Vocabulary Words - 23.06.2016

June 23, 2016    


Synonyms: filthy, soiled Antonyms: clean, spotless

Example Sentence: 

His white coat was grubby and stained.

2. GRUFF (ADJECTIVE): brusque or stern in manner or appearance

Synonyms: hoarse, rough Antonyms: kind, polite

Example Sentence: 

He picked up the phone expecting to hear the chairman's gruff voice.

3. BIZARRE (ADJECTIVE): very strange-looking

Synonyms: grotesque, queer Antonym: natural, normal

Example Sentence: 

We visited the principal church, also--a curious old structure, with a tower like spire adorned with all sorts of bizarre images.

4. HACKNEYED (ADJECTIVE): overfamiliar through overuse

Synonyms: trite, stale Antonyms: fresh, original

Example Sentence:

That's the old hackneyed phrase, but it's true.

5. SERENE (NOUN): calm and peaceful

Synonyms: happy, carefree Antonyms: stormy, turbulent

Example Sentence: 

It was all a far cry from those serene days in1990.

6. IMBIBE (VERB): absorb

Synonyms: accept, consume Antonym: reject, exclude

Example Sentence:

They were used to imbibing enormous quantities of alcohol.

7. IMMACULATE (ADJECTIVE): free from fault or error

Synonyms: spotless, unsoiled Antonyms: filthy, dirty

Example Sentence: 

My car's in absolutely immaculate condition.

8. IMPECUNIOUS (ADJECTIVE): having little or no money

Synonyms: penniless, penurious Antonyms: wealthy, affluent

Example Sentence:

Back in the eighties he was an impecunious, would-be racing driver. 

9. INDICT (VERB): To accuse of wrongdoing or criticize severely

Synonyms: charge, arraign Antonyms: acquit, free

Example sentence: 

He was later indicted on corruption charges.

10. INNOCUOUS (ADJECTIVE): having no adverse effect

Synonyms: aiding, helpful Antonyms: harmful, dangerous 

Example Sentence: 

This drug was at first mistakenly thought to be innocuous.

Vocabulary Words - 23.06.2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 23, 2016 1. GRUBBY (ADJECTIVE): dirty Synonyms: filthy, soiled Antonyms: clean, spotless Example Sentence:  His white coat was grubby and ...

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