English Vocabulary in 365 Days - Lesson 30

July 22, 2016    

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Hello everyone, in our Lesson 29, we learnt about the prefix ForeFore represents the meanings before; in the front of. Today we shall see the prefix hetero. Happy Reading :)

Day 30 : Hetero

  • hetero - other; different
Let's try to understand this with some examples
  • heterodox (adjective) = not following the usual or accepted beliefs and opinions 
    • hetero - Root = other
    • dox (doxa) = opinion
  • heterosexual (noun) = a person who is sexually attracted to the people of opposite sex. 
    • hetero - Root = other
    • sexual (sexus) - Root = sex
Let's have a look at some more words with hetero prefixes, for better understanding.
  • heteromorphosis = growth of abnormal tissue
  • heterotaxy = abnormal disposition of organs or parts
  • heterogeneous : consisting of many different kinds of people or things 
  • heterodoxy = (of beliefs, ideas, or activities) different to and opposing generally accepted beliefs or standards
  • heteronyms = two or more words that have identical spellings but different meanings and pronunciations
  • heterotroph = an animal that can’t make its own food supply, so they have to eat other things, like plants or other animals, to survive
  • heterozygous = having two different forms of a gene (= part of a cell containing DNA information) that controls a particular characteristic, one inherited from each parent, and therefore able to pass on either form
Home Work :
Try to guess the meanings of the following elements.
  1. -aero
  2. -brevi
  3. -capit
  4. -aqua
a. short
Shraboni Chakraborty
Asstt. Professor
English and Foreign Languages University,

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English Vocabulary in 365 Days - Lesson 30 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 22, 2016 sponsored links Hello everyone, in our Lesson 29 , we learnt about the prefix Fore .  Fore represents the meanings before ; in the fron...

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