Banking Quiz

July 28, 2016    

1. Crossing denotes
(1) that the cheque will not be paid across the counter but will be credited to the account of the holder
(2) that the cheque cannot be transferred by the payee named therein
(3) that the cheque will be paid through clearing only
(4) a direction to the paying bank to make payment of the cheque through a bank
(5) none of the above

2. Who is primarily liable on a cheque?
(1) Drawee banker
(2) Drawer
(3) Payee
(4) Collecting banker
(5) none of the above

3. In the case of a demand draft
(1) Drawer, drawee and payee are the same
(2) Drawer, drawee and payee are different
(3) Drawer and drawee are the same but he payee is different
(4) Drawer and payee are the same but the drawee is different
(5) none of the above

4. Demand draft is a
(1) not negotiable instrument
(2) not transferable instrument
(3) negotiable instrument
(4) Quasi-negotiable instrument
(5) none of the above

5. The Kisan Credit Card Scheme is being implemented by all
(1) Public Sector Commercial Banks
(2) Regional Rural Banks
(3) State Cooperative Banks/DCCBs/PACS nad Scheduled Primary Cooperative Banks
(4) All of the above
(5) None of the above

 6. By crossing we mean :-
(1) two horizontal lines on a cheque
(2) one straight line across the cheque
(3) two lines across the cheque making ‘X’
(4) two transverse parallel lines on a cheque
(5) none of the above .

7. The following are main objectives of the SEBI :-
(1) to protect interest of investors
(2) to promote the development of security market
(3) to regulate the security market
(4) all of the above
(5) none of the above .

8. Capital market can be divided into:-
(1) industrial securities market
(2) gilt edged market
(3) personal securities market
(4) both 1 and 2
(5) none of the above .

9. Which of the following is correct statement in respect of debit cards :-
(1) Debit card facility is provided to those having savings bank account/current account accounts of individuals, firms and cooperates
(2) This facility is not extended to cash credit/loan account holders
(3) debit card is issued to all the persons who visit the branch
(4) 1 and 2
(5) all of the above .

10. What are the facilities available to the customers through ATM :-
(1) Cash withdrawal subject to a predetermined limit per day
(2) Cash deposit
(3) Balance enquiry
(4) details of certain number of transactions
(5) all of the above.

1. 4
2. 2
3. 3
4. 3
5. 4
6. 4
7. 4
8. 4
9. 4
10. 5

Banking Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 28, 2016 1. Crossing denotes (1) that the cheque will not be paid across the counter but will be credited to the account of the holder (2) that the...

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