RBI Grade B 2016 Exam: Last Minute Tips

September 3, 2016    

Dear aspirants,

The clock is ticking… the exam is near. It makes sense to go through the important strategy points to beat the competition. What is your plan for the exam? If you want to perform well  you should have good working strategies which can work as a catalyst during the exam. Strategies that separate quick learner.

Yes, Alan Lakein has correctly said –

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”Alan Lakein

(Alan Lakein is a well-known author on personal time management, including How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life which has sold over 3 million copies.)


The RBI Grade B Exam will be held on 4th September 2016 (Sunday). It is expected that many of you are looking for tips and strategies before the exam. Here we are providing you few tips for the exam.

Stay Focus – 

It is important to be focused & confident, don’t get distracted before the exam. For exam – If you are worrying about the cutoff and the level of the questions. Stop thinking all about this. Just Stay focus & Give Your Best!

RBI Grade B 2016 Exam: Last Minute Tips 

The first thing that you need to keep in mind about the exam structure. The exam is of 2 hours and of 200 questions. You have to attempt 200 questions in 120 minutes. This is an Online exam where – Time Management & right selection of the questions becomes the deciding factor during the exam.

Pattern of the exam – 

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 1

How to attempt paper during the exam? – It is advisable to divide the section according to your strength and attempt the same in the exam. Divide the time for each section. Time management is a key to success in the exam. Manage your time wisely in the exam.

Start the section with the easiest section – So, you can start with English Section, as this can be attempted in 15 or 20 minutes. This will boost your confidence and will bring down the anxiety. You can attempt 20 – 22 questions in this section. 

After completing the English section, you can move to the General Awareness section. Give 35 minutes to this section and attempt maximum questions as much as you can. Read the questions carefully because this section also carries Economics & Financial questions which require some time to understand the question. Try to attempt 50+ questions with 100% accuracy in this section.

After completing General Awareness section, you can move to Quant section. The section comprises of 30 questions and can be attempted in 20 – 25 minutes. Try to attempt the questions with 100% accuracy. Skip those questions which seem difficult to you. Attempt DI first and then move to next questions. You can attempt 20 – 22 question in this section. 

After completing Quant section, move to Reasoning section. The section comprises of 60 questions and can be attempted in 40 – 45 minutes. Try to attempt maximum questions in this section. Avoid attempting Puzzle, Logical Reasoning questions first. Attempt easier questions and then move towards the tough question. Try to attempt 40+ questions in this section.

Time Management

Time management

Section Wise Tips

Since there is a minimum cutoff for each section which means that along with the overall cutoff you have to clear cutoff of each and every section in order to clear it and thus qualify the written test.

I. English Language

This section has 30 questions. The paper generally includes questions on Reading Comprehension, Cloze test, Fill in the blanks, Sentence correction, Spotting the errors and Sentence rearrangement.

In the reading comprehension section, there are also questions on synonyms and antonyms. Since this is a bit confusing section, a careful approach is required while attempting the question.

Expected Difficulty Level: Moderate

Scoring topics in this section are:

1. Fill in the blanks

2. Spotting the error

3. Sentence improvement

4. Sentence correction

II. General Awareness 

This section has 80 questions including questions from Current Affairs, Banking and Economy and Static GK. This section requires the least time and can score more marks with accuracy. The expected difficulty level will be moderate.

For the current affairs try to cover the last 4-5 months news i.e. Appointments, RBI in news, Awards and Honours, Sports, New Schemes, National and International News, Latest Developments in Science and Technology.

Note: Attempt those questions in which you are 100% confidence, in order to increase your attempts in this section don’t do guesswork

III. Quantitative Aptitude 

It has 30 questions from diverse topics like Data Interpretation, Caselets DI (expected), Number Series, Data Sufficiency and Some Miscellaneous questions. The miscellaneous questions have questions from profit and loss, age, average, simple and compound interest, boat and stream, time and work, area.

Expected Difficulty Level: Moderate to tough

This section requires a lot of practice. And while performing this section one has to be very attentive and present-minded. A good practice at this section can make one score good with accuracy.

IV. Reasoning 

This section consist of 60 questions from various topics like puzzles (seating arrangement, linear seating arrangement, floor based), syllogism, data sufficiency, statement based questions, Inequality, Coding – Decoding, logical reasoning.  If the concepts in this section are clear then one can very easily score good marks with accuracy.

Expected Difficulty Level: Moderate

Scoring topics in Reasoning Sections are –


1. Syllogism

2. Seating Arrangement – Circular/ table/Line (North & South)

3. Puzzle

4. Inequality

5. Miscellaneous (Alphabetical, Direction & more)

6. Coding Decoding

7. Input Output

8. Coding Decoding

Overall Expected Difficulty Level is Moderate to Tough.

Do’s and don’ts while the exam:

  • Do not devote so much time to a single question.
  • Do not lose your calm.
  • Do not be in a hurry while doing a question
  • Do not guess the answer.
  • Do attempt the questions left in the remaining time.
  • Do read all the questions properly.
  • Do relax and stay calm.
  • Do attempt only those questions you are sure of.

Remember accuracy & time management is the key to getting through this exam!

Please do share your exam review with us.


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RBI Grade B 2016 Exam: Last Minute Tips 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 3, 2016 Dear aspirants, The clock is ticking… the exam is near. It makes sense to go through the important strategy points to beat the competition....

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