Qunat Quiz- RBi and IBPS PO

August 20, 2016    

Dear Readers, Practice Quant Quiz for RBI Grade B officers exam and IBPS PO based on latest pattern.
                                                           Quantitative Aptitude

Directions (Q. 1 - 5) : In the following questions two equations numbered (I) and (II) are given. You have to solve both the equations and give answer:

1) If x > y
2) If x >= y
3) If x < y
4) If x <= y
5) If x = y or the relationship can't be established.

I. 14x^2 + 17x - 6 = 0
II. 6y^2 - 13y + 5 = 0

I. x = √7
II. 6y^2 - 7y - 20 = 0

I. 3x^2 + 8x - 35 = 0
II. y^2 - 2y - 48 = 0

I. x^2 - 23x + 132 = 0
II. y = 3√1331

I. 7x - 5y = 64
II. 4x + 3y = 19

Directions (Q. 6 -10): Study the following pie-charts carefully and answer the questions given below:

The pie–charts show the percentage quantity of fruits available at two fruit vendor.

6.What is the difference between the quantity of Guava available at vendor B and that at vendor A?
1) 90 kg
2) 45 kg
3) 85 kg
4) 80 kg
5) 60kg

7. If the price of Mango is Rs. 130 per kg, Apple is Rs. 140 per kg and Orange is Rs. 80 per kg, then what is the ratio of their cost at vendor A?
1) 11 : 14 : 16
2) 39 : 28: 20
3) 39 : 28 : 21
4) 15 : 14 : 11 5) 39 : 26 : 20

8. The quantity of Mango available at vendor B is approximately what percent of the quantity of Mango available at vendor A?
1) 69%
2) 78%
3) 88%
4) 83%
5) 70%

9. If the price of Mango is Rs. 130 per kg, Apple is Rs. 140 per kg and Orange is Rs. 80 per kg, Grapes is Rs. 115 per kg and Guava is Rs. 68 per kg at both vendor A and B then what is the difference between the cost of all fruits at vendor A and that at Vendor B?
1) Rs. 72000
2) Rs. 55000
3) Rs. 64000
4) Rs. 51000
5) Rs. 46000

10. The quantity of Orange available at vendor A is approximately what percent more than that of Apple available at vendor B?
1) 61.52%
2) 68.4%
3) 82%
4) 90%
5) 71.43%

1. 3
2. 1
3. 5
4. 2
5. 1

6. 4
Quantity of Guava available at vendor A
= 2400 × 10/100 = 240 kg
Quantity of Guava at available at vendor B
= 2000 × 16/100 = 320 kg
So, required difference = 320 – 240 = 80 kg

7. 2
At vendor A,
Cost of Mango = 130 × 2400 × 24/100 = Rs. 74880
Cost of Apple = 140 × 2400 × 16 /100 = Rs. 53760
Cost of Orange = 80 × 2400 × 20/100 = Rs. 38400
So, required ratio = 7488 : 5376 : 3840= 39 : 28 : 20
128. 4; Quantity Mango available at vendor B
= 2000 × 24/100 = 480 kg
Quantity Mango available at vendor A
= 2400 × 24/100 = 576 kg
So, required percentage = 480/576 * 100 = 83%

9. 4
Cost of all fruits available at vendor A
= (2400 × 24/100 × 130 + 2400 × 16/100 × 140
+ 2400 × 10/100 × 68 + 2400 × 20 /100 × 80
+ 2400 × 30/100 × 115)
= 24× [24 × 130 + 16 × 140 + 10 ×68 + 20 × 80 + 30 × 115]
= 24× [3120 + 2240 + 680 + 1600 + 3450] = Rs. 266160
Cost of all fruits available at vendor B
= (2000 × 24/100 × 130 + 2000 × 14/100 × 140 + 2000 ×
16/100 × 68 + 2000 × 20/100 × 80 + 2000 × 26/100 × 115)
= 20[24 × 130 + 14 × 140 + 16 × 68 + 20 × 80 + 26 × 115]
= [3120 + 1960 + 1088 + 1600 + 2990] × 20 = ` 215160
So, required difference = Rs. 51000

10. 5
Quantity of Orange available at Vendor A = 2400 × 20/100 = 480kg
Quantity of Apple available at Vendor B = 2000 × 14/100 = 280 kg
So, required percentage = (480 - 280)/280 * 100 = 71.43%

Qunat Quiz- RBi and IBPS PO 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 20, 2016 Dear Readers, Practice Quant Quiz for RBI Grade B officers exam and IBPS PO based on latest pattern.                                      ...

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