Geography Quiz for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, Railways and CHSL

June 2, 2016    

For the first time SSC CPO 2016 examination will be held in Computer Based pattern and managing time will be one of the important factor while solving the questions. So in order to make students familiar with such a situations we are providing questions in a time based manner , which will help students to manage the time properly.

1.Which anong of the following are broadly divided into four major sub-divisions of the Ocean basins ? (i) Continental shelf 
(ii) Continental slope
(iii) Abyssal plains and 
(iv) The ocean deeps.
(i) and (iv)
(ii),(iii)and (iv)
(i) and (ii)
All of the above

2.What are the two different ways in which Corrasion takes place ? 
(i) Lateral Corrasion 
(ii) Vertical Corrasion
(i) only

3.The sideways erosion which widens the river valley called ?
Lateral Corrasion
Vertical Corrasion
Side Corrasion
Mean Corrasion

4. The downward erosion which deepens the river valley called ?
Lateral Corrasion
Vertical Corrasion
Side Corrasion
Mean Corrasion

5.The holding-up of small particles like sand, silt and mud by the water as the stream flows is called ?

6.Hot Spring are generally occurs in areas of ?
active or past vulcanism
active or recent vulcanism
inactive or recent vulcanism
None of these

7.What are sink holes ?
The funnel-shaped depressions in limestone regions are called sink holes.
Cyclindrical shape tubes lying underneath the sink holes are called sink holes.
The Arrow-shaped depressions in limestone regions are called sink holes
The plain depressions in limestone regions are called sink holes

8.What are stalactites?
Solid conical depositional features hanging from the cavern’s roofs are called stalactites
Broad conical pillars developing on the floor of the caverns in limestone regions are called stalactites
Narrow conical pillars developing on the floor of the caverns in limestone regions are called stalactites
None of the above

9.The level below which the water table never falls is called ?
Temporary Water Table
Normal Water Table
The permanent water table
None of the above

10. Which among are the functions of a river.
 (i) erosion 
 (ii) transportation 
(iii) only
(i) and (ii)
(i),(ii) and (iii)
None of the above


Geography Quiz for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, Railways and CHSL 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 2, 2016 For the first time SSC CPO 2016 examination will be held in Computer Based pattern and managing time will be one of the important factor wh...

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