Computer Quiz

February 17, 2016    

1. The hardware device commonly referred to as the brain of the computer is the ..........?
1. RAM chip
2. Data input
3. CPU
4. Secondary storage
Ans- 3

2. When the computer is working on given instructions, it is called .......?
1. output
2. storage
3. processing
4. input
Ans- 3

3. An input device that is used widely in supermarkets is ..........?
1. keyboard
2. Mouse
3. Trackball
4. Bar code reader

4. Java is an example of a .........?
1. machine language
2. assembly language
3. High level language
4. fouth generation language
Ans- 3

5. A byte is a collection of ..........?
1. four bits
2. six bits
3. Eight bits
4. Ten bits
Ans- 3

6. CD-ROM is an example of .........?
1. Input device
2. Output device
3. Both input & output device
4. Pointing device
Ans- 3

7. Computers gather data, which means that they allow users to....... data?
1. present
2. input
3. output
4. display
Ans- 2

8. The components that process data are located in the .........?
1. input devices
2. output devices
3. system unit
4. storage component
Ans- 3

9. .......... is a cross between human language and a programming language?
1. Pseudocode
2. Java
3. The Java Virtual Machine
4. The compiler
Ans- 1

10. Volatility is a property of ........?
1. computer networks
2. ROM
3. RAM
4. software
Ans-  3

Computer Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 17, 2016 1. The hardware device commonly referred to as the brain of the computer is the ..........? 1. RAM chip 2. Data input 3. CPU 4. Secondar...

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