Errors Spotting in English language - Part 2

July 1, 2016    

Directions :

In each of the following questions,find out which part of the sentence has no error. if there is no mistake, the answer is "No error'.
1. If you are great at ideas but not good at getting into (a) / the nitty gritty (b) / of things and  implementing them, then you work on a team (c)/ that has someone who can implement (d) / No error (e).
2. While initial reports indicate that the brand has  been (a) / well received  at the capital (b)/ it is still  too early to say how much of an impact (c) / it will have in the long run (d) / No error (e).
3. The single biggest gainer in this process (a) / was ITC's  Gold Flake Kings sales are estimated (b)/ to have moved  up from 50 million to 200 million sticks per month during 1987 and last year (c) / No error (d).
4. I have (a) /  to usually reach (b)/ the office by 9:30 A.M. (c) / No error (d).
5.The wheat (a) / on this land is (b) /  finer than last year (c) / No error (d).
6. The long -awaited moment  at last cme ,(a) /and  we set out for the station ,(b) /  as merry  as a band  of children  as I have ever  seen before or since (c) / No error  (d).
7. It is an established fact that the transcendental American poets  and philosophers ,(a)/ who lived in the latter half of the  nineteenth century ,(b) / were more influenced by Indian philosophy , in particular by Upanishadic philosophy (c) / no error (d).
8. wearing extremely fashionable clothes (a) / and surrounded by photographers  and pressmen,(b0 / she swept up to the microphone (c) / No error  (d).
9. Some leader feels (a) /  that the use of English language (b) / will hamper (c) / the progress of the nation (d) / No error (e).
10. Jack has a far more expensive (a) / and luxurious  appartment (b) /  than john's  (c) / No error (d).
11. None of the students attending your class (a) / answered  your questions (b) / idi they ? (c) / no error(d).
12. He was advised (a) /  to be more cautions (b) / lest he is robbed  again (c)  / No error  (d).
13. We have  helped  them not only (a) /  with money but also (b)/  with new machinery (c) / and raw material (d) / No error (e).
14. supposing if you (a) / are arrested  ,(b) /  what will you do ? (c) /  No error (d).
15. There are much inconveniences (a)/  that have to be put up with (b) / when you are camping (c) /  No error (d).

Solution :

(1)  Replace  'on' by 'in'
(2) 'will be having'
(3) "sales of which are estimated'
(4) No error
(5)  Replace ' year' by 'year's'
(6) Replace ' before or since' by  'since or before'
(7) Replace 'more' by 'much'
(8) No error
(9) The correct from is 'some leaders feel '
(10) Replace John's by 'John'
(11) Replace 'did they ?' by 'did any?'
(12) Replace 'is' by 'be'
(13)  No error
(14) Replace 'Supposing if' by 'In case'
(15) Replace 'much' by 'many'

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Errors Spotting in English language - Part 2 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 1, 2016 Directions : In each of the following questions,find out which part of the sentence has no error. if there is no mistake, the answer is ...

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