English Quiz- Cloze Test

September 12, 2016    

Directions (Q.1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/Phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/phrase in each case.

There is a considerable amount of research about the factors that make a company innovate. So is it-possible to create an environment (1) to innovation? This is a particularly pertinent (2) for India today. Massive problems in health, education, etc (3) be solved using a conventional approach but (4) creative and innovative solutions that can ensure radical change and (5). There are several factors in India's (6) Few countries have the rich diversity that India or its large, young population (7). While these (8) innovation policy interventions, certain additional steps are also required. These include (9) investment in research and development by (10) the government and the private sector, easy transfer of technology from the academic world etc. To fulfill its promise of being prosperous and to be at the forefront, India must be innovative.

1) stimuli
2) conducive
3) incentive
4) facilitated
5) impetus

1) objective.
2) controversy
3) doubt
4) question
 5) inference

1) cannot
2) possibly
3) should
4) never
5) must

 1) necessary
 2) apply
3) need
4) consider
5) requires

1) quantity
2) advantages
3) increase
4) chaos
5) growth

1) challenges
2) praises
3) favor
4) leverage
5) esteem

1) blessed
2) enjoys
3) endows
4) prevails
5) occurs

8. 1) aid
2) jeopardize
3) promotes
4) endure
5) cater

1) acute
2) utilizing
3) restricting
4) inspiring
5) increased

1) both
2) besides
3) combining
4) participating
5) also

2- (4)
3- (1)
4- (3)
5 - (5)
6 - (3)
7 - (2)
8- (1)
9 - (5)
10- (1)

English Quiz- Cloze Test 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 12, 2016 Directions (Q.1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage...

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