Dear Aspirants
Below is the SBI PO 2016 Interview Experience of GradeUp user.
Hello frndz,
Sharing my Interview Experience
Timing: 10 am
Venue: Mumbai
Sharing my Interview Experience
Document Verification-we need to have 4 photocopied sets of the Original Bio-data for. So total 5 sets. 2 character certificates from 2 different authorities and 1 Identity certificate.
OBC Non-creamy layer candidates should possess Certificate of Govt of India dated after 1st April 2016. Though at my center they also allowed those persons who have Non-creamy certificate of their own states. This depends on the nature of persons checking your documents. There was a problem in Bio-metric verification of 2 of our Batch-mates. But authorities took undertaking from them and allowed them for GD. This was not the case at some centers.
GD- Has 2 Topics
1) A controversial topic was given to 10 candidates. One thing I felt bad about was the statement by Evaluator,”English will be the preferred language”. Then he said,”points will be given to your behavior during the discussion. No points if u keep on talking nonsense. Short talks with important points will be rewarded.”Anyways, 20 minutes were allotted. Anybody can start and finish the discussion.
2) Prioritization
Two lines were given on a topic. And then 8 points were mentioned below that. We were to pen down the preferences from 1 to 8 to those points. The points to which maximum number of candidates gave 1st preference and d last preference were to be discussed among ourselves. Consensus was to be formed among the group, which is impossible. So it went on become a fish-market. I don’t know how did they judge students here.
Panel of 5
2 cooperative CGM-SBI was d chairman.
Ours was d last batch of the day, so hardly 10-13 minutes per interview.
Only 2-3 questions on Banking. Rest were based on our profile and what we have written in Biodata form -Mine was good. One GD was average. Hoping fr 44+
All d best!!
Competition is tough
Thank u GradeUp
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