A Gist of IBPS PO Pre Exam 16th October 2016

October 17, 2016    

Dear Aspirants,

Yesterday , IBPS has conducted the Preliminary exam for the post of  Probationary Officers (PO). Most of you have appeared for the same. There is a lot to learn from yesterdays exam. So here we are presenting you a gist of IBPS PO Pre Exam held on 16th October 2016. This will surely help you to score good marks and not to face the obstacle which other candidates faced while appearing for the same.

The exam has been  conducted in 4 slots on various shifts i.e 9 am, 11.30 am, 2 pm, 4.30 pm.  The overall level of today’s exam was of moderate level.

Exam Analysis

The pattern of the exam is as follows:

I. English Language (30 Qs)

English was quite moderate & doable, with Reading Comprehension, Cloze test were moderate & typical Parajumble question. Rest of the questions like Spotting Error were easy. Don’t start section with Parajumble question. You can easily attempt 15 – 18 questions with good accuracy.

Note: No Antonym Synonym was asked

Now as per the pattern, parajumble is definitely not a good option to start with. So, it will be better to opt for parajumble at the last and Spotting Error & Cloze Test at the beginning.


English Language

Level – Moderate 

1. Reading Comprehension –

  • 1 slot – RC was based on Economy (Moderate) – 5 Qs
  • 2nd slot – RC  (Moderate) – 8Qs
  • 3rd slot – RC – (Moderate) (Based on Globalisation) – 8Qs
  • 4th slot – RC – (Moderate) (was based on Trading) – 7 Qs

Note: No Antonym Synonym was asked

2. Cloze test

  • 1 slot – Cloze test – 10 Qs (Easy) based on Economy
  • 2nd slot – Cloze Test – 7 Questions (Moderate)  (Based on Britain Exit)
  • 3rd slot – Cloze Test – 7 Questions (Moderate)  
  • 4th slot –  Cloze test – 8 Qs (Moderate) based on Data Analytics in Companies

3. Parajumble – 5 Qs (Easy to Moderate) Environment based

4. Spotting Error – 10 Qs (Easy to Moderate)

Some questions asked in Exam


1. Carbon sinks, 70% forest cover, powered almost entirely by mountain streams—Bhutan is a poster child for green living.
2. It is the only country in the world that is carbon negative, which means it produces more oxygen than it consumes.
3. So far, so good. But then, two things happened.
4. One, India and China got richer.
5. Bhutan, sandwiched between the two most populous nations on Earth, suffers for their sins.
6. Glaciers are beginning to melt, flash floods and heavy rains—and even droughts—are common, and temperatures are climbing

Cloze Test

Big ideas come from tackling big problems. When one is confronted with an overwhelming task, it’s

pieces. Business jargon is full of phrases about that, like “pilot projects” and “low-hanging fruit.”

They have their place, but in the repertory of management practice, they should share their place

with bold approaches to big challenges. Much of today’s most valuable management knowledge

came from wrestling with such issues. The most complicated workplace in the middle of the last

century was the automobile assembly plant. Drawn to its complexity where Peter F. Drucker,

Edwards Deming, and Taiichi Ohno, among others. The work they and their disciples did, applied

In industry after industry, is the basis of the best that we know about operations, managing people,

innovation, organizational design, and much more. The most complex workplaces are tertiary care

hospitals. These vast enterprises employ tens of thousands of people who, under one roof, do

everything from neurosurgery to laundry. Each patient – that is to say, each “job” — calls on a

different set of people with a different constellation of skill; even when the two patients have the

same diagnosis, success may be measured differently. This is complexity of an order of magnitude

greater than automobile assembly, and anyone who has been hospitalized knows that management

has thus far been unequal to the scope of task. The workers, managers, consultants, and scholars

who crack this nut will reshape industries and institutions just as profoundly as Drucker, Deming,

and Ohno did.

Note: the options were confusing so while choosing use logic that the concept of the passage should be clear.

II. Reasoning Ability (35 Qs)

2. Reasoning Section

This time the level of the Reasoning section was of moderate level. There were 3 puzzle, mostly puzzle was of moderate and time consuming but one puzzle was easy. To clear the sectional cutoff of this section, don’t start with spuzzle questions. You can start questions with Inequality (Direct), Blood relation, Syllogism etc. Try to attempt questions with 100% accuracy. If you can manage to attempt 17 – 20 questions, you can easily clear the sectional cutoff of this section.


Reasoning Ability 

Level – Moderate

1. Puzzle (floor based) – 5 Qs – (Moderate) – 1st slot

2. Arrangement / Puzzle – 

  • 1st slot- Seating arrangement (circular)- 5 Qs facing inward outward (5 inside and 3 outside) (Moderate)
  • 2nd slot Puzzle and Arrangement – 15 Questions (Moderate) (Building arrangement and Circular arrangement)
  • 3rd slot – Puzzle and Sitting Arrangement– 15 Questions (Moderate – Difficult) (Floor based, Circular Arrangement)
  • 4th slot – Puzzle (floor based) – 15 Qs – (Moderate)

3. Linear Seating Arrangement – 5 Qs – 8 persons facing north south

4. Inequality (Direct)- 5 Qs

5. Direction – 3 Qs (Easy t0 moderate)

6. Blood Relation – 3 Qs (Moderate) 

7. Syllogism – 5 Qs

8. Rest Miscellaneous

Some questions asked in Exam

Q. All apple is mango
All mango is orange
No Orange is cherry
Some apple is cherry
Some mango is orange

Q. B is to the 8m South of A. C is 12m to the east of B. D is to the 17m North of C. E is 3m west of D. M is to the north of A. If a person walks 7m south of M and take left turn then he reaches E.

  •  If F is 3m North of C then what is the distance between D and F and F is in which direction of D
  •  what is the distance between A and M
  •  M is in which direction with respect to C?

Note: Question no 2,3&4 are exactly asked in exam.

Q. There are six people A,B,C,D,E and F. E is having more chocolates than D and B A is having less chocolate than D. B is not having least chocolate. C has more chocolate than E but not maximum.A has 7 chocolate.

  • If D has 12 chocolates then how many chocolates does D and A have?
  • What is the difference between E and A if E has 20 chocolates?

III. Quantitative Aptitude (35 Qs)

This section was of moderate level. Quadratic Equation and Approximation questions was easy to moderate, try to attempt these questions first to clear the sectional cutoff.

The Number series questions was of easy to moderate level, you can attempt 5 questions.

Also Data Interpretation questions were lengthy but doable.

Note: Remember give only 30 to 40 sec to analyze each questions of Number Series, it the pattern clicks then continue otherwise move on

Some Miscellaneous questions was of moderate & time consuming, so don’t waste time on these question. You can easily attempt 20 – 22 question in this section. 


Quantitative Aptitude 

Level – Moderate

1. Number Series – 5 Qs 

Pattern – Multiplication, Subtraction, Square

2. Data Interpretation –

  • 1st slot – 2 set (10 Qs)  – One Line Grpah & Table graph DI  (Calculative)
  • 2nd slot – 2 set (10 Qs) – (Easy to Moderate) (Line and Tabular graphs)
  • 3rd slot –  (2 Sets) – 10 Questions  (Easy to Moderate) (Tabular based)
  • 4th slot –  2 set (10 Qs)  – One Bar Graph & Table Graph DI (Easy)

Note: No Missing DI

3. Approximation – 5 Qs (Easy)

4. Quadratic Equation – 5 Qs (Easy)

5. Miscellaneous –  10 Qs (Moderate)

Some topics – Time & work, Profit & Loss, CI, SI

Some questions asked in Exam

Number Series

  • 14-25-47-91- ?
  • 28 32 23 39 14
  • 11 24 44 70 101
  • 18 8 6 8 24
  • 5 12 33 136 675
  • 12 19 35 59 90 ?
  • 4 10 27 112 555 ?
  • 19 23 14 30 5 ?
  • 15 22 36 64 ? 232

Data Interpretation

Study the following table and answer the questions that follow. ( TV is total votes and VV is valid votes)
Village.        A                   B                      C

Year     TV     VV       TV     VV      TV.   VV

2004   2100 1975  8150 8020   5200 5150

2005   4000 3750  7240 6850   7000 6700

2006   4100 3950 6700 6100    4720 4300

Q1) What is the average valid votes in year 2004?

Q2) Valid votes in village A in 2006 is how much percent of valid votes polled in villageB in 2005?


  • 15.5% of 345 + 17.5% of 400

At Last

The exam conducted by IBPS on 16th october for PO was quite similar to the mock papers provided by us. Following things were asked in IBPS Prelims Exam yesterday:

1. Linear seating arrangement (All 8 facing north and south) we covered exactly same in 21 mock tests.

2. You can find floor based puzzle in almost each of the mock papers.

3. Circular sitting arrangement with the appropriate difficulty level were also covered in mock tests.

4. Inequality (Coded as well as normal) was covered in each of the mock tests (IBPS asked normal inequality)

5. Syllogism with up to 3 and 4 conclusions were covered in mock tests (IBPS asked the questions having two conclusions only).

6. Plenty of Blood relation, direction questions were also at the end part of each of the mock tests.

7. Tabular and linear DI were asked ( We covered Paragraph type, tabular, linear, missing, Pi, Bar and missing DI in the mock tests so that you will not find anything new while sitting for the actual exam).

8. 5 Quadratic Equations, 5 Simplification, 5 number series and 10 Miscellaneous were there in all 21 mock tests.

9. This time IBPS changed the pattern of English section a bit. However the questions asked were not from any of the unfamiliar topics.

10. Economy based Reading Comprehensions were provided in mock tests keeping in mind the trend of the RCs.

11. You can find Spotting Error, Parajumbles and Cloze test in each of the tests. So on an whole, we can say that those who are good with the basics of the mentioned topics and gave/ are giving mock tests on a regular basis are going to crack the prelims easily.

Do’s & Don’t

Please plan sectional timing properly & attempt the exam in following sequence, you can follow your own strategies also…

1. Quant – 25 min 

2. Reasoning : 20 mins

3. English Lang – 15 min

Good Attempts –

1. English Language – 15 – 17

2. Reasoning Ability – 17 – 20

3. Quantitative Aptitude – 22 – 25

Section-wise Expected Cut off 

1. English Section 7 – 8

2. Reasoning – 8 – 9

3. Quantitative  Aptitude 8 – 9

Please share your attempt in the IBPS PO Prelims Exam through the Poll below. This will help us in providing overall detailed analysis and expected cutoff.

Also read – 

1. IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 1st slot 

2IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 2nd slot 

3. IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 3rd slot 

4. IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis – 4th slot 


As per the feedback received from the students, all the slot paper were very similar to Gradeup IBPS PO Prelims Mock Test Series. Many of the students commented earlier that the Gradeup Mock Test was easy, however, after today slot lots of students shared feedback that the Gradeup test series really helped in the exam.

Thus, our advice to the aspirants would to, attempt test papers which are of similar pattern to that of final exam. Too difficult papers are often not very helpful in the final exam. 

Here is the link to the gradeup IBPS PO Mock test series which is based on the similar pattern to that of today’s IBPS PO Prelims Exam:

IBPS PO Online Mock Test Series – Get Now

All The Best!!

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A Gist of IBPS PO Pre Exam 16th October 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 17, 2016 Dear Aspirants, Yesterday , IBPS has conducted the Preliminary exam for the post of  Probationary Officers (PO). Most of you have appeared ...

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