Error Spotting with Explanations for IBPS PO Exam - Part 22

September 28, 2016    

1. Some animals co-operate especially the social animals like bees and ants; (A)/ but human co-operation is more through, detailed, effective (B)/ than that found anywhere (C)/ in the animal kingdom. (D)/ No error/ (E). 
2. Such students (A)/ as have not paid the fees so far (B)/ should pay their fees (C)/ within the 20th of this month. (D)/ No error. (E)
3. The teacher advised the students (A)/ to work regularly (B)/ and hardly (C)/ if they wanted to pass the examination. (D)/ No error. (E)
4. Unless the Indian Cricket team (A)/ does not make extra efforts. (B)/ it will not be able (C)/ to defeat the Sri lankan team. (D)/ No error. (E)   

5. The chide face of (A)/ the child was enough to establish (B)/ that his father had (C)/ taken him to task. (D)/ No error. (E)

6. Only well thrive (A)/ people have (B)/ their say (C)/ in Indian politics. (D)/ No error. (E)

7. The teacher spoke (A)/ in such a low voice (B)/ as the students (C)/ could not hear him. (D)/ No error. (E)

8. The Candidates will be (A)/ selected (B)/  as they are (C)/ found fit. (D)/ No error. (E)

9. In my opinion (A)/ I think (B)/ there will be no advantage in giving up your present job (C)/ and entering business. (D)/ No error. (E)

10. We responded favourable (A)/ to the call of our leader (B)/ and started our work (C)/ immediately. (D)/ No error. (E)

11. After going (A)/ to my room. I sat down (B)/ contentedly (C)/ sometimes reading, but most of the time not doing nothing . (D)/ No error. (E)

12. These vegetables which are grown (A)/ here are (B) cheap in (C)/ cost and rich in vitamins. (D)/ No error. (E)

13. This year'e result (A)/ of the college (B)/ is a matter of shame (C)/ to all concerned. (D)/ No error. (E)

14. Chander Bhatia is in the habit of (A)/ hitting the nail (B)/ in the head of those who always (C)/ boast of their achievements (D)/ No error. (E)

15. It is bad (A)/ to be distrustful (B)/ of your (C)/ own child. (D)/ No error. (E)

16. Sushma is negligent (A)/ of her duty (B)/ but not neglectful of (C)/ her appearance. (D)/ No error. (E)

17. Whom (A)/ do you plan to invite (B)/ to your party besides (C)/ Mr. Rao and I? (D)/ No error. (E)

18. I object to (A)/ war not because it drains (B)/ economy but that (C)/ it seems inhuman. (D)/ No error. (E)

19. I was unhappy at the thought (A)/ that I could not (B)/ attend (C)/ Sachin's marriage tomorrow. (D)/ No error. (E)


1. (B) Write more detailed, more effective in place of detailed and effective. The correct sentence will be: "Some animals co-operate, especially the social animals like bees and ants; but human co-operation is more thorough, more detailed and more effective than that found anywhere in the animal kingdom."

2. (D) Write by in place of within. By in this sentence means not later than, So, the correct sentence will be : " Such students as have not paid the fees so far should pay their fees by the 20th of this month."

3. (C) Write hard in place of hardly in section (C) This change can be understood by knowing the meaning of hard and hardly:
Hard- With great effort or devotedly or laboriously.
Hardly- Almost nothing, scarcely.
The teacher advised the students to work with devotion So, the correct sentence will be:
" The teacher advised the students to work regularly and hard if they wanted to pass the examination."

4. (B) Write makes in place of does not make in section
(B). Unless is always used in the negative sense.
As such, any other negative cannot be used with it. So, the correct sentence will be:
"Unless the Indian Cricket team makes extra efforts, it will not be able to defeat the Sri Lankan team."   
5. (A) Write chidden face in place of chide face in section 
(A) The given sentence needs an adjective and not a verb. Chide is a verb which means to critize; to blame; to scold. Children is past participle of chide functioning as adjective. The given sentence refers to the position or quality of the face of the child after he had been chided So, the correct sentence will be:
" The chidden face of the child was enough to establish that his father had taken him to task."
Please note that chide which means to scold or criticize takes the following two courses when it moves from present tense to past tense and past participle:   

Present Past Past participle
(a) Chide Chid Chid or Chidden
(b) Chide Chided Chided

6. (A) Write thriven in place of thrive in section (A). The given sentence needs an adjective and not a verb. Thrive is a verb which means to prosper or flourish. The sentence refers to the persons who have already proposed. As such, we need and adjective which should tell the quality (of being prosperous) of those people. Thriven is past participle of verb thrive functioning as adjective. So, the correct sentence will be:
"Only well thriven people have their say in Indian politics."
7. (C) Write that in place of as in section (C). Such as and such that are used in different senses. Such as is used o convey the sense of like in the case of human beings. It precisely means, of a specified kind or of a specified degree.
Such that is used to convey the same sense fin the case of actions, etc. So, the correct sentence will be:
"The teacher spoke in such a low voice that the students could not hear him."
Mark the following examples:    
(a) Such poets as Mahadevi Verma and Sumitra Nandan Pant wrote wonderful poetry.
(b) Such authors as Chander Bhatia never write good books.
(c) He is not such a fool as he looks.
(d) The knot was fastened in such a way that it was impossible to undo it. 
It will be a blunder to use such as and as such in the same sense. As such gives the sense of so.
The given sentence refers to the degree of the voice of the teacher. Therefore. the correct sentence will be:
" The teacher spoke in such a low voice that the students could not hear him."
8. (C) Write if in place of as in section (C). The sentence prescribes a condition for selection. As such ,as which prescribes a reason cannot be used. So, the correct sentence will be:
" The candidates will be selected if they are found fit." 
9. (A) Use either section (A) or section (B) as both convey the same meaning. The correct sentence will be:
" In my opinion there will be no advantage in giving up your present job and entering business."
10. (A) Write favourably in place of favourable in section 
(A). Favourable means, giving or showing approval. Favourably means, in a favourable manner. the sentence refers to the manner in which the subject reacted to an action. So, the correct sentence will be:
" We responded favourably to the call of our leader and started our work immediately."
11. (D) Write anything in place of nothing in section (D). The correct sentence will be:
"After going to my room, I sat down contentedly sometimes reading, but most of the time not doing anything."
12. (C) Write low in place of cheap in section (C). When something is produced or manufactured, the money spent on it is called cost. Cost is either low or high. But when something has been marketed and the customers buy it, it is cheap or costly for them . So, the correct sentence will be:
"These vegetables which are grown here are low in cost and ricjh in vitamins." 
13. (A) Write the result of this year in place of this year's result in section (A). The correct sentence will be:
" The result of this year if the college is a matter of shame to all concerned.'
14. (C) Write on in place of in in section (C). To hit the nail on the head is an idiom which means, to express the truth precisely So, the correct sentence will be:
"Chander Bhatia is in the habit of hitting the nail on the head of those who always boast of their achievement."
15. (B) Write mistrustful in place of distrustful in section 
(B). Distrustful refers to being suspicious whereas mistrustful refers to having no confidence. The sentence conveys that it is bad to have no confidence in one's children. So, the correct sentence will be: "It is bad to be mistrustful of your own child."
16. (B) Write in in place of of in section (B).
The preposition in is used with negligent and not with neglectful. With neglectful, we always use of. Neglectful of means. being in the habit of neglecting things or people. So, the correct sentence will be: " Sushma is negligent in her duty but not neglectful of her appearance."
Note: Negligent in means, not giving proper attention or care to something."
Mark the following example:
(a) We found her negligent in her work.
(b) She is negligent in the discharge of her duties.
 However, some grammarians believe that even of can be used with negligent.
For examples: 
"Mohan was negligent of his duties."
 But, it does not mean that in can be used with neglectful.
17. (D) Write me in place of I in section (D). The sentence needed a possessive pronoun. So, the correct sentence will be:
" Whom do you plan to invite to your party besides Mr. Rao and me?"
18. (C) Write because in place of that in section (C). the correct sentence will be:
" I object to war not because it drains economy but because it seems inhuman."
Note: Drain in this sentence has a meaning different from its normal meaning Here, it means, weakens or destroys or wastes.
19. (D) Write yesterday in place of tomorrow in section (D). the mood of the sentence shows that the action of the subject took place in the past. As such, tomorrow which is an expression of the future time cannot be used with it. So, correct sentence will be:
" I was unhappy at the thought that I could not attend Sachin's marriage yesterday."
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Error Spotting with Explanations for IBPS PO Exam - Part 22 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 28, 2016 1. Some animals co-operate especially the social animals like bees and ants; (A)/ but human co-operation is more through, detailed, effe...

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