How to crack Bank Interview ?

December 13, 2015    

Dear Readers, As you all know  IBPS PO Interviews Scheduled in January 2016. In this post , we are try to help you in cracking interview.

You have cleared Online exam and one step away from allotment in Bank. Interview performance play important role in your placement.

What is the purpose of Interview?
In Bank Interview , interviewer try to assess whether you are good candidate for bank or not. So you need to present yourself carefully before them.
I suggest you never take interview casually, as many candidates fail in interview also. Some are not able to secure minimum marks also.

Interview doesn't mean replying questions asked why interviewer , your interview starts as soon as you enter in Interviewers room.

They observe everything your body language, way of talking, your way of seating, eye contact, nervousness etc.

Grooming Tips for Interview
For Male candidates-
Trouser- Do not wear Jeans during interview. Trouser should be formal one not stylist one.
Shirts- Full sleeve shirts, even in summer. Choose white or light stripes
Ties- Select good quality tie. avoid fashion extremes.
Socks- Dark socks , mid calf length so no skin is visible when you sit down.
Shoes- Leather, lace-up preferably Black. well polished
Belt- Black leather, to match your shoes.
Facial hair- Well groomed. Take pocket comb along with you on interview day, before entering in room groom it properly.
Clothes should be clean and well ironed.

For Female Candidates-
Suit- wear a two - piece matched suit.
Cosmetics- Keep makeup conservative. Avoid extremes of nail length and polish color, especially in conservative industries.
Shoes- Should be leather or fabric. Choose closed - toe pumps. Make certain you can walk comfortably in your shoes; hobbing in uncomfortable shoes does not convey a professional appearance.
Hosiery- Should be plainly styled (no patterns), sheer (not opaque) and in neutral colors complementing your suit.
Purse/Bag- If you carry a purse, keep it small and simple, purse color should coordinate with your shoes.

Common grooming tips
Hair- Should be clean and neat
Shoes- Should be in polished condition. Make sure heels are not worn.
Details- No missing buttons, no lint, and donot forget to remove external tags and tacking stitches from new clothes.
Hands- Clean Fingernails
Fit- Clothes should be clean, neatly ironed and fit properly

Smell- Perfume or cologne should be used sparingly or not at all. No odors in clothes. Donot smell like having smoked.

These are grooming tips that every candidate need to follow to achieve success in Bank Interview.
These are all general things related with grooming during interview.

Now we talk about things that Candidates should do during Interview and Things that Candidates need to avoid during Interview. These are small things but make big difference during interview.

Do’s and Don’ts during interview

-Reach interview venue on time.
-Make yourself calm and comfortable while you are waiting outside
-When your interview call comes knock he door softly and take permission of the board for entry like-
-Sir… Please may I come in. When interviewer say come in , say thank you after permission.
-Softly close the door and wish the board with gentle standing posture.
-If there is any Female in board, then wish her first.
-Remember time carefully and wish accordingly Good morning, good afternoon or good evening.
-Before 12 o’clock- Good Morning
-Between 12-4 Good afternoon
-After Pm- Good evening
-Wait till board asks/permits you to sit and say thanks before sitting.
-Sit in straight posture with hands in your lap/thigh. Avoid fidgeting and slouching
-Make your eye contact with the board
-Voice must be Clear/Audible/Humble and polite.
-Give answers confidently.
-Be positive, honest and be yourself
-Always say thank you sir when board informs/ corrects you any where.
-When you are unable to answer any question say-
-Sorry sir I do not know
- Sir I have heard about it but I am unable to recall at the movement, sorry sir.
-When board say thanks your interview is over-
-Thank you sir.. Have a nice day(before 4 PM)
- Take care of voice modulation.

-Don’t make excuses. Take responsibility for your decisions and your actions.
-Do not make negative comments about your previous employer.
-Donot treat the interview casually , as if you are just shopping around or doing the interview for practice.
-Donot give impression that you are interested in particular location only and not talk about salary and perks until the subject brought by interviewer.
- Don't assume that female interviewer is Mrs. or Miss. Address her as madam unless told otherwise.
 - Don't smoke before interview or chew gum during interview.
- Don't allow your cell phone to ring during interview.(if it does, apologize quickly and ignore it)
- Avoid hand movement
- Avoid looking up and down.
- Avoid hiding eyes it shows lack of confidence.
- Don't forget to wish the board.
- Don't sit untill the board asks to do so.
-Never put your file or hand on table.
- Don't show irritation while board ask questions.
- Do not try to defend yourself in wrong answers.
- Do not make noise while sitting and leaving the chair.
- Never ask questions to the Board.

Everyone Heard about- First impression is the last impression.  So before actual interview starts these things already set some image about you in interviewer's mind.

Rest depend on your interaction with interviewer like your way of answering, eye contact, justification of your answers, eye contact with interviewer.

During Interview-
Eye Contact-Eye contact play very important role in Interview. But eye contact doesnot mean starring to the interviewer, especially if any lady member in panel. If 5 members in panel you need to maintain eye contact with all of them, not only with the person you is asking questions.

Sitting posture- Sit straight and make yourself comfortable, avoid folding of legs. Don't put your document file on table, keep it with you on your legs.

Avoid handmovements- During interview you are trying to avoid hand movements while talking to interviewer as many people have this habit.

Work on Basic-
1. You should be thorough about yourself- as you are talking about yourself , not about any third person.
2. You should be clear in vision like why want to join bank, your growth plans in bank etc.
3. Avoid telling any negative thing about yourself to interviewer.
4. Your strength and weakness should match your personality.
5. Do thorough study on your hobbies- if you are not able to tell about questions related with your hobbies then it will create negative impact. For example if you say your hobby is reading newspaper and you donot know today's headline, what they will they think about you.
6. Stay cool and calm during interview- they try to annoy know, contradict your statements.

Any Query related with Interview, Ask in Comment Box.

How to crack Bank Interview ? 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 13, 2015 Dear Readers, As you all know  IBPS PO Interviews Scheduled in January 2016. In this post , we are try to help you in cracking interview. ...

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