi does not organise seminar for school STU or E but organises on the next day of Dhitha’s seminar, who organises seminar for school DEF. Dhuthi organises seminar for school GHI on Friday. Dhriti organises seminar on Monday, but not for school MNO or A. Dhatri organises seminar for school STU but not on Tuesday.
1).Who among the following organises seminar in school MNO and on which day?
a)    Dhitha, Saturday
b)    Dharani, Tuesday
c)    Dhriti, Monday
d)    Dhatri, Thursday
e)    None of these
2).Which of the following combination is true?
a)    Dhitha – Tuesday - MNO
b)    Dhithi – Wednesday - GHI
c)    Dhriti – Monday - PQR
d)    Dhuthi – Thursday - ABC
e)    None of these
3).On which of the following days does Dhithi organise the seminar?
a)    Tuesday
b)    Sunday
c)    Saturday
d)    Cannot be determined
e)    None of these
4).Dhatri organises seminar on which of the following days?
a)    Saturday
b)    Sunday
c)    Tuesday
d)    Thursday
e)    None of these
5).Who among the following organises seminar in Saturday?
a)    Dhithi
b)    Dharani
c)    Dharitri
d)    Dhitha
e)    None of these
6). Statement: K < X ≤ V > U = Z < L < P = R
III. V > Z
a)    Only I and III follow
b)    Only I and IV follow
c)    Only II and III follow
d)    Only II, III and IV follow
e)    None of these
7). Statement: A = Z ≥ D < V < M ≤ N
III. A > V
IV. D ≤ A
a)    Only I and II follows
b)    Only I, II and III follows
c)    Only II and IV follow
d)    Only II, III and IV follow
e)    None of these
8). Statement: H ≥ P = R ≥ V < G ≥ E > S
I. H ≥ V
III. G > P
a)    Only I and III follow
b)    Only I and IV follow
c)    Only II and III follow
d)    Only II, III and IV follow
e)    None of these
9). Statement: J < Y ≤ S > U = W < L < Q = T
III. T > U
a)    Only I, II and III follows
b)    Only II, III and IV follow
c)    Only I, III and IV follows
d)    All I, II, III and IV follows
e)    None of these
10). Statement: Q ≥ O = R ≥ N < F ≥ K > S
III. Q > N
a)    None follows
b)    Only III follows
c)    Only IV follows
d)    Only either III or IV follows
e)    None of these
1).b)   2).c)   3).b)   4).d)  5).d)   6).c)   7).c)   8).b)   9).d)  10).a)
Directions (Q. 1-5):

Answer: b)
Answer: c)
Answer: b)
Answer: d)
Answer: d)
6).K < X ≤ V > U = Z < L < P = R
K < Z not follows
R > U follows
V > Z follows
U > K not follows
Answer: c)
7).A = Z ≥ D < V < M ≤ N
M > Z not follows
D < N follows
A > V not follows
D ≤ A follows
Answer: c)
8).H ≥ P = R ≥ V < G ≥ E > S
H ≥ V follows
R > E not follows
G > P not follows
G > S follows
Answer: b)
9).J < Y ≤ S > U = W < L < Q = T
All follows
Answer: d)
10).Q ≥ O = R ≥ N < F ≥ K > S
None follows
Answer: a)
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IBPS Clerk/PO 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 10, 2016 IBPS Clerk/PO 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions  Set-19: Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upco...

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