Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - Reasoning Ability Scoring Part (Day-20)

July 5, 2017    

Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - Reasoning Ability Scoring Part (Day-1)
Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - Reasoning Ability Scoring Part (Day-20):
Dear Readers, Nowadays most of the aspirants are facing huge trouble to increase the overall marks. To score high you need to practice more and more standard questions daily. “Practice does not make perfect, Only Perfect Practice makes perfect”.

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A family of eight members are sitting around a circular table and all of them are facing towards the centre. There are four females and four males in the family. All of them have a favorite colour. There are two couples, one granddaughter, one grandson, two sisters and three brothers. The colours liked by them are — Green, Black, Blue, Brown, Silver, Pink, Red, White.
(i) D is sitting on the immediate right of E and his favorite colour is Green.
(ii) A, the female head of the family, is sitting third to the left of F and she likes Black colour. H and B are immediate neighbours of A.
(iii) F is the daughter-in-law of A and wife of B.
(iv) B is sitting third to the left of G and his favourite colour is Blue.
(v) D is the male head of the family and his daughter C is sitting on his immediate right.
(vi) F likes Brown colour and H, the only granddaughter of the family is sitting on the immediate left of G . Her favorite colour is Silver.
(vii) H is sitting on the immediate right of A.
(viii) The only grandson of the group is sitting on the immediate left of his mother and his favourite colour is Pink.
(ix) The one who likes Red sits second to the right of E.
1.Who is mother of G?

Answer: B)
2.Who is sister of E and what is her favourite colour?

2). Answer: D)
3. Which of the following is true about E?
3).Answer is: b)
4.Who is daughter of A and D and what is the colour liked by her?

4). Answer is: A)
5.What is the position of B with respect to H and what is the relationship between them?

Answer is: E)
Directions (6-10): Read the following passage carefully and answers the questions given below it.
Eight people – A, B, C, D, S, T, U and V are sitting in a straight line facing North. Each of them has passed a recruitment exam and must join the office in different States, viz Assam, Bihar, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Manipur, Mizoram and Odisha but not necessarily in the same order.
·         U sits third to the right of the person who joins in Haryana. The person who joins in Odisha sits second the right of U. Neither A nor S has joining in either Haryana or Odisha. A and S are immediate neighbours of each other. Neither A nor S is an immediate neighbour of U
·         V sits third to the right of the person whose joining in Assam. Neither A nor S has joining in Assam. V’s joining is not in Odisha.
·         Only two people sit between S and the person whose joining is in Mizoram. The person whose joining in Bihar sits on the immediate left of D.
·         Only one person sits between S and B. C sits before Who joins in Mizoram. S sits before Who joins in Gujarat. U sits After A.One who is joining in Manipur is not at the extreme end.
6.  In which of the following states does V join the office?


Answer is: D)

7. Who among the following sits exactly between S and B?
7). The person whose joining date is in Haryana
Answer is: A)
8.Which of the following is true regarding D?
8). Answer is: E)
9. How many people sit between C and the person whose joining in Gujarat?
Answer is: C)

10.Who among the following are sitting at the extreme ends of the line?
10).A and the person whose joining date is in Odisha.
Answer is: A)
Directions (11-15): Study the following carefully and answer the questions given below. Five persons P, Q, R, T and L are travelling in Shatabdi Express, but not necessary in the same order. Everybody has been allotted a berth in different coaches. The name of the berths are Lower Berth (LB), Middle Berth (MB), Side Lower (SL), Side Upper (SU) and Upper Berth (UB) but not necessarily in the same order. The names of the coaches are B5, B2, B3, B1 and B4 but not necessarily in the same order.
(i) T is travelling in an odd-numbered coach but not in B3. The person travelling in B2 has been allotted Side Upper Berth.
(ii) R is travelling in an odd-numbered coach and T has been allotted Side Lower Berth.
(iii) Q is travelling in an even-numbered coach.
(iv) The person travelling in B3 has been allotted Upper Berth and Q is not the person.
(v) The person travelling in B1 has been allotted LB but T is not the person.
(vi) L has been travelling in B2 and has been allotted Side Upper berth.
(vii) P is not travelling on an even-numbered coach and has been allotted Upper Berth
11.Who is travelling in B3?

Name of berth
Lower Berth
Side Upper
Upper Berth
Middle Berth
Side Lower

Answer: C)
12.Who is travelling in B1 and which berth has been allotted to him?
12). Answer is: D)
13. Which combination of person, coach and berth is not correctly matched?
13). Answer is: D)

14.Which of the following two passengers occupies the side berth?
14). Answer is: A)
15. Q is travelling in which of the following berth?
15). Answer: D)
Directions (Q. 16-20): In each question below are given statements followed by five conclusions numbered 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5). You have to assume everything in the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then find out which of the five given conclusions does not logically follow from the statements, disregarding commonly known facts.
16. Statements:
Some numbers are letters.
No letter is a vowel.
All vowels are words.
1) Some numbers are not vowels.
2) No vowel is a letter.
3) Some words are not letters.
4) Some numbers are words.
5) Some words are vowels.

16). Answer: D)
Some numbers are letters (I) + No letter is a vowel = I + E = O = Some numbers are not vowels. Hence conclusion 1) follows

All papers are pages.
Some pages are books.
All books are copies.
1) All papers being copies is a possibility.
2) Some papers are books.
3) Some copies are pages.
4) Some pages are papers.
5) All books being papers is a possibility.
17). Answer: B)
There is no negative statement. Thus the possibilities in 1) and 5) exist. Hence conclusion 1) and 5) both follow. All papers are pages (A) + Some pages are books (I) = A + I = No conclusion. Hence conclusion 2) does not follow. Some pages are books (I) + All books are copies (A) = I + A = I = Some pages are copies (I). Hence conclusion 3) follows. All papers are pages (A) conversion Some pages are papers (I). Hence conclusion 4) follows.
No cup is a glass.
Some glasses are bottles.
All bottles are caps.
1) Some glasses are caps.
2) Some bottles are not cups.
3) Some caps are cups.
4) Some caps are bottles.
5) No glass is a cup.

18). Answer: C)
Some glasses are bottles + All bottles are caps = I + A = I = Some glasses are caps. Hence I follows. No cup is a glass (E) conversion No glass is a cup (E). Hence conclusion 5) follows. No cup is a glass (E) + Some glasses are bottles (I) = E + I = O* = Some bottles are not cups (O*). Hence conclusion 2) follows. Some bottles are not cups (O*) + All bottles are caps (A) = O* + A = No conclusion. Hence conclusion 3) does not follow. All bottles are caps (A) conversion Some caps are bottles (I). Hence conclusion 4) follows.
All kicks are sticks.
No stick is a brick.
Some bricks are stones.
1) No kicks are bricks.
2) Some stones are not sticks.
3) Some stones are bricks.
4) All bricks being kicks is a possibility.
5) No brick is a stick.

19).Answer: D)
All kicks are sticks (A) + No stick is a brick (E) = A + E = E = No kick is a brick. Hence conclusion 1) follows. No stick is a brick (E) + Some bricks are stones (I) = E + I = O* = Some stones are not sticks. Hence conclusion 2) follows. Some bricks are stones (I) conversion Some stones are bricks (I). Hence conclusion 3) follows. 4) does not follow from conclusion 1). No stick is a brick (E) conversion No brick is a stick (E). Hence conclusion 5) follows.

20. Statements:
All birds are swans.
All swans are ducks.
Some ducks are parrots.
1) All birds being parrots is a possibility.
2) Some swans are parrots.
3) Some ducks being birds is a possibility.
4) Some swans are not parrots.
5) No swan is a bird

20). Answer: E)
There is no negative statement. Thus the possibilities in 1) and 3) exist. Hence conclusion 1) and 3) follow. All swans are ducks (A) + Some ducks are parrots

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Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - Reasoning Ability Scoring Part (Day-20) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 5, 2017 Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - Reasoning Ability Scoring Part (Day-20) : Dear Readers, Nowadays most of the aspirants are facing huge trouble to i...

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