Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upcoming SBI PO/IBPS PO Exams was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for those exams can use this practice questions.
Directions (Q. 1-6): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of the input and its rearrangement:
Input: 70 family 53 parents 77 mother 60 father
Step I: 70 family 53 parents 60 father 77 mother
Step II: 70 family 53 parents 77 mother 60 father
Step III: 53 parents 77 mother 60 father 70 family
Step IV: 77 mother 60 father 70 family 53 parents
Step IV is the last step of the above input as the desired arrangement is obtained. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: 50 rule 98 audi 56 octavia 78 jaguar 85 pascal 81 renault
1).What is the position of ‘78’ in Step IV?
a) Eighth from the left
b) Sixth from the right
c) Second from the right
d) Fifth from the left
e) None of these
2).Which of the following steps would be the last but one?
a) Step III
b) Step V
c) Step VI
d) Step VII
e) None of these
3).If in Step V ‘81’ is related to ‘98’ and ‘renault’ is related to ‘audi’ in certain way. Following the same rule ‘octavia’ is related to which of the following?
a) jaguar
c) rule
e) None of these
4).Which step number is the following output? 98 audi 78 jaguar 81 renault 56 octavia 85 pascal 50 rule
a) Step IV
b) Step II
c) Step V
d) Step III
e) There is no such step
5).How many words&numbers are there between ‘renault’ and ‘rule’ in Step IV?
a) Two
b) One
c) Four
d) Six
e) None of these
6).If ‘61 credit 42 gun 26 just 21 the 92 join 37 now’ is Step III of an input, then which of the following would be the input?
a) 37 now 61 credit 92 join 42 gun 26 just 21 the
b) 21 the 37 now 92 join 26 just 42 gun 61 credit
c) 61 credit 42 gun 21 the 26 just 92 join 37 now
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these
Directions (Q. 7-10): A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule and generates stepwise outputs till the arrangement is complete following that rule. Following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement till the last step:
Input: send book 98 63 fate 13 glamour 37
Step I: book send 98 63 fate 13 glamour 37
Step II: book fate send 98 63 13 glamour 37
Step III: book fate 98 send 63 13 glamour 37
Step IV: book fate 98 63 send 13 glamour 37
Step V: book fate 98 63 glamour send 13 37
Step VI: book fate 98 63 glamour send 37 13
And step VI is the last step of the input. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out the answer to each of the questions given below.
7).Step III of an input is: “boy earn 84 toy 20 22 pour 40” Which of the following steps will be the last but one?
a) Step V
b) Step VI
c) Step VIII
d) Step VII
e) None of these
8).Step IV of an input is: “easy man 81 62 11 30 quite new” Which of the following will definitely be Step II of the output?
a) easy man 11 62 81 30 quite new
b) easy man new 81 62 11 30 quite
c) easy man quite new 81 11 62 30
d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these
9).Input: buy 46 62 abandon 12 28 amuse beware Which of the following is the Step III of the input?
a) abandon amuse 62 46 buy 12 28 beware
b) abandon amuse 62 46 buy beware 12 28
c) abandon amuse 62 46 buy beware 28 12
d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these
10).Input: boom honest 45 75 15 good 35 toy Which of the following steps will be the last step?
a) Step V
b) Step VI
c) Step IV
d) Step VII
e) None of these.
1)c 2)b 3)a 4)d 5)e 6)d 7)a 8)d 9)e 10)a
Directions (1-6):
The machine arranges the numbers according to digit-sum of each number in ascending order, and the arrangement starts from the right end. Also, the word on the immediate right of the number remains with it and after each rearrangement the number and word both move one place left.
Input: 50 rule 98 audi 56 octavia 78 jaguar 85 pascal 81 renault
Step I. 50 rule 98 audi 78 jaguar 85 pascal 81 renault 56 octavia
Step II. 50 rule 98 audi 78 jaguar 81 renault 56 octavia 85 pascal
Step III. 98 audi 78 jaguar 81 renault 56 octavia 85 pascal 50 rule
Step IV. 98 audi 81 renault 56 octavia 85 pascal 50 rule 78 jaguar
Step V. 81 renault 56 octavia 85 pascal 50 rule 78 jaguar 98 audi
Step VI. 56 octavia 85 pascal 50 rule 78 jaguar 98 audi 81 renault
Answer: c)
Answer: b)
Answer: a)
Answer: d)
Answer: e)
Answer: d)
Directions (7-10):
7).Step III: boy earn 84 toy 20 22 pour 40
Step IV: boy earn 84 40 toy 20 22 pour
Step V: boy earn 84 40 pour toy 20 22
Step VI: boy earn 84 40 pour toy 22 20
Since, step VI is the last step (because all elements of step III get arranged in step VI), step V is the required step (penultimate step or last but one).
Answer: a)
8).Since it is a case of ‘Arrangement’, previous steps can’t be obtained with certainty.
Answer: d)
9).Input: buy 46 62 abandon 12 28 amuse beware
Step I: abandon buy 46 62 12 28 amuse beware
Step II: abandon amuse buy 46 62 12 28 beware
Step III: abandon amuse 62 buy 46 12 28 beware
Answer: e)
10).Input: boom honest 45 75 15 good 35 toy
Step I: boom good honest 45 75 15 35 toy
Step II: boom good 75 honest 45 15 35 toy
Step III: boom good 75 45 honest 15 35 toy
Step IV: boom good 75 45 honest toy 15 35
Step V: boom good 75 45 honest toy 35 15
Answer: a)
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