Ques 1.
He abandoned his family .
(a) Pleased
(b) Encouraged
(d) Supported
Everybody called it a lavish party.
(a) Wasteful
(c) Expensive
(d) Pragmatism
The minister gave a public speech on the controversial subject to precipitate the matter
(c) Pull
The club meets on the last Thursday of every month in a dilapidated Palace.
(a) Neglected
(b) Regenerated
(c) Furnished
(d) Renovated
The principal Hardly managed to give the papers a cursory glance.
(a) Thorough
(b) Curious
(c) Superficial
(d) Reflective
Mohini was often teased as corpulent by her friends.
(a) Garrulous
(c) Belligerent
There are four chapters that are extraneous to the structure of the book.
(a) Important
(b) Needful
(c) Relevant
(d) Integral
The plantation workers were on a collision course before the labour officer intervened.
(a) Conciliatory
(b) Perfunctory
(c) Circuitous
(d) Retaliatory
He was in a Sulky disposition.
(a) Loving
(d) Cheerful
This is a trivial matter.
(b) Important
(c) Difficult
(d) Easy
This is not ideology but pragmatic language teaching.
(a) Imperfect
(b) Impossible
(c) Impractical
(d) Improper
There is an Obscure cave on the other side of the hill.
(a) Infamous
(b) Well-Known
(c) Admired
(d) Notorious
She detests government jobs.
(a) Adores
(b) Is interested in
(c) Approves of
(d) Is fond of
The habit of squandering money should not be encouraged .
(a) Hoarding
(b) Discarding
(c) Saving
(d) Collecting
All these measures will augment employment opportunities.
(a) Diminish
(b) Circumscribe
(c) Constrain
(d) Restrain
The chairman rebuked the accounts officers for not supervising the work of his coordinates .
(a) Awarded
(b) Invited
(c) Praised
(d) Received
1. (d) : Abandoned : Deserted, left . opposite meaning : Supported.
2. (d) : Lavish : Extravagant. opposite meaning : Frugal , economical
3. (a) : Precipitate : Hasty, indiscreet. Opposite meaning : Deliberate
4. (d) : Dilapidated : Shabby, Broken-down.opposite meaning : Reovated.
5. (a) : Cursory : Casual.
Opposite meaning : Thorough
6. (d) : Corpulent : Fat opposite meaning : Gaunt, thin
7. (d) : Extraneous : Non- essential. Opposite meaning : Integral , essential
8. (a) : Collision : Crash, impact , come into conflict. Opposite meaning : Conciliation , accommodating.
9. (d) : Sulky : Irritable. Opposite meaning : Cheerful
10. (b) : Trivial : Unimportant. Opposite meaning : Important.
11. (c) : Pragmatic : practical , Opposite meaning : Impractical ( not practical or worktable)
12. (b) : Obscure : Unknown . Opposite meaning : Well- known
13. (a) : Detests : Hates. Opposite meaning : Adores, Loves.
14. (c) : Squandering : Wastefulness. Opposite meaning :saving , thrift
15. (a) : Agument : Enlarge , increase . Opposite meaning : Diminish, Decrease
16. (c) : Rebuked : Scolded , find fault with . Opposite meaning : Praised.
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