The heading of this article triggers a lot questions related to the preparation of RRB Exam which is scheduled just after Diwali. Friends, we all are aware of the importance and essence of each and every exam. Let it be any exam, everyone put their heart and soul to crack that exam. But what matters is the result. At any cost, every single candidate needs that ONE seat. This article will answer all the mails and queries being asked by most of the students as RRB is going to conduct the Pre Exam for the first time. Let's begin with the Topic....
This year, RRBs also came up with the concept of Preliminary examination and eliminating the language section from Preliminary Exam. RRB is offering 80 Questions (40 Questions from each Quant and Reasoning) which needs to be attempted in just 45 minutes. The first shift is going to be the curtain raiser and will eliminate all the speculation. And for that, you have to wait for the D-Day. But we can at least try to find out the possibilities and chances in RRB Scale I.
The Reasoning section will have 40 questions. As we have observed the Preliminary exams held during the year 2016, IBPS kept syllabus somewhat similar. Not only that, the types of puzzles also remained similar in every exam. Now let us look what could be the topic wise distribution:
i) Puzzle+Seating Arrangement = 20 Questions*
ii) Syllogism = 5 Questions
iii) Inequalities = 5 Questions
iv) Miscellaneous (Direction Sense + Blood Relation) = 5 Questions*
*If we see the above distribution, then the total comes out to be 35 which is 5 less. We are expecting these questions from starred topics.
Now coming to the Quantitative Aptitude section, we have observed quite decent level with the amalgam of all level questions. If you plan your strategy properly, then it won't be tough to score good marks in this section. Now let us look what could be the topic wise distribution:
i) Number Series - 5 Questions
ii) Quadratic Equation - 5 Questions
iii) Approximation/Simplification - 5 Questions
iv) Data Interpretation - 10 Questions*
v) Miscellaneous (SI and CI, Time, Distance and Speed etc.) - 10 Questions*
*If we see the above distribution, then the total comes out to be 35 which is 5 less. We are expecting these questions from starred topics.
So friends, this is all that we are expecting from IBPS RRB. We don't think IBPS is going to surprise at all in this exam.
But IBPS reserves all the rights to surprise any candidate in exam.. :)
Note: Another change that may be observed in the exam is the increase in number of questions keeping the topics same.
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