Science Quiz Based on NCERT

March 2, 2016    

‘Magnets’ and ‘Water’

1. In a bar magnet, magnetic power is
A. more in the middle of the magnet
B. more at both ends of the magnet
C. is same through the magnet
D. none of these

2. Which of the following action will NOT make a magnet loose its magnetic properties?
A. Hammer a magnet
B. Heat a magnet
C. Drop a magnet from height
D. Pass Electric current from a current

3. Usually the North Pole of a magnetic needle is painted ______.
A. red
B. blue
C. black
D. green

4. According to Law of Magnets ,"Unlike poles ________ each other and like poles _______ each other".
A. attract, attract
B. repel, attract
C. attract, repel
D. repel, repel

5. A bar magnet is immersed in a heap of iron filings and pulled out. The amount of iron filling clinging to the
A. North Pole is much less than the south pole
B. North Pole is almost equal to the south pole
C. Magnet will be same all along its length.
D. North pole is much more than the south pole

6. Which of the following statement is NOT true?
A. A ball magnet does not have south pole
B. Electromagnet Trains do not have wheels
C. North Pole attracts South Pole
D. Natural magnets do not have definite shape.

7. The process of falling down of water in the form of rain, snow or hail is called _________.
A. sublimation
B. condensation
C. evaporation
D. precipitation

8. How much water is lost approximately through transpiration by wheat plants that give us one kilogram of wheat?
A. 500 litres
B. 5000 litres
C. 5 litres
D. 50 litres

9. Oceans and seas cover _______ of the earth.
A. one third
B. two third
C. half
D. three fourth

10.The water fit for drinking is called _______.
A. rain water
B. potable water
C. river water
D. ground water

Answers will be updated soon...

Science Quiz Based on NCERT 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 2, 2016 ‘Magnets’ and ‘Water’ 1. In a bar magnet, magnetic power is A. more in the middle of the magnet B. more at both ends of the magnet...

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