Daily Word-list from Newspapers (06-07-16)

July 6, 2016    

My dear friends,

In the present competitive scenario English plays a very important role in our day to day life. Thus it is essential to have a sound knowledge and understanding of English vocabulary. So here we are presenting you a list of 10 difficult words from today’s newspapers. This will help you to sail and score good marks in English Language section. We will provide Daily Word List on a regular basis.

Here is today’s list of words

1. Tercentenary – adjective– Pertaining to a period of 300 years– तीन सौवां साल

Synonyms  anniversary, biennial

E.g. – In 1909 a great celebration of the tercentenary was held in the United States.

2. Sonnet– noun–A poem of fourteen decasyllabic or octosyllabiclines expressing two successive phrases– गाथा 

Synonyms – ballad, lyric

E.g. – They introduced the sonnet and blank verse.

3. Ribaldadjective– Indulging in or manifesting coarse indecency or obscenity– नीच

Synonyms – indecent, devilish

Antonyms – sophisticated, chaste

E.g. – Because twelve-year-old Jenny wants to see a film with ribald humor, she must have a parent or guardian accompany her.

4. Mediocre– adjective–Ordinary– साधरण

Synonyms – inferior, uninspired

Antonyms – exceptional, unusual

E.g. – In spite of being a mediocre athlete at best, Dean had thrived on sports.

5. Unyoke– verb– To Separate खोलना

Synonyms – disconnect, split

Antonyms – blend, attach

E.g. – Being unyoked from the cart, he lay down, and showed, by every means of which he was capable, that he was in distress.

6. Reprehensible– adjective–Censurable– निन्दा

Synonyms – errant, guilty

Antonyms – respectable, creditable

E.g. – I mention these reprehensible actions to illustrate how language can divide us.

7. Natal– adjective– Pertaining to one’s birth– जन्म का

Synonyms – intrinsic, endemic

Antonyms – auxiliary, alien

E.g. – Land lines connect Natal with every part of South Africa and with Nyasaland and Ujiji.

8. Outlaw– noun– A habitual lawbreaker– डाकू

Synonyms – bandit, mobster

Antonyms – police, law

E.g. – He was still an outlaw according to imperial ideas.

9. Agrarian– adjective– Pertaining to land, especially agricultural land– कृषि प्रधान

Synonyms – undomesticated, uncultivated

Antonyms – countrified, agricultural

E.g. – Various laws have been passed to facilitate agrarian credit.

10. Papacy– noun– The official head of the Roman Catholic Church– पोप का पद 

Synonyms – vatican, papality

E.g. – After the short papacy of Benedict XI.



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Daily Word-list from Newspapers (06-07-16) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 6, 2016 My dear friends, In the present competitive scenario English plays a very important role in our day to day life. Thus it is essential to ha...

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